Impacts of Facebook Addiction on Student Academic Performance

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Impacts of Facebook Addiction on Student Academic Performance

Executive Summary

Although some research has shown a negative relation between Facebook and academic performance more recent research suggest that this relation is likely caused by excessive use of facebook.

This study examine the time spent with facebook.As well as the activities students engage on in the site. Facebook is a tool designed basically to communicate with the other but in recent study it is found that they all are using as the time wasting and spend their all energy and power in trolling on facebook with no need.Variables identified are time spent on facebook,addiction to facebook and academic performance.Furthermore, a multiple linear regression was carried out to determine the relative contribution of addiction to Facebook and time spent on Facebook to students academic performance.Finding of this study shows that time spent on it and addiction to it negatively and significantly affects students performance.


Facebook is the most popular and most recognized social networking site for communication and interaction .It has over 500 million active users every month.Mark Zuckerberg founded the site on February,2004 to connect the Harvard university students and then later on this whole site widened and hundred of thousands of people joined it .

Facebook is a free social networking site and a fast growing ,It has alot of features such as photos,wall post and status updates.One can share his her photos, video ,send messages and keep in touch with friends and family .promote the business by creating page.One can use facebook live where he can stream live vidoes.One can like comment share poke and poke back .Facebook have online games.we can make new friends on this platform by sending friend requests .The wall isa space where we can share videos and new posts ,its visible to just those to whom we want and that we can do from the setting of facebook .then there is another feature which is tagging .Tagging is basically putting the names of a user and it will automatically appear on his news feed. Facebook is used by massives but university students are the biggest fans amongst all.results of one the reports shows us that 94% of college and university students spends 90 minutes online each day communicating with their friend and families.

This social network is generating billion of dollars and helping to contact relative who are far away in fraction of second but it has got adverse impact also on the student performance and health and personal relationships

Problem statement

Popularity of networking sites began in later part of last decade mostly because of school and university students.Globally currently it is been used by many people to connect with each other.Its rapid growth is reached to such extent that it has attracted many people all across including students and they have completely forgotten their purpose and aims.According to research it has affected students academic performance negatively.They are easily attracted to these social media sites and basically waste their time using it.

These website disables students and have negative impact on their academic performance by interrupting them from learning process.It not only do this but have adverse effect on student health and have strong effect on them both physically and mentally.With overdose of usage of this student become and inherit psychological disorders.This situation is very worryingsome and many developed countries are working on its causes and trying to identify the gaps and trying to eradicate it.


There are positive and negative impacts of Facebook on our lives.Talking about positive impacts it includes interaction with the friends and families and improving the relationships between family.The negative impacts are poor academic performance health and personal relationships .According to the research teens who are using facebook frequently may develop fascination with oneself and of these are not the character traits which are desirable for the child.Psychological disorders are also been observed in the teenagers due to the overdose of technology daily .teens are becoming anti social in real life and developing aggressive tendencies which can be very dangerous .As students are wasting more of their time on facebook their communication with the people in real life has decreased and depression and loneliness is prevailing or increasing .The excessive use of facebook is resulting in lower self esteem in students .they compare themselves with others who are posting picture and videos on facebook and feels insure and they are not satisfied with theirs lives .if your self esteem is low and you are not happy with the things around you .The facebook could worse your self esteem resulting in sleep disturbances muscle tension and anxiety . physical activity and the social hobbies has been affected badly.Excessive use of facebook leads to the mental health and and the physical health both .According to one of the findings 98% students have their facebook accounts with 26 %students spending 3 hours per day on the facebook and due this students skip their meals and their sleep .negative health issues are prevailing which includes eye strain reduction of energy levels back pains .students who are wasting their time on facebook are basically living in their own virtual world which is becoming the main cause of addiction disorder . this disorder keeps the students away from the real life relations and causes troubles in their career building .

Academic performance is basically how the students manage or deal with their studies and how well they complete different tasks given to them by their teachers.In the last few span the facebook usage has increased alot .students are more eager towards facebook rather than paying attention to their studies .these site are harming society and students are becoming its prey as when they are studying online they easily get attracted to just get out of the boredom and they forgot why they are using the internet .the misuse of the facebook leads to the destructive effects on their health making them unenthusiastic towards people in real life and gets isolated .some of the research shows that students who spends most of the time on facebook are those with the lower GPAs and they cannot concentrate on their assignments and homework given to them by their teachers .The facebook users usually switches from their work to visit facebook profiles and ultimately spending much time there temporally disassociated from their main work which leads to the wastage of precious time and disaster .students who use facebook’s most of the time are chatting with unknown people and sharing every personal details which can badly affects them in their future also and they don’t realize that this valuable time is not going to come back .youth is giving most of their time to the facebook not realizing that their main focus should be their studies and career and this time which they are wasting can never come back .

Statistical Support

The research shows that the people and students of all kind are using the social media facebook twitter instagram and other are increasing with every increasing year. Comparing from the 2017 to 2019 a big change in the percentage of using of social media can easily be judged. With every year people are more attractive to the social media. From this the statistical support the major change of usage of social media is of facebook. Most of the students and people use facebook for daily chatting with the relative and friends. They change their preferences from facebook. They should have to encourage to the other medium and sites which will be more helpful than that. In this they are get addicted rather than getting any advantage. In which disadvantages are more than advantages. The addiction of any thing is not useful for anyone.

The percentage change in the following year is quite challenging for any economy where people are focus on the one medium rejecting all the other more helpful and advantaging platforms. They should have to encourage to other projects. Facebook is a tool designed basically to communicate with the other but in recent study it is found that they all are using as the time wasting and spend their all energy and power in trolling on facebook with no need.

The change also damage the academic performances of the students which they waste their important time on social media. They all have to encourage spending their time to read books and novels which should help also help in their daily academic performances. Impacts of facebook and other social media by every year as shown in graph and pie chart the other curricular activities and sports interests are also starts declining very rapidly. Which should also not a good report for any economy.

The following graph and chart are showing the percentage change of number of people preferences changing towards the social media. Their usage is increasing by every year.

Literature Review

This chapter present the gathered sources from different sources.These studies will be used as a guide and support to our research.It will let us know what are the effects that might affect students while extensively using social media and facebook.

Definition of Social Networks

Person to person communication destinations (SNS) are the most recent online specialized device that enables clients to make an open or private profile to collaborate with individuals in their systems (Boyd and Ellison, 2008). Facebook, MySpace, Orkut, Cyworld, Bebo, Twitter and other informal organization destinations are the best instances of SNs that enable people to introduce themselves to different clients utilizing an assortment of arrangements; including content, video and visit administrations. These locales have turned into an undeniably significant piece of youthful grown-up life (Gemmill and Peterson, 2006). In respect to the overall public, teenagers and youthful grown-ups are the heaviest PC and Internet clients, principally utilizing it for finishing school assignments (36%), email as well as texting (26%), and playing PC recreations (38%) (DeBell and Chapman, 2006). SNS consolidate a rundown of different clients with whom people share an association. In any case, not at all like some other web administration, SNS enable people to make obvious their rundown of associations with others and to navigate their informal organizations (Boyd and Ellison, 2007). Consequently, more than virtual Lessons from Facebook people group brought into the world on the web, SNS are typically online networks made and kept up to reflect disconnected connections.

SNS can be characterized as online administrations that enable people to build an open or semi-open profile inside a limited framework, articulate a rundown of different clients with whom they share an association, and view and navigate their rundown of associations and those made by others inside the framework (Boyd and Ellison, 2008, ). Facebook was made by Mark Zuckerberg to support private school and college understudies to distinguish understudies in other living arrangement lobbies. It is portrayed as ‘an online index that associates individuals through informal communities at schools and colleges’ (Zuckerberg, 2005). Sites, for example, MySpace and the more mainstream FB have a large number of enlisted clients, with FB turning into the overwhelmingly increasingly prevalent SNS (comScore, 2009; Gonzalez, 2009).


The age of 18-multi year old clients has been alluded to by numerous names  millennial, cutting edge, and most basically, age Y, a considerable lot of who are currently customary school matured grown-ups. This gathering of 18-multi year old clients has been delegated as computerized locals, an age who has never known a world without the Internet (Jones, Ramanau, Cross and Healing 2009). These youthful media customers are more associated than any past age, and they have a desire to remain that way in all parts of their lives.

A significant measurement to comprehend while assessing use inside this statistic is the wide exhibit of client identities taking part in internet based life discussions. Given the immense extent of clients in this age run, variety possesses large amounts of this tremendous computerized space. Among millennial understudies, for example, various accumulations of Internet-minority bunches exist as opposed to a homogenous gathering of age-confined clients (Jones et al. 2010), and the assortment of subgroups of millennial understudies utilize online life in an unexpected way. For instance, one subgroup may comprise of inconsistent clients of these advances, while another subgroup may utilize a couple of specific advances and a bigger subgroup may make broad and successive utilization of an assortment of the most recent innovations. Moreover, Palfrey and Gasser (2008) note that the general online practices that include these heterogeneous client types run the array from character investigation to media robbery or illicit downloading, excitement, and social activism  which are all showed through socially empowered media.


Few side effects and the symptoms of Facebook antagonistically on an understudy conduct and performance,one of the greatest impact is a lot of time on web. Another change found in understudies conduct is that they won’t invest the required energy in concentrates as they are gotten some information about the position they are on the diversions online,how numerous companions are there as their partners,scores records and so forth.

Over the top utilization of facebook, a well known informal community site, has significant positive and negative impacts on the academics, social associations, and health of the students in this study. With constrained academic advantages, extreme utilization of facebook may really expand the danger of facebook added additive behavior, bringing about less time spent on academics. It is essential to include the guardians of students, educational institutions, and the facebook expert, to work together on the best way to urge students to restrain internet based life use and convey attention to the results of unreasonable use, particularly among the student population.

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