Speech about Best Friend

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Speech about Best Friend

The definition of a best friend is a person who you value above other friends in your life, someone you can laugh and tell inadequate jokes with, someone you trust with your secrets, and someone with whom you confide. Best friends can come in all shapes, races, colors, gender, and sizes, they can be anyone even your own siblings or parents. Even your soulmates can be your best friends. Best friends are usually the second most important person in someones life besides family. We can basically find friends anywhere; the difference is that some may leave in the midst of getting to know each other or walk away from your life while some of them stay by your side. The bigger question is should your best friend share everything? I do agree that we need to share everything with our best friend to a certain extent because there are advantages and disadvantages in doing so, for example, if you are facing hardship your best friend can support you and they may understand you more than your family or than yourself. On the other hand, the disadvantages are that best friend can one day turn into enemies and outsiders should not know about your personal stuff.

One of the reasons I think we need to share everything with friends is because best friends can support you. A good friend will be a good listener as they listen to every complaint you must tell. For example, if you have a problem that you cannot discuss with your family, you can share it with your friend. As a friend they would not want you to be in trouble thus if they see their friend is experiencing hardship, genuine kinship implies that they will figure a way to help. (Dr. Michael Roizen) stated that friends aren’t just good for borrowing sugar from or for telling you that you have wing sauce on your chin. Friends are the ultimate de-stressor. Friends can remove over 90 percent of the aging penalty you face after a major life event accelerates your aging. Friends can make everything humorous and more fascinating. When you have someone to talk with while facing difficulties, it can automatically lessen negativity in you as it smothered stress such as anger, anxiety, and frustration. We can depend on one another for all the foremost stuff, despite of whether we’re confronting the easiest times or the hardest times. Thus, it is important to share certain things with your best friend.

Besides that, best friends can sometimes understand us better than family. It is justified evidently that family is important. They are the few people who witness your constant changes after some time, despite being a piece of the reason behind those changes at times. Since you share with them, your family will dependably grasp some piece of your heart. It’s inescapable. Be that as it may, there are sure things that family can’t give you a similar way friends can. There are several reasons why friends would usually understand you better such as being closer to your age. We may have siblings that are around our age and parents who have once been teenagers, but it is not the same as friends. Since our friends usually will be the same age as us, they understand us even more because they are dealing with the same sort of problems themselves. Since friends understand what you are dealing with, they are better equipped for helping you through these problems. Family members might offer good advice and want to help, but because of age differences or lack of understanding, they may not know exactly what is best. Best friends are that reminding power that tells you you aren’t the only one in your battles. Through our best friends, we are rescued, repaired, and rejuvenated. (Barreca, Sep 14, 2014) stated that May we always be able to rely on them and may we never take them for granted. Hence, sharing problems with friends can lighten up the load you carried as you can share the problems you are carrying with your best friends.

Apart from that, the reason I disagree to share everything with best friends is that a friend can turn into enemies. We cannot predict the future, so we would not be able to tell how long we are friends with our best friend. By sharing our personal matters with others, you may open room for criticism and judgment. Every person has their own opinion about certain matters. Your personal life is none of anyone elses business as the alternatives you create in life should be your own concern, as this can keep you from the redundant opinions of others, which may be harsh and demotivating. Keep bound aspects of your life a mystery and dont share with outsiders each detail of your relationship and private life. it’ll cause you to encounter as a way classier and deserve lots a lot of respect than those that run their mouth concerning all their dangerous habits. By sharing your personal matter with your friend, they might use that point to degrade you when you are not friends with them anymore.

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