Plant Based Burgers


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Plant Based Burgers

The purpose of this C.T. is to find solutions to reduce the impact of human activity in the world and we are going to try to find positive solutions that could help change the human activity in the world. The problem that we chose to solve is to reduce the amount of meat we eat.We chose this topic because we want to show that something that doesnt use meat like plant-based burgers , can help our environment in many different ways. this can help save the amount of animals being killed for food.

A plant-based diet is a diet that contains foods from plants such as vegetables, grains, seeds, nuts and very little to no meat products . companies are starting to create more meat-less products such as plant-based burgers,plant based sausages and many more.About 3 million animals are killed for meat everyday and close to 72 billion a year. Killing animals is a problem because it has a big contribution to why so much carbon and greenhouse gases are being released in our atmosphere. greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere from High-Energy Feed. animals are mostly fed high energy crops such as corn which is produced with tons of chemicals and the chemicals are releasing carbon into the atmosphere. another thing that produces greenhouse gases are fueling factory farms which requires tons of fossil fuel based energy to cool,heat, and ventilate these factories and 90 million tons of CO2 is released every other big problem is slaughterhouses are generated by electricity to help get rid of the water waste which carries organic materials which released carbon and methane when they decompose. Switching from a meat- based diet to a plant -based diet will help reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions because we aren’t generating as much meat which means can reduce deforestation because not as much forests will be taken down for factories, it also uses 90% less greenhouse gasses because we aren’t using factories and all of the reasons listed above instead we are using plants and grains to produce our products, it uses 45% less energy because animals use different functions which need more energy such digestion, respiration, and others. finally it uses 99% less water impact . It is also much healthier for humans because it can lower the risk of different diseases.Currently, some restaurants like Burger King are creating plant-based burgers to help reduce the amount of meat they use in their burgers.We think this problem can be reduced but not completely solved because we cant force people to change their diets.

Biodiversity is a measure of organisms at a specific scale or level. Biodiversity is important because it provides functioning ecosystems that gives off water and oxygen. It also provides pollination of plants and clean air and killing animals is lowering biodiversity. The negative impacts of killing animals is the production of meat has caused biodiversity loss and we need high biodiversity rather than a low one. It also has affected land and water use. Habitats are cleared to raise cattle and other animals for food which is causing the loss of many habitats for many different species. For example with deforestation, all of the animals that live in the trees and the forests are dying because the land is being used for the killing of other animals. Finally a big negative impact is the amount of greenhouse gases that are being released are contributing to climate change. Some positive impacts of plant-based burgers are Switching from a meat-based diet to a plant-based diet will help reduce water and land use. It can lower pollution, reduces deforestation, and it also uses 90% less greenhouse gasses, 45% less energy and 99% less water impact. It is also much healthier for humans.

Our topic plant-based burgers can relate to many different ecology topics that we have learned. Our topic can relate to population size change because when you kill an animal you are decreasing the number of animals still alive in the area and animals are still living things so the more we kill the less amount of food we have and the less animals that can reproduce. this relates to death rate. Our topic can relate to symbiosis because reducing the amount of meat products and switching to a more plant-based diet will help gain better eating habits for humans. So this can relate to a commensalism relationship because the burger is benefiting the humans but humans aren’t being affected. Our topic can relate to energy flow because Plants are autotrophs because they make their own food/ energy from sunlight or chemicals. Animals are heterotrophic because they get food/ energy from other organisms. we think that autotrophs have more energy because they get it from sunlight and other chemicals and they dont have to rely on other organisms. Autotrophs are lower on the food chain because they get it from the sun and many other animals eat it because they are a producer. Heterotroph is higher on the food chain because they eat the organisms that make their own energy.Our topic can relate to the different cycles because killing animals releases greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide is one of the gases released and co2 is a big part in cycles such as the carbon cycle cause carbon is released from many different resources such as fossil fuels, animals, and more. Finally our topic can relate to characteristics of living things because plants and animals are living organisms and we know that because they have all 10 characteristics, such as reproduction because when plants die they are able to re-grow, plants have cells which is a big part of living organisms, plants need light and water to grow .

Possible solutions to reducing the amount of animals being killed would be creating plant-based burgers and using more plant-based products such as vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds, fruits, and no meat products. Were not trying to force people to switch their diets within a few days but trying to incorporate more plant-based items Some examples of ways you can substitute meat for plant products are eating plant based meats such as sausages, chorizo, chicken nuggets and burgers Switching from a meat-based diet to a plant-based diet will help reduce water and land use. It can lower pollution, reduce deforestation, and it also uses 90% less greenhouse gasses, 45% less energy and 99% less water impact .Animal-based diets lead to a 16% increased risk of cancer and 21% increased risk of heart disease, while plant-based products reduce these risks It is also much healthier for humans cause lots of meats have high amounts of salts and fats which is bad for your body.Some disadvantages of plant-based burgers are that almonds are a big part of plant-based diets and the production of almonds has increased water demands by 27% .For our model, we choose to make a model of plant-based burgers using a cycle of showing how they are made.they steps are 1. grow all ingredients needed 2. collect ingredients after grown 3.ingredients are sent to a lab to produce the burger 4.lab produces heme 5.patty based is made 6. heme and patty base are mixed 7. burgers are put into molds and pressed 8. cook and serve.

In conclusion, a plant-based diet is a diet that contains foods from plants such as vegetables, grains, seeds, nuts and very little animal meats. Eating animals is a problem because it generates greenhouse gases and if we shift to a more plant-based diet, it will help with climate change and pollution. Switching to a plant-based diet will help reduce water and land use, it can lower pollution and it reduces deforestation. We know that we won’t be able to change someone’s diet in a day, but we know that by talking to someone about this problem, word will get spread throughout the community and that can make a big difference in the world.

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