Core Ethical Values in My Life

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Core Ethical Values in My Life

Firstly, ethics have been explained differently by numerous individuals and philosophers over the years. Simply put, ethics are referred to as a set of principles and standards that guide and influence the way in which individuals and groups behave. Ethics are also known to differentiate between things and behaviours that are right and wrong. Furthermore, core ethical values are those essential principles that are used by individuals to conclude the differences between what is right and what is wrong.

I have a few core ethical values that I apply in different aspects of my life and daily routine, they include:

  • Integrity: simply put, integrity is to be honest and have good morals. How I apply integrity in my life is by waking up every day and doing the things that I believe are right irrespective of the peer pressure the situation puts me in. I also apply integrity in my life by not being true to myself and fighting for my beliefs when put in a tight or difficult situation.
  • Kindness: which is basically the act of being considerate towards people, gentle towards people and also caring for others. I apply kindness in my life for instance, with my friends. Because I know that people are often going through tough times or may have problems of their own that they dont communicate about, I try to be compassionate to anyone I come across and help people that are in need.
  • Fairness: this is simply the ability of a person to make a decision or carry out judgements without discriminating or treating individuals impartially. I apply fairness in my life by for instance, treating cleaner and domestic staffs in places I visit without discriminating because of their jobs or conditions and also by not taking advantage of people. I have vowed to myself that I will treat everyone fairly, regardless.
  • Honesty: the act of being truthful, I apply honesty in my life very often because I try to be honest all the time to avoid deceiving people. I practice honesty by saying the truth and not lying to mislead or deceive people by any means and also by promising myself that I will never be dishonest.

Decision making is described as the procedure of selecting the best alternative course of action. There are a number of values that guide me when making decisions daily, these values are personal ethical guidelines that guide me in my personal and professional life and the help me make the best decision during tough times. Some of these values are as follows:

  • Autonomy: it is a value I possess that guides my decision making. For instance, because I have self-respect and dignity, there are certain thing I would never do e.g. manipulate people, deceive people or take advantage of people. It also requires recognizing the right of individuals to select and act in agreement with their rights.
  • Non-maleficence: this is a value that guides my daily decision making, because when making decision, I do it was the intention to prevent causing harm to people in the process. I also try as much as possible to reduce the risks of exploiting people.
  • Beneficence: this is one of the values I possess and simply put, beneficence means to do good to people. It guides and influences my decision making because I always try as much as possible to respect individuals and also promote the welfare of individuals.

My personal ethical character traits are: leadership, respect (because it is very important to respect to everyone by carefully listening to them and respecting their opinions even if you do not agree with them), justice (it is important to not have favourites and to treat everyone fairly with no bias treatment due to gender, background, religion, ethnicity, etc.) and encouraging initiative.

I was fortunate to be born into a family with a good foundation, with good values, standards and morals that guide me to do what is right not just for me, but for others as well. My morality as of today was established from the guidelines, behaviours, values and beliefs that have been taught to me as I was brought up. This is why I know the difference between wrong and right and why I also always choose to do right.

Furthermore, I am a practicing Muslim and my religion greatly influences how I behave, treat people, respect people and life itself. It also teaches me how to contribute to the society in which I belong. My religion from a young age taught me about dignity, respect, honesty, modesty, empathy, fairness, kindness, charity, self-discipline, integrity, etc. My Islamic values over the time have become guiding principles for me, the guide me to do right all the time. Also, as a student of Baze University, the code of ethics and the rules and regulations that have been laid out for me and other students has influence me and my behaviour. I do not tolerate ethical violations hence why I wholeheartedly follow all the codes of ethics and rules and regulations I encounter in life.

I think, that at individual level, the code of ethics is very necessary, because it clearly sets out the standards and regulations for the way individuals behave and the basis for preventive caution. It puts forth a custom that guides the ethical conduct and behaviour of individuals. A code of ethics is very important for individuals because it acts as a principled day to day living and guides and justifies the way people act. It is necessary at individual level because it motivates individuals to improve skills that will help express their personal values in order to give others a reason for their actions.

Acting ethically simply entails having good moral and values, it is about knowing what is right and wrong and always choosing to the right thing, it is also about having good morals and principles and being disciplined. To act ethical also means to be truthful with others, be sympathetic to the difficultys others are facing, treat everyone fairly and to do what is right regardless the situation.

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