Essay on Value of Time


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Essay on Value of Time

Hello everyone, my name is Dhruv Rajput. Today Im going to speak a few words on the importance of time management.

We all have been taught about the importance of time from our childhood. As we grow up we might lose some of that knowledge but end up retaining the majority of the given values. We realize the importance of time in our day-to-day experiences. For example, we as students realize the value of each minute while appearing for an examination. Every minute, every second is precious to us. Daily travelers, can miss their trains or buses even if they are late by a few seconds. They understand the importance of each second. We may not understand the importance of bigger time spans like a year or months. However, people who work on large infrastructure projects have an idea about the importance of a year.

So most of us do understand the importance of time but fail to imply it in our day-to-day schedule. Most students these days just work hard during their submissions or exams and the waste majority of their academic year doing unproductive activities.

One way to keep track of our time is to plan ahead of our schedule and work according to the timetable. The timetable helps to determine the waste of time doing unproductive activities. One important thing while preparing a timetable is to plan activities that do not clash with your work. For example, we should not plan any other activities during our college hours.

We all may have prepared a timetable at some point in our life but following the timetable is the part that most of us skip after a few days. One way to avoid skipping your planned schedule is to create a flexible timetable. We should not restrict ourselves to strict timings. We should accommodate extra time for each and every activity. For example, if you are planning to study from 9 pm  10 pm, you should not skip the entire session if you are late by a couple of minutes. Take your time and focus on the topic, not on the time. You can extend your sitting for a few extra minutes for covering the remaining topics. Adding a few additional minutes to a session is a lot better than completely avoiding it. Maintaining a correct balance of work, rest, and hobbies in your timetable is the key to improving your lifestyle. Thus a timetable helps in completing these tasks in a limited time and provides extra time to develop yourself. While dividing 24 hours according to our requirements you need to consider giving yourself a considerable amount of rest period and time to develop yourself along with your studies.

If you see someone who is more productive than you, you need to find a way to manage your time more efficiently. Working in a limited time span helps to improve our decision-making skills. Spot decision-making usually puts people under stress and can lead to wrong decisions. Thus working in such conditions makes us habitual to tackle such situations and overcome stress. Working ahead of your time opens new opportunities and the more you learn the more valuable you are to society working ahead of time also helps to remain calm even if you have an event that can disturb your timetable. The extra time we get helps to avoid mugging up work. Even when we avoid sitting in lectures and making notes for some period we start mugging up all the work and finishing this at the last moment can be really stressful. Even I used to ignore the tests and assignments given by the teachers in my school. I had to spend many sleepless nights to complete my books and the end result was far away from what I expected. Thus self-discipline and sticking up with your timetable is very crucial to avoid such mistakes. We all must have gone through such events in our life at some point but overcoming and learning from those mistakes helps us get a better idea of the importance of time.

Dividing 24 hours into three 8-hour slots is a well-known method to make timetables. Give yourself 8 hours of rest, 8 hours for work, and rest 8 hours for your family, hobbies, and health. Usually, the third slot is divided into 3 3, 3, and 2-hour slots. 2 hours to work on your physique, 3 hours to develop your hobbies, and 3 hours for your friends and family. Building your timetable around this will help you to achieve a less hectic and stressful life. This might not work for all people as they require more time to work nut even they should try to adjust the time for their rest and health in their day to day life.

Building a timetable is not a big issue. It hardly requires 20 min to half an hour. But you need to give at least a couple of days to get habitual to the timetable. Following it for a few days doesnt guarantee that you will follow it in the upcoming days. Its your own will and desire that helps you to stick with a plan. One of the most effective ways to get habitual to a plan is to follow it for at least 21 days. I found out about this during my SSB interview where the interviewing officer told us to learn new hobbies. In the end, he said that it takes 21 days to build a hobby and 90 days to build a lifestyle. No skipping, no giving up, no matter how painful or stressful it is you have to follow it. You must have also heard about this in the web series names Kota factory. The series which shows the life of an IIT aspirant living in Kota also highlights this technique in which he sits for 6 hours straight in preparation for an entrance exam. In the beginning, it may seem to be a bit difficult but doing it consistently helps to build a routine that helps to manage time more efficiently. So instead of sitting for a few minutes studying at random times, sit for sessions of 1-2 hours depending upon your capacity. Not only it helps to save time but also improves your sitting capacity which is beneficial to face the last moment pressure during the examination period. Everyone has the same number of hours but it may seem that some people get more out of them. Its the result of their time management skills that they are able to utilize their time for maximum productivity. Time management is a skill we all need to master. We do understand a few bits of it but it is important to improve them. Theres nothing worse than spending a day completely idle and unproductive and following a schedule will definitely help you to overcome that.

Its a humble request to at least try making a timetable as soon as possible. Believe me, you will be more efficient, energetic, and more successful if you understand the importance of time.

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