Decision-Making in Organizational Management

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Decision-Making in Organizational Management


The process of decision-making is a sequence consisting of small parts that fit to work together so as to resolve the problem. These parts that make up the problem solving process include the definition of the problem, problem representation, analysis of the problem, brainstorming for possible solutions, choosing the best solution, and finally implementation of the solution decided upon. Thus is a mental process that will result in the selection of the best path to follow amongst numerous alternatives (Explain Decision making process to me! n.d).

Before making any decision the problem should be thoroughly studied. There will be more than one way to solve a problem. So finding out alternatives is the next step. Once the alternatives are found out the alternatives should be studied and analyzed for the possible outcomes. Then a suitable option should be selected. During the process of decision making all concerned should be participated to get in to a more acceptable decision. This will help to make the decision more acceptable and the decision can be easily accepted. It is also necessary to check the effectiveness of the decision at different phases of time so that alterations can be made at later changes (Mellers, et al, 1998, p. 447-477.

Hiring decision

When making a decision to hire an employee in my organization the first stage is to determine what the need for the placement is. In this case, one has to ask what skill level is needed, how much the placement will add in value to the company and also, whether the company can pay for it. (Thorogood Professional Insights, 2009: 1-31).

Then reviewing the job description is done stringently. This is because the job description is what the candidate uses to identify what their requirements may be. The description needs to state whether it is part-time or full-time; permanent or temporary; workplace of home-based (Thorogood Professional Insights, 2009: 1-31).

Then the job is designed and the strategy of the design is compliant with finding the proper candidate. Recruitment advertising is done and it is one of the most important aspects of the design, particularly since the target audience has to be relevant.

Initially, shortlisting can occur once candidates have applied. This will be done by person specification only and thereafter, appointments can be made to interview and test short-listed candidates. Before appointing a person validating references, qualifications and security clearances can help to determine if any persons are not legally entitled to the job. If the person satisfies the demands, an appointment can thus be made. In this phase it is important that the correct person is chosen and various tools can be used for the decision making process, including psychometric testing. Then somebody is hired. The process comes to an end. What follows is determination whether you have made the right choice (Lu, et al, 2007, p. 45-49)

A correction program for prisoners

Since it is prison the decisions taken by the staff are very important so strategic decisions are made at higher levels of the organization. Our decisions are supposed to be based on certain guidelines. However there are occasions the staff needs to make decisions in their capacity. Recently I had an opportunity. It was on implementing a new routine for the inmates. The prisoners have many personality traits and it is very difficult to correct it. Something should be done to improve their behavior. I have introduced a new routine and as per that the convicts should attend a meditation program at 06:00 am. During the meditation program I have also arranged a yoga expert to train them on meditation. I thought everybody will like the changes and will appreciate me. But I could not gain the complete cooperation from the inmates as well as staff. A thorough analysis of the decision making process would reveal how I could have made a better decision (Horn, 2006, p.2-5).

Proper physical exercise and mental activities give a healthy life. However enough attention is not given on this area especially in the case of prisoners. Most of them come back to the jail after a few months. I did a small research on it by asking the superiors and a few psychologists. I came to know that the change has to be in the subconscious level and then only there will be a permanent change in the behavior of the inmates. After getting sufficient knowledge on what kind of a program to be organized for the inmates I have decided to include a meditation in the morning exercise section. I have taken this decision thinking that this program will help the individuals to attain a better consciousness (Mellers, et al, 1998). P. 447-477).

The next step was to inform my superior about the decision. He was just passive when I told about my decision. The program was implemented only to cancel it at a letter stage because of non-cooperation from the staff and the inmates. I have gone through the process again to find out the reasons for the failure. One reason I felt was I did not think from all angles. I thought the meditation techniques will be good for the inmates. However other staff and the prisoners did not have my enthusiasm. I should have consulted people from all sections who are affected by the decisions. Second I did not discuss the matter with my superiors and my subordinates. As a reason I did not get full support from them to implement the meditation program (Mellers, et al, 1998). P. 447-477).


Before making the decision all possibilities should be thought about and the best suitable decision should be taken. It is always good to involve the concerned people in the process of decision making. This will ensure their cooperation when the decision is implemented. Decision making is a step-by-step approach and modern managers spend majority of their time in the process of decision making. Decision making skills can be developed(Decision making techniques (n.d.)).

Reference list

Decision making models (n.d.).

Decision making techniques (n.d.). Mind tools.

Explain Decision making process to me! (n.d.).

Horn, C (2006).How Experience Affects Perception in Expert Decision-Making.

Lu, J, Zhang, G, Ruan, D, Wu, F (2007).Multi-objective group decision making: methods, software and applications with fuzzy set techniques. London-, Imperial College Press.

Mellers, B.A., Schwartz, A., & Cooke, A.D. (1998). Judgment and decision making. Ann Rev Psycho, 49: 447-477.

Thorogood Professional Insights. (2009). Chapter 2: Recruitment Needs Analysis.

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