Fidel Castro Effective Leader

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Fidel Castro Effective Leader

Cuba was originally an Indigenous country. In 1492 October 28th a man named Christopher Columbus found and settled Cuba. After the settlement, Cuba began to become a main resource of tobacco then became slavery for the Cubans. Cuba became ruled by Spain at the time. In the late 19th century America and Spain fought for Country Spain began to withdraw from Cuba till Fulgencio Batista became the Cuban President(1940-1959). Batista’s presidential role was significant but then was later on taken over by Fidel Castro. In 1953 the conflict after then began to spread in Cuba as the rebellion began to form by 2 leaders Fidel Castro and Che Guevara. The 2 leaders began their rise towards president Batista. While using guerrilla warfare Castro succeeded in his rise to the presidential role. Castro then began to use his power to use towards his country beginning to make it a communistic country.

Fidel Castro was born in 1926 13th of August. He was born in Cuba Biran at the age of 14 he attended Universidad de la Habana as he was into political studies. He then graduated and became interested in the rebellion he felt that the original president need to be overthrown Castro lead a failed attack again Batistas forces. Castro was sentenced 1 year after the sentence and then went to Mexico to then again plan to overthrow Batista again Castro then began his rise by getting help from other high people such as Che Guevara and also help from south Africa on the urge to overpower Batista’s military forces by using Guerilla warfare. In 1959 Castro succeeded in his rise to become president and then showed his presidential power by defending US forces that did not want him in power this event was called The bay of pigs invasion After then Castro had then used his power to make Cuba a communist nation while also allying himself with the Soviet Union. This then lead to The Cuban Missile Crisis As Russia had made nuclear missiles on Cuban land. The communist country was run under strict rules and Castro had implied on making these rules with serious consequences. The Cuban people were not too happy with these changes that Castro had made. Most people referred to him as a dictator he many people had attempted to flee Cuba as they did not want to live there anymore and would prefer to live in the US because it was the closest and safest play to go from Cuba.

Castro believed he was politically correct for his decisions he had planned to make the country communist for many years. The Rumours were that Castro had made the country communistic for his presidential state to be confirmed as in he did not want any other people to overrun his dictatorship. (‘The plan was to kill him any type of way we could … we would have strangled him if we had to.’ A Cuban exile on Castro’s trip to the Dominican Republic in August 1998) The Dominican Republic has shown that people had attempted to assassinate Castro in every possible way. The Dominican Republic uses exaggeration to show how desperate people were to get rid of Castro. Castro had tried to make plans for Cuba to be a good place but once the people were getting harsh punished for these strict new laws the people in Cuba and outside noticed this and became he became quite clear that he was not running Cuba in the right direction. Although Cuba has been heard as a place that people were fleeing from other perspectives Cuba has been noted as a successful place in the economy with some statistics of 11 billion each year for Healthcare and professional funds. This shows that income of the average range for the average bill in Cuba. There are over 50000 Cuban doctors which work overseas in 67 countries army of white (Time magazine). By the statistics of these doctors, the Cuban educational range would be satisfactory for all kids as they have the right to free education and Universal healthcare. Cuban kids now have a chance in becoming wealthy and successful themselves. Castro had implied to have good health care for his country for the sake of a good and fair country The universal healthcare and free education were two big investments of the revolution(Mark Keller Time Magazine). Castro in 1961 was targeted by US forces several times. This attack was called the Bay of Pigs invasion helped by Cuban exiles. This attack led by John F Kennedy the US president at the current time was unsuccessful as Castros forces were ready for the attempt of the US to attack him. Castro had made the country communistic after the Bay of Pigs attempt he then began to ally himself with Russia at the time. Russia had plans of developing Nuclear Weapons such as missiles this was called the Cuban Missile Crisis. This affected the US at the time as they had been allied with Russia and wanted to attack Russias new ally Cuba. Castro’s power was not questioned by his people, not because they trusted him he had made the country communistic this was affecting the people as they could not speak out for themselves which then became an issue for Castro as he was seen that he was unfair to his people in the mind of the US.

In 1958, one year before Castro had defeated Batista and become the president Castro had gone to Mexico for a small group when then led to the Cuban revolution. Castro made his rebellion to attack western Cuba against Spanish troops as well. Castro and his rebellion were using guerrilla warfare this type of warfare was strategies to take out Spanish and Cuban troops without as many men. This warfare was extremely successful for Castro as they began to take over the country in 1958 December Batista was not in command of his country. Cuba at the time was unsure of Castros appearance in political forms as he was just a leader of a rebellion at the time. But then Castro began to apply some new laws to Cuba and planned to make it a better country. The allied with Spain had not continued as Castro did not require them. 1959 April Castro had requested some financial help from the US for army troops the US declined his offer. At this time the US socially did not like Castro they did not think he was politically ready for his role as president. Castro was not seen as a president in the US mind they saw him much of a dictator. This became an issue for Castro as John F Kennedy did not want him as a president. Kennedy had no other option to resolve an attack. People in Cuba had known about this and were concerned but Castro forces had fought them off. Castro had shown that his leadership role is serious and to make rule his country I believe that he had made his country communistic for the people’s sake and for his own people.

Fidel Castro had a huge impact on Cuba through his political career and during the Cuban revolution. Castro had been a targeted man from many countries including Cuba this was very hard for him as there were many attempts to assassinate him such as poisoning his cigar which were all failed attempts. Castros role as a communist leader was quite clear that he was in power he wanted to show his power by having those strict laws. The strict laws had strong consequences for the Cuban people which then was an issue for them as they felt they were put in a giant prison. Castro made an attempt to better his country By giving back with healthcare and education funds. The Cuban people were also not happy with the  Cuban Missile Crisis This affected Cuban people and they did not want Russian nuclear missiles because they had no say in this decision this impacted people in a negative way as Cuban people attempted to flee the country to head to the US. The Cuban Missile Crisis was not the only impact the consequences of Castro were very severe such as being beaten repeatedly. Castro had implied having a communistic country in a good approach but did not get the response he wanted. Cuban law would change social life in Cuba which again impacted the people negatively. Castro had known once his presidential role would be over that his brother Raul Castro would take over and continue.

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