Research On Language Disorders

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Research On Language Disorders


There are many problems that affect people and have affected the way they speak. Of course, you must have met or heard about some people who suffer from some of these problems. There will be difficulty in understanding the message because the letter exits are wrong. Language disorders is one of the most common problems in our days. Language disorders is the weak ability of a person to communicate with others properly. And its classified as either receptive or expressive. The receptive language disorder is the difficulty of understanding the words or sentences that is heard or read. And the expressive language disorder is the difficulty of choosing and using the right sentences and words while talking. This problem is widespread, but there is not enough awareness among people about it, so they face difficulty in dealing with people who suffer from it. Therefore, we have chosen this topic to clarify some important points about the problem of language disorder to spread awareness among people.

Receptive Language Disorders

What are receptive language disorders

A receptive language disorder is a type of learning disorder affecting the ability to understand spoken, and sometimes written, language. Individuals with a receptive language disorder may have difficulty understanding spoken language, responding appropriately, or both. This leads to substantial difficulty communicating. A receptive language disorder is not a learning disability but instead a medical issue that can cause children to fall behind in academics. If the disorder isn’t easily or quickly resolved, the learning gap can expand. Thus, children with a receptive language disorder may need special academic support even though they don’t have an ‘official’ learning disability. problems with language comprehension begin before the age of three years. It occurs in 10 to 15 percent of those under the age of 3 years old, according to the University of Mississippi Medical Center. By age 4, language ability is generally more stable and can be measured more accurately to determine whether or not a deficit exists.


  • According to American Family Physician, there may be a problem if your child is 18 months old and doesnt follow one-step directions. An example of a one-step direction might be pick up your toy. ‘If, at 30 months, your child isnt responding to questions verbally or with a nod or headshake, then it may be a sign of a language disorder.
  • If your child has a receptive language disorder, the words that you say to him may sound like a foreign language, particularly if you speak quickly. He may often appear to be ignoring you, when in fact he simply cannot understand the words. When you read to him, he may appear uninterested. He might also ask you to repeat yourself frequently.
  • if you say, Drink your milk, your child might repeat these words immediately or later, but he will not necessarily understand them.
  • children with this disorder have difficulty following directions. If you ask your child to point to his toes, he is not likely to do so. He is also likely to have problems with figurative language. He may interpret the phrase I could eat a horse literally.


  • Not seeming to listen when they are spoken to
  • Appearing to lack interest when storybooks are read to them
  • Difficulty understanding the meaning of words and sentences
  • Difficulty remembering all the words in a sentence in order to make sense of what has been said
  • Inability to understand complicated sentences.
  • Inability to follow verbal instructions; especially if the instruction is long or complicated.
  • echolalia, which refers to the parroting of words or phrases.


The cause of receptive language disorder is often unknown, but several factors are involved such as

  • genetic susceptibility (family history of receptive language disorder)
  • limited exposure to hearing language in their day-to-day environment
  • general developmental and cognitive (thinking) abilities.
  • Receptive language disorder is often associated with developmental disorders such as autism or Down syndrome.
  • hearing impairment  due to decreased exposure to language
  • vision impairment  due to the absence of cues such as facial expression and gestures
  • attention disorders  due to difficulties in attending fully to what is being said.
  • Receptive language disorder can also develop as a result of brain damage. For example, receptive language disorder can appear after brain damage caused by a stroke or a brain tumor.

Co-occurrence with attention difficulties and autism with ADHD

It is not uncommon for attention difficulties and language and communication disorders to co-present. Researchers estimate at least 50% of children diagnosed with ADHD struggle when it comes to oral language skills (4). Some studies have found language problems are more common in the hyperactive/impulsive subtype .

These issues can make it even harder for parents and teachers to know how to help a child who has trouble paying attention and following directions. You may wonder if it is a lack of focus or a lack of receptive language skills that is causing the problem. For those learners who experience hyperactivity, impulsivity and language production issues may lead to behavioral reprimands at school.

A language disorder can exacerbate communication challenges for people on the autistic spectrum who may already find speech and social interaction challenging. It can be especially difficult for them to discuss feelings and communicate needs, and in these cases resorting to the use of technology may be especially helpful.


  • Treatment options for receptive language disorder may include:
  • speech-language therapy (one-on-one or as part of a group, or both, depending on the needs of the child)
  • providing information to families so that they can facilitate language growth at home special education classes at school
  • integration support at preschool or school in cases of severe difficulty
  • referral to a psychologist for treatment (only if there are also significant behavioral problems).

A childs progress will depend on a range of individual factors, such as whether or not brain injury is present.

Expressive Language Disorders

What are expressive language disorders:

To understand expressive language disorders, we must first understand what expressive language skills are. Expressive language skills are the skills required to create thoughts and express them using the correct word and grammar combinations. These expressions can be in the form of words, facial expressions or physical gestures. Therefor expressive language disorders are disorders that affect the way a child may give a response, like in forming the correct sentence to or the appropriate expression to respond. Expressive language disorder isnt as uncommon as you think, according to Medline Plus about one in 20 kids have signs of a language disorder like expressive language disorder. The crucial point to consider is that its not due to a lack of intelligence, but it’s also not a delayed language issue that will fix itself in time that’s why treatment is needed to make progress.


  • a seven-year-old child being unable to join sentences with words like and, but or if (such as I went to the movies. I had popcorn instead of I went to the movies and had popcorn which is a more mature form of expression
  • a three-year-old child who speaks in two-word phrases only (such as mummy car when they mean Thats mummys car.)


  • Smaller vocabulary compared to children of the same age
  • limited ability to form sentences
  • Difficulty to use words and connect sentences to explain or describe something
  • Low conversational abilities
  • Missing words out
  • Saying words in the wrong order
  • Repeating a question while thinking of an answer


  • Hearing problems
  • Brain injury
  • Damage to the central nervous system


  • Psychological therapy
  • Language therapy
  • School-based language intervention programs
  • Assistance from special education teachers


In conclusion, there are many other problems that may affect the development of language and the ability to speak. Language disorder is one of these problems and is the most prevalent as we have mentioned previously. But with the development of medicine in our time this is no longer a very difficult problem It can be overcome, but according to the extent of the language disorder that a person suffers from, and age plays an important role in that. Therefore, this matter requires the intervention of parents and medical care providers from the beginning of discovering the matter to overcome this disorder.

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