Demand for Nurses in Us Healthcare Facilities

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Demand for Nurses in Us Healthcare Facilities

The current demand for nurses in US healthcare facilities is so considerable that it cannot be addressed within a short period of time. Therefore, even if the authorities in the United States and other developed countries focus on resolving issues associated with the nurse shortage, positive outcomes will be observed only in a long-term perspective (Huston, 2019). Much attention should be paid to making the profession of a nurse attractive to young individuals, and actual outcomes of efforts will be noticed in the future. As a consequence, the need for recruiting foreign nurses will not decrease in the United States in the nearest future.

Another reason for predicting the further focus on recruiting foreign nurses to work in US hospitals and other healthcare organizations is associated with the compensation aspect. Foreign nurses are more interested in working additional shifts and receiving offered salaries than Americans. This situation is explained by the fact that the compensation of nurses in other states is not competitive. One more reason is related to the issue of diversity. The population of the United States is extremely diverse, and many patients representing minority and immigrant groups are often interested in receiving care provided by the members of their cultural group (Iheduru-Anderson & Wahi, 2018). From this perspective, it is important to note that even if the government pays attention to addressing the nurse shortage problem in the United States, the demand for foreign nurses will not decrease (Wagner et al., 2018). The current situation with the COVID-19 pandemic accentuates the necessity of recruiting more nurses. As a result, only the pool of nurses who have received education and experience in other countries can quickly address the modern demand for care providers.


Huston, C. J. (2019). Professional issues in nursing: Challenges and opportunities (5th ed.). Wolters Kluwer.

Iheduru-Anderson, K. C., & Wahi, M. M. (2018). Experiences of Nigerian internationally educated nurses transitioning to the United States health care settings. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 29(6), 603-610. Web.

Wagner, L., Singleton, B., Diaz, M., Spetz, J., & Brush, B. (2018). Foreign nurses experiences and perceptions of geriatric care in nursing homes. Innovation in Aging, 2(S1), 773-787. Web.

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