The Context and Influence of Concordant Proclamation of The Thirteen Colonies of The USA

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The Context and Influence of Concordant Proclamation of The Thirteen Colonies of The USA

From the time our generation landed in Jamestown, we have been respecting your acts and regulations. During those times, many inappropriate actions both sides have taken. However, your recent actions of the Molasses Act, Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Quartering Act, Townshend Act, the Tea Act, and Coercive Acts cannot be tolerated by the colonists. These actions have led us to revolt against your will and will not be condoned because of it suppressed our natural rights. The colonists and I covet for your consideration and we also yearn for the peace and independence from you and your country We have evident reasons on why us, colonist, should revolt against your country and nothing can stand in our way, not even your army. Everyone are created equal, no one surpassing another, and our inalienable rights are all endued by God. No one has the right to take our freedom away from us; No one has the right to subdue our rights for their own contentment; And no one has the right to remove our inalienable privileges from us. However, you have attempted to take them without our awareness. but we wont let that occur. We will fight back! We will revolt! We will boycott! For years, burden has weighed us down and distress has lead us astray, but this time your decisions will no longer affect our nation. We will fight against your troops no matter what it takes. All the sufferings that you gave us are no longer going to affect us. The rigorous acts that you have passed over the years are unbearable and we want you to know the stress, anguish, and hardship we suffered.

The resented acts you passed are not reasonable because us, as colonists, should have the liberty to vote on what kinds of laws we accept to be passed. In the contrary, you, my king, just kept passing multiple laws without any consent from us. An act that many of us are angered of is the Quartering Act because of the soldiers coming in and out of our homes without any permission. Also, many of our children and other people living in our homes are being harassed and raped against their will. Nonetheless,after you heard our plan of revolt, you held back and repealed the law. The next act that we were vexed at is the Tea Act. The Tea Act prevented us from buying from any other company except the East India Company, where the teas are very expensive and are taxed. Because of this act, we revolted in anger and didnt even hesitate to think about our actions. During the Boston Tea Party, the Sons of Liberty disguised themselves as Indians and went to the Boston Harbor, boarded the ships containing tea, and dumped approximately 45,000 tons, or 90,000 pounds, of tea into the frigid Atlantic Ocean waters. Due to this action, you repealed the Tea Act and replaced it with the ever so vicious Intolerable Acts of the Coercive Acts. Not only did this act shut down the Boston Harbor, but also it prohibited us from having town meetings, brought back the Quartering Act, passed the Quebec Act, which gave back the land we gained from France back to the French, and allowed the British Soldiers to have their trials in England. The Intolerable Act was the worst law ever passed, affecting everyone in the whole colony. We know that you are mad, but you have no right to be irked because of all the unfair laws you have passed to give burden to our life. Try to at least consider all the suffering that you have given us and try to cooperate with us. We can work things out in a peaceful manner or in violent actions. Which one do you want?

According to John Locke, everyone has inalienable rights, which are privileges that can never be taken away from an individual. These rights are called natural rights and they are the right to live, the right to have liberty, and the right to have ownership over their properties. However, you have tried to take away our rights and claim us as your own, but that cannot be left untouched. John Locke believed that if a king or a monarch decides to take away our rights, we have the right to revolt and set up a new government, and that is the reason for this letter. Thomas Paine wrote a pamphlet called Common Sense where he uses strong words in order to condemn you and called for a complete separation from Britain because of your injustice acts. We do not accept your ways and can go against your will no matter what it takes. There are only two choices for you, my king: To be at peace and release us from your grasp or decide the faith of the colonists by having a revolution.

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