Leadership Philosophy Essay

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Leadership Philosophy Essay

Every person develops a philosophy based on their sense of life, which is expressed through interactions and framed by our worldview. Ones philosophy is based on many factors such as politics, relationships, education, family background, and much more (Ugquozor, 2019).

A personal philosophy of leadership helps guide ones thoughts and decisions on a daily basis. Ones personal philosophy is seen through the choices and actions he or she makes. These choices and actions are developed based on positive and negative experiences throughout his or her life. A personal philosophy is an individuals core; the foundation for who one is and who one strives to be. Ruggero (2005) suggests that successful leaders know their personal leadership philosophy and those leaders are able to communicate their personal philosophy through their daily words and actions. An individual or leader can create objectives and set goals by writing a vision statement, mission statement, and values statement. These statements can also help an individual stay true to themselves.

Vision Statement

Since I was a child, my vision focused on my family, my faith, my education, and my career. My vision also includes kindness, empathy, and laughter. Ive always believed that by holding this vision and values close to my heart and staying true to myself, I would go far in life and be able to reach my goals. I have to stay focused and be conscientious of my thoughts, words, and actions in order to stay true to myself and what means the most to me. I want to ensure that all of my basic worldly needs and desires are met, while also fulfilling my spiritual needs. Second, to my family, my faith has always been incredibly important, through all glories and all obstacles. Proverbs 19:21 (NIV) says, Many are the plans in a persons heart, but it is the Lords purpose that prevails. While I have my own worldly plans for the future, I rely on my faith in the Lord the He may guide me and lead me down His path to success, or failure if that is His will. Jeremiah 29: 11 (NIV) proclaims, For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. The Lord has a plan that He has already made for my life and I will continue to trust Him and pray that He guides me towards His goals and purpose for me. I am devoted to being the best version of myself; a Christ-follower, daughter, sister, friend, and co-worker.

Mission Statement

My mission is to be kind and to understand and share the feelings of others. I am a person who is extremely empathetic; thus, showing kindness in all scenarios. I offer a smile to any person I walk past. I will say hello to any person I make direct eye contact with. I offer my thanks when a person holds the door for me. I am also one to offer a listening ear to hear a persons achievements or obstacles they are facing. I have the ability to be empathetic and understand what a person is going through. It brings me joy to be kind to others, I hope my kindness brings another person joy.

Over the course of my life, I have really struggled with identifying what my true purpose is supposed to look like. I always knew I was meant to be close with my family, but what else was my purpose? Being family-oriented could not possibly be my only purpose in life. Is God calling me to follow in my fathers footsteps and take over the family business? Am I being called to be a teacher? Am I supposed to be a doctor? I spent my teenage years confused as to which direction I was being called to follow; however, I felt that God was calling me to be a servant, even though I could not pinpoint a specific route. I knew I wanted to serve people and make a positive impact on the community I would serve. After meditation and prayer, God called me to be a public servant in the realm of Criminal Justice, a field that would test my values and help me discover Gods purpose for my life. My knack for being kind and empathetic is likely why I am drawn to criminal justice, especially in modern times. God has guided me to this profession. Now is my time to utilize my kindness and empathy to make a difference and potentially provide a new perspective in my work, all while glorifying God and his plan for me.

While I always sought Gods direction and guidance for my lifes purpose, I have also sought guidance from my family. My family has been my worldly driving force to ensure I do not stray away from the plan God has for me. From a young age, my family has instilled the importance of kindness and empathy. People have hard days and sometimes whatever they are going through can be expressed in anger or frustration. My mother has always taught me to give others grace and to be kind. Offer a smile or a simple Hello as those simple gestures can turn someones hard day into a better day. Allowing a person to vent and being an open ear is more than just listening. Its listening to understand and grasp the other persons feelings. I have learned that you truly cannot offer advice or help if you do not fully comprehend the other persons feelings. Theres a saying that goes put yourself in their shoes and I live by this saying in all aspects of my life.

While working in the criminal justice field, I have learned the importance of kindness and being empathetic. In todays times, the criminal justice field is a hard field to be in, especially with so many opposing sides and viewpoints. Criminal justice professionals are being torn down and their character questioned. On the other hand, civilians feel that they are not safe and worry about who the next victim of a law enforcement-involved shooting may be. Regardless of which side you take, it is crucial to society that we show kindness. As a criminal justice professional, I show kindness towards my fellow criminal justice colleagues. I also show kindness towards those fighting for justice. It does not matter which side youre on, you should be kind no matter the circumstances. Additionally, empathy has become critical when discussing and handling current events. This is a lesson and talk I have had with many friends, family members, and colleagues over the past several months of Black Lives Matter (BLM) and social injustice protests. I have told every person who has come to me and expressed their disappointment and disapproval with the BLM protests the same analogy; its an analogy that anyone can understand, and it helps put the situation into perspective and others can be more empathetic towards the feelings of BLM protestors and supporters.

My mission in the workplace is to create an environment that is positive and understanding. No person should come to work and not feel like their circumstances and situations do not matter. An employee should feel that their supervisor and coworkers are empathetic towards their situation and grant them grace, provide support, and the feeling of security. A leader who gives empathy creates a bond with employees which encourages and sustains employees in the workplace, boosting their performance (Mayfield et al., 2019). Promoting empathy and kindness also promotes communication and interaction with other employees. These interactions can lead to building morale and developing important bonds and friendships essential to the workplace. Galatians 6:2 (NIV) proclaims, carry each others burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ. On Earth, we are not to carry our burdens alone. God has called us to look out for our brothers and sisters in Christ and help them carry their burdens. God has called us to love our neighbors, and support and encourage them in our life. This is the type of work environment a leader should create.

My goal is to live a life guided by God. I hope to show my kindness and empathetic heart to protect and serve. Protecting and serving may not be physical in my line of work; however, I strive to protect and serve emotionally and mentally in the workplace. This ultimately will act as a domino effect in the community. As a leader, I strive to influence those I come in contact with and show them how glorious following Gods path can be. Khoshhal and Guraya (2016) said leadership is the vision and mission to be something more than average and a leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. As a leader, I aim to show those around me that if we work together, we can achieve our goals as a team. I always strive to lead by example. I cannot expect employees to perform a certain way if I am not setting the example and performing the same actions. In order to reach our goals as a team, its important to have a positive work environment and its important that I, as a leader, take every persons particular circumstances, concerns, and suggestions into consideration.

In todays times, workplace communication is typical via technology, whether it be a phone call, email, text, or video chat. Electronic communication leaves room for inauthentic conversations, miscommunications, or simple misinterpretations. In-person communication allows individuals to develop stronger working relationships, engagement amongst those involved, time to address sensitive issues and allows for clear and concise communication (Australian Institute of Business, 2016). By having in-person communication, questions can be asked, and everyone can ensure the team understands the thoughts and ideas presented. Having an open line of communication encourages a positive working relationship with colleagues. If one person benefits or learns from my leadership, then I will have served Gods plan for me, leaving a legacy of a kind and empathetic leader.

Value Statement

  • Treat everyone with kindness. Ephesians 4:32 (NIV) states, be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.
  • Dont be quick to pass judgment on others. Take the time to listen and empathize with someone before making assumptions and judgments.
  • Be your true, authentic self, the person God called you to be. Be confident in the plans God has for you.
  • Take responsibility for your actions. If you make a mistake, learn from it and grow to be a better employee and person.
  • Respect yourself and respect others. Be honest, have integrity, and be loyal.


  1. Australian Institute of Business. (2016). Face-to-Face Communication in the Digital Age. Australian Institute of Business.
  2. Khoshhal, K.I., & Guraya, S. Y. (2016). Leaders Produce Leaders and Managers Produce Followers. Saudi Medical Journal, 37(10), 1061-1067.
  3. Mayfield, M., Kock, N., Mayfield, J., Sexton, S., & De La Garza, L. (2019). Empathetic Leadership: How Leader Emotional Support and Understanding Influences Follower Performance – Ned Kock, Milton Mayfield, Jacqueline Mayfield, Shaun Sexton, Lina M. De La Garza, 2019. SAGE Journals.
  4. Ruggero, E., & Haley, D. F. (2005). The leader’s compass: a personal leadership philosophy is your key to success (3rd ed.). Academy Leadership.
  5. Ugwuozor, F. (2019). (PDF) Developing a Personal Philosophy of Education: A Requisite Guide to Educational Practices.
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