King Louis XIV as One of the Most Prominent Figures in the History of France

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King Louis XIV as One of the Most Prominent Figures in the History of France

King Louis XIV of France was an extremely powerful individual and is the prime example of an absolute monarchy. King Louis is one of the most prominent figures when thinking about the French monarchy as under his rule France was considered a global superpower at the time. Being appointed the throne at only 5 years old after the death of King Louis XIII his mother became his regent until he was old enough to rule France himself. Due to being appointed the throne so early Louis the XIV believe that it was his god given right to rule and though that no one had any right to dispute that fact. An early indicator of how powerful he would become was when Louis first began his rule and immediately continued his predecessors work. Which involved the creation of a much more centralized government so that those of higher standing in the government would hold much more power.

One of King Louis XIV most successful plan to not only gain power but also pacify nobility was the Palace of Versailles. King Louis converted a hunting lodge on the edge of Paris into one of the most spectacular sites of its day. During his reign King Louis turned Versailles in to a full-time royal residence. It became a place where those of high or noble standing could go to experience an extravagant lifestyle. High quality apartments and high-class events where all very common at the Palace of Versailles. However, the price to of living this lifestyle was to serve King Louis on a near constant basis. One of the most extreme examples of servitude was handing King Louis his night robe was considered one of the highest honors to the nobility residing at Versailles.

But there were some limitations on King Louis XIV power and that comes from the fact his regime mostly only worked due to his intendants who were overseeing many of the financial aspects of his reign such as taxes.

Finally, one of King Louis XIV most prominent powers was the ability to wage war as during his time on the throne he waged many large and small campaigns. Some of the main wars being The War of Devolution which gained France a large amount of territory in the north and The Dutch War which afforded more land to France in the east. While these wars were very expensive, they clearly outlined King Louis polices.

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