Application of Nursing Theory to Professional Practice

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Application of Nursing Theory to Professional Practice


The nursing practice continues to grow with the passing years making progress in one way or the other. The paper seeks to identify how nursing theories relate to professional nursing practice. The nursing theories have continued to guide resolutions made to ensure that the professional practice grows steadily. In the clinical practice of nursing, there are actual figures that suggest the existence of fundamental research. Such concerns or areas include the leadership and entire administration levels. Nursing administration represents an umbrella that covers all the aspects since, for the others to exist, the nursing sector must have a stable and up-to-task type of leadership. In the event of poor structure, there will be much turmoil in controlling the nurses and even fighting for the rights of the nurses. The type of nursing theory used to guide the resolution of administration involves Jean Watsons theory. The paper covers sections describing the issue of interest and how it relates to the theory.

Watsons theory represents one of the primary guidelines of nursing care and what nursing essentially contains. There are many aspects taught in nursing education that embrace the personal support given to others. Hence, it is quite significant to note that the theory depicts some of the key characteristics that define a nurse. The theory illustrates that the care given to patients did not start yesterday but was created long ago and has since evolved (Dossey et al., 2019). Watsons theory conceptualizes the existing framework that acts as a guideline to professional nursing care and how the patients need to be treated each time they seek help in the health centers or wherever they are found. The theory hence emphasizes that the basic approach to ensuring one covers the fundamental principles of nursing care must be the existence of the transpersonal relationship between individuals.

Nursing Organization

The area chosen involves the whole of the nursing leadership and organization. Each health center typically has its own type of leadership structure. This kind of leadership brings in the main idea of having the right to ensure they meet the objectives nationally. However, this is possible at the minor level since there are also schools in particular universities where the teaching occurs (Martin and Kallmeyer, 2019). Taking another course involves going up the chain to take a small preview of how the chain of command starts at the national level. Each countrys structure remains constant: healthcare practitioners must follow the chain of command to ensure that the healthcare system becomes the best for the patients.

Nursing leadership entails various skills that may either lead to one of the best structures or one that will cause a poor nursing structure that exposes the population and even the nurses themselves to more harm. A leader selected should then have the capacity to inspire the rest, influence the others behaviors, and make sure that they motivate the rest of the nursing staff. Other vital areas also include the part where they are supposed to work together as one unit to ensure they meet very high potential organizational goals (Kim and Han, 2019). In reference to this, there is the inclusion of leadership styles that guide the qualities that make one outstanding and the nursing practice grow.

Significance of the Nursing Organization

The primary significance that nursing leadership has involves the fact that it covers all areas of professional nursing practice. This type of leadership ensures that the members practice integrity, fostering working together in harmony and in an environment where everyone trusts the other. The junior staff can rely upon the senior team, so their grievances become projected to the necessary authorities and steps to curb them. The patients hence receive the maximum health coverage that they can get. There is also critical thinking that will ensure that the leaders and even the staff try to make sure the health status of their patients improves. The idea of having nurses who can practice even what the doctors do falls under the apprenticeship of very many years that the leaders can encourage their staff to do. These become useful when they are the last option to save the patients life without having any assistance from the doctor.

Nursing leadership also involves the delegation of duties. The aspect of creating a schedule and assigning roles is beneficial not only to the patient but also to the nurses. In the recent past, there were many cases of nurses being overworked, which reduced the performance rate. In order to curb this, the administration typically ensures proper delegation of duties to ensure that the nurses are not deprived of rest and that the patients also receive constant care at any time of the day. The initial setup required that one patient be attended to by one nurse, but since there was a nursing shortage, groups of nurses were assigned to the group of patients. These report to an overall nurse officer that ensures all procedures are met. Hence, the nurses can show how best their leadership skills are in professional practice.

There is also consistent mentorship for each member of the organization. One must acknowledge that there are those skilled with very many years of experience and those who are newbies. There must be mentorship programs for perfect growth and extension of transpersonal relationships between the nursing staff. In these settings, more nurses will grow in their careers, which increases overall patient-centered care. Mentorship will involve the generation of informed administration so that people become very open to expressing the areas that need adjustment. The patients may benefit a lot since there is a positive environment where everyone completes their tasks, and the nurses try to ensure that the patients get cared for in the best possible way.

Affected Parties in the Organizational Flow

The type of people affected by the nursing leadership encompasses most individuals at various levels. In determining the people involved, one must note what the kind of leadership tries to prevent. In most cases, nursing leadership tries to reduce the patient mortality rate and lower the medication areas that might result in the deterioration of the patients health. The nursing leadership also determines how low the number of nosocomial infections can be reduced. The target group mainly lies with the nursing staff and other related personnel that fall under the nursing sector. The affected population depicts the nurses and their connection to the patients. The nursing staff will also affect the patients regarding the level of health care in the facilities since they try as much as possible to meet the primary health goals.

Application of the Nursing Theory

Jean Watsons theory correlates with applying various nursing care to the administrative structure. The organizational structure should adopt the interpersonal relationship described in the nursing theory. The nursing practices main essence involves applying these theories that ensure that the patient receives the best care. The patient gets exposed to a caring and supportive environment that makes the recovery process much faster (Dossey et al., 2019). Some of the concepts in Jeans theory involve establishing transpersonal care, valuing the humanism system, instilling faith, and developing helpful criteria for reassurance. For these aspects to come to pass, there need to be interventions that ensure that leadership style and structure dictate whether there will be a follow-up of the actualization of the results.

Additional strategies that might come up in the interlinkage to Jeans theory depict an assessment of the nurses regularly and affirming the patients insights on the quality of health care they receive. In most cases, patients have complained of poor treatment by the nurses. Rampant negligence cases and harsh treatment from the nurses to the patients have been rampant. The patients have hence developed bad attitudes towards the inpatient setups due to the lack of care that was once there at all levels of the health care delivery system (Dossey et al., 2019). The strategy deployed regarding the theory of utmost care supply may ensure that more than just actions are taken towards the nurses who neglect their duty in treating the patients harshly.

The strategy may involve assigning a small number of nurses to patients. These nurses ensure they perform their duty in giving patients the best healthcare delivery to encourage faster recovery. In doing so, they will create a good, conducive hospital environment and build on the trust between patient and nurse. The nurses will adhere to the instructions following that there are strict guidelines that dictate how they conduct themselves and how they generally treat their patients (Rosa et al., 2020). The leadership structure will hence have to intervene for a longer time to make sure that it becomes a norm for the nurses to practice the basics of the theory. In cases with poor administrative structure, the patients end up being the ones who are mostly affected due to circumstances that the leaders could have prevented.

Interventions Governing the Theory

The intervention, which in this case represents the strategy of categorizing a manageable group of nurses to an overall nurse in charge, will result in many solutions. Instead of the administrative structure overseeing the activities at the health care facility level, the nurses delegated the duty of being in charge to ensure that the nursing staff meets the set organization objectives in clinical practice. Suppose there are strict rules to ensure that the nurses encompass the level of treatment accorded by Jean Watsons theory. In that case, each aspect of patient-centered care will improve, and the general appraisal of the nursing staff to increase. Comparing the approach with the strategy introduces the central element of making the patients principal focus.

The strategies that govern the interventions that need to be taken will include assessment reports done either every week or month to ensure that professional health care proves to be the best at all levels. Assessing the nurses by the overall leaders during inspections and randomly selecting the patients to denote the quality of service provided by the nurses decreases the rate of negligence during practice (Mun and Kim, 2019). These assessments may also lead to the tremendous linkage of the theory in ensuring that other excellent strategies for combating the problem of delinquency become introduced and practiced by the nurses. These will lead to exceptional patient care since everyone will be on the lookout to ensure they do not get reported due to poor treatment.

The significant determinant of patients seeking treatment in other health facilities as opposed to others remains the type of service they get from these institutions. One patient will decide to visit a health center due to the excellent nursing staff that provides good service with much care and love as opposed to another where patients get treated poorly and cannot improve due to a lack of even trust to disclose the cases that they suffer from. There also needs to be additional research on the topic since this has become a significant menace to the current status of healthcare delivery in various facilities.

Need for Additional Research

The findings of this research are based on practicing the concepts of proper health care, considering Jean Watsons theory. Increasing the research will ensure that appropriate avenues are channeled to combat poor patient service delivery. The whole administration will be to blame since they should offer education and create the necessary guidelines to ensure that most nurses practice these concepts (Rosa et al., 2020). The whole idea of conducting the research will be to assess healthcare status and how the administrative structure affects the entire system.

Applicability and Self-reflection on the Nursing Practice

Regarding all the concepts discussed in Jeans theory of nursing care, professional healthcare delivery entails treating all patients with the best treatment. The organizational structure of any given setup should ensure that proper health care is administered to the patients. In most cases, the patients are more likely to open up and disclose the type of illnesses they suffer from when the environment is conducive enough. However, assessing the patients becomes arduous when the organization has a poor leadership structure. Cases of patient mortality attributable to the poor team not checked by the necessary authorities will increase rapidly (Rosa et al., 2020). There will be a lack of trust between the patient and staff, which will cause poor treatment delivery. The patients become endangered in many ways as the staff cannot undertake solutions, and their health care becomes the priority.

In evaluating how well the theory can affect the set strategy, most cases involve intervention from all related parties. The leaders should engage the patients in assessing their service quality. In addition, the interventions will only be precise if the leadership lays the proper foundation in ensuring that they enforce the laws and characteristics of the theory according to how the rules or regulations have dictated. The problem resolution will force the leaders to become strict and ensure that nursing practice at a professional level becomes normal. The participation of each member and constant communication along the leadership ladder ensure that the patient receives the utmost help they can get. These steps become possible with exemplary leadership to oversee how the patients get treated.


Upon self-reflection on the subject, the existing theories should serve as a guideline in professional practice. Necessary measures should exist from inception to the end and are clearly outlined by the laws formed by the administrative unit. One of the new learning areas that have popped up includes the basic structure of the leadership style in the nursing sector. The various leadership structures in the nursing profession prompt different steps that sideline the aspects of the health care delivery system. These styles prompt the importance of having a steady type of administrative structure. These will ensure that the sole focus remains on the patients and they get the best treatment.


Dossey, B. M., Rosa, W. E., & Beck, D. M. (2019). Nursing and the sustainable development goals: From Nightingale to now. AJN The American Journal of Nursing, 119(5), 44-49. Web.

Kim, M. J., & Han, J. Y. (2019). Effect of head nurses authentic leadership on nurses job satisfaction and nursing performance: Focusing on the mediating effects of empowerment. Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration, 25(1), 25-34. Web.

Martin, E. R., & Kallmeyer, R. (2018). Strategies to recruit the next generation of nursing leadership talent. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 48(7/8), 368-374.

Mun, M. Y., & Kim, M. Y. (2019). Influence of hospital ethical climate and nursing professionalism on patient safety management activity by nurses. Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration, 25(5), 458-466. Web.

Rosa, W. E., Dossey, B. M., Koithan, M., Kreitzer, M. J., Manjrekar, P., Meleis, A. I., & Watson, J. (2020). Nursing theory in the quest for the sustainable development goals. Nursing science quarterly, 33(2), 178-182. Web.

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