Euthanasia in Animal Shelters: Debate Essay

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Euthanasia in Animal Shelters: Debate Essay

To kill or not to kill has been a raising topic regarding the fair right of animals and humans to live. No doubt that most viewers know the term animal euthanasia: the act of putting an animal to death or allowing it to die with extreme medical measures. Euthanasia literally means good death, delivered by an intravenous injection of sodium pentobarbital. (Peta) Due to overcrowded animal shelters, not enough rooms can be provided for thousands of abandoned animals. Yet stray animals get transferred to other places. If not, they may die of starvation, car hits, or infection. Euthanasia used to be a way to end illness suddenly and then lead to permanent rest in peace. Today, euthanasia has become a representative of mass-murdering cats and dogs, while not each of them is lucky enough to get adopted into homes. To say the truth, animals are not ours, we humans have no right to decide their life or death. The overwhelming animal euthanasia issue has a negative effect on animals and first-line operators, so it should be banned and the related policy changed.

Approximately 6.5 million animals are handled by animal shelters in the U.S. nationwide each year. (Pet statics, ASPCA) Nearly 4 million unwanted dogs and cats are left with nowhere to go, although some have been reclaimed or adopted. This is why euthanasia exists in order to make the remaining animal die in a safe way. Unfortunately, some unworthy animal shelters use unofficially medical or poisoning methods, such as gunshots or poisoning chambers. Bullets dont aim at the vital part as the head, yet some animals got shot again and again after the first one. (Peta) Also, the outdated poison chamber doesnt lead to sudden death, so the trauma of animals watching their similarities suffer while they slowly die. Animals are actually suffering from high-pressure and stressful deaths. (Peta) Think about this, do we treat humans the same way even though our world is overpopulated? Animal euthanasia is an inhumane way to solve stray animal issues, but a solution cures the symptom, not the disease.

According to research, killing in the long term period causes negative mental effects on the first-line operators in animal shelters. Most first-line operators in the animal-related occupation were ambitious to help animals and end up in an assembly line of killing cats and dogs. The reverse of the ideal mostly cost moral stress to those who care a lot about the animals. Its anguish to see the pets jumping in front of you who might die days after. Physical and mental distress onset of psychogenic afflictions such as asthma and irritable bowel, substance abuse, alienation from family, and job dissatisfaction. (Peta) A once and for all solution is the necessity to cease the dead circulation. The key point is to stop the infinite breeding of stray animals. Spay and neutering are affordable simple surgeries that can prevent those little lives not being blessed to be born into this world and then getting harmed. To give direct data that spaying and neutering can make a big change: one unaltered female dog and her offspring can produce 67,000 puppies in only six years. (Peta) Spaying one animal can avoid producing millions of babies to struggle on surviving, then why not?

Animal euthanasia advocates are doubting that stray dogs are attacking humans on the streets and causing the risk of getting hurt. Those advocates consider there is a very significant health risk, rabies is spreading through dog bites which threaten innocent residents. While in fact, that is a wrong opinion. Actually, most stray animals have been in hunger and physiologically under pressure and panic. Animals offend since they feel danger from our actions and body language. Since passing by them is a hazard in our minds, exaggerated motions are often shown. This is the main reason that ends up getting an attack. Dont think that all animals assault people because of those single cases. What we should really practice is closing down puppy mills and legislating acts to protect animals. Puppy mills are such a severe issue, cruelty, and dark machine multiplicate puppies. The dogs behind the shop windows look adorable and heart-melting, right? Whereas their parents were left unknown breeding offspring in cages lack of water and food. (ASPCA) Consequently, if you love them dont abandon them. Adopt instead of purchasing pets. Complaining about why stray animals are in mass numbers wont make any changes, though do some practical acts to advocate not to discard every single life can.

Animals should live in peace and protection. Not an environment fulfills with meanness. Animal euthanasia is neither human nor ethical. The urgent task is to give them space to live Even if you might still stand biased toward animals, however, please give them basic respect as you saw their broken soul and body.

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