A Comparative Research on The Three Sections of The Thirteen Colonies: The New England, Middle, and Southern Colonies

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A Comparative Research on The Three Sections of The Thirteen Colonies: The New England, Middle, and Southern Colonies

The Thirteen colonies was a new world for oppressed people to go for new opportunities for a better life. The thirteen colonies are seperated into three different sections: the New England, Middle, and Southern colonies.These colonies might have been vastly different, but they actually do have some similarities. The New England Colonies were located in the north parts of the thirteen colonies. Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maine, and New Hampshire were apart of the New England Colonies. On June 12th, 1630, eleven pilgrim ships arrived in Massachusetts, led by the Arbella. It arrived with 700 Puritans. The Puritan faith are identified with Massachusetts Bay Colony.

The Puritans sailed to the new world to escape the english church. They were influenced to totally reform and purify the Church of England. The main export of these colonies were fur, timber, and fish. In 1633, Puritans from Plymouth moved to Connecticut River Valley. Some Puritans pushed further west and in 1662, Connecticut was given a royal charter. In 1622, the Council for New England granted new land for settlement, New Hampshire and Maine. The main export for the New England colonies were timber, fur, and fish. The relationship between the New England colonists was extremely volatile. From 1637 to 1638, the Pequot War was fought and the Pequot Nation was defeated and dissolved. New England colonists expanded west, encroaching on land belonging to the Wampanoag Tribe. The colonists even tried to christianize them. In June, 1675, they attacked New England farms. King Philips War began. Eventually, Wampanoags were worn down by heavy casualties, losses of food and supplies. Colonists expanded further west and could easily control remaining Wampanoag natives.

The Middle Colonies were in the middle of the the thirteen colonies. Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, and Delaware were apart of the the middle colonies.There was quite a large residencies from different parts of Europe in the middle colonies. In 1609, The Dutch East India Company with captain Henry Hudson sailed into Delaware and New York Bay was claimed the area for Holland (Netherlands). In 1610, a fur trading post was established on Manhattan Island called New Amsterdam. In 1626, Peter Minuit led the Dutch Colony in Manhattan. In 1638, the Swedes established a trading post of their own.

In 1681, William Penn was given a land grant in honor of his late father, who died in 1670, during the British Civil War. Pennsylvania named after his father  means Penns Woods. William Penn was a quaker and so, of course, pennsylvania was inherenitly a quaker colony. Pennsylvania had lots of land and fertile soil. Quakers had good relations with Indians and walked freely in their villages. Scotch-Irish and Germans mainly migrated to Pennsylvania. In 1704, Delaware chose its own separate assembly. Most of these people were refugees seeking new land, freedom from religious oppression, and new opptunities for a better life. Religon in the middle colonies were intermingled, because of the various people from different countries carligons into America. The main export for the middle colonies was wheat.

The Southern Colonies were Georgia, Virginia, Maryland, North and South Carolina colonies. On May 6th, 1607, The Virginia company landed on American east coast in the Chesapeake Bay region. Virgina was a haven for anglicans. In 1634, Maryland was founded by Cecilius Calvert. Maryland was founded originally for persecuted Catholics and Protestants. In 1649, Maryland issued the Act of Toleration. It guaranteed religious toleration to all Christians, but decreeded the death penalty to anyone who denied the divinity of Jesus Christ. Carolina was made up of two different settlements; In late 1650s Northern part was settled by people from Virginirying their rea and in 1669 , the area of South Carolina had first colonists arrive from Barbados. In 1670, Carolina became a royal colony.

In 1732, King George II gave land to James Oglethorpe, who named it after King George II. A year later, Georgia became a royal colony. The southern colonies were plantations colonies. Their main exports were tobacco, rice, and indigo. Indentured servants and slavery provided most of the labor for these planations. The relationship between the colonist and native americans were a mix of volatile and mutually beneificial.

These colonies are almost polar opposites, but they do have some similarities between them. The All the colonies had one big religious group that had a big influence over the colonies: Puritans, Quakers, and Anglicans. Religious freedom was a common theme for all the colonists to come to America. It may not have been the defining reason for every colonists to come to America, but it was one reason of a list to do so. All colonies had slaves or indentured servants. The Middle Colonies were semi-industrial and semi-agricultral, but shared the agricultural part with the southern colonies. The New England and some Southern Colonies had a type of volatile relationship with the natives, but the Middle Colonies and some Southern Colonies also shared a mutually beneficial relationship with the natives.

The New England, Middle, and Southern colonies had multiple differnces, but multiple similarities. The main differences were where they were settled, who they were and their purpose for settling. The main similarites were religous freedom and slavery/indentured servants. The New England, Middle, and Southern colonies had their differences, but they also had their similarities.

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