Evidence-Based Practice and Nursing

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Evidence-Based Practice and Nursing

Reflection is a valuable aspect in the formation of self-awareness and understanding of the importance of the experience gained. This process is of particular importance in the nursing profession. The acquisition of medical knowledge and evidence-based practice contribute to the empowerment of students and the provision of opportunities to improve skills and professional characteristics. During the training, students need to reflect on the content and assignments of the course objectives, potential applications, and successes or challenges that have arisen in this process.

First, it is necessary to understand what Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) is and how this information affects the profession of nursing. This phenomenon is a practice based on data and information obtained and proven by scientific research (Dang et al., 2021). For nurses, evidence-based knowledge becomes an opportunity to provide the highest quality of healthcare services and improve patient outcomes (Saunders et al., 2019). Thus, the practice of applying this aspect is an integral part of the work of medical specialists.

I believe that all assignments and content of the course meet the set course objectives. This is because they aim to teach students to provide the best evidence-based care, which focuses on obtaining quality health outcomes. Moreover, this aspect implies caring not only for patients but also for their families and communities. These efforts will contribute to the improvement of the healthcare system and increase public confidence in medical professionals.

Attendance of research and EBP classes are especially vital to mention in this reflection. These courses provided assistance in acquiring skills for working with sources and identifying the most critical information from them. The motivation to conduct various kinds of research helped me realize the importance of scientific data in my future practice. A potential application of the course weeks course concepts is the implementation of the data obtained in professional activities. For me, as a future professional, it is essential to improve my activities and increase my nursing competence. In addition, I believe that I have success in participating in these courses.

The section that presents a difficulty for me is following the basic procedures of nursing research knowledge. This process is complex, as it involves following specific strict requirements and sequences. Especially for me, planning research and data analysis were hard to follow. Challenges with the first arose due to the fact that in the course of drawing up a plan for future work, I do not always take into account smaller items. Due to this circumstance, when conducting research, there is a need to revise the sequence of activities to ensure the complete examination. Regarding data analysis, it is still difficult for me to familiarize myself with some terms in scientific articles on narrower topics. However, constant work on these steps will gradually improve my skills and will assist in resolving patient, nurse, and organizational problems.

In conclusion, the inclusion of evidence-based knowledge in medical education is a mandatory and valuable component. This is because students are given the opportunity to acquire reliable data and information that they can use in future activities for the provision of health services. In addition, this course follows all identified objectives, and presents an opportunity for personal and professional growth and gaining valuable skills through overcoming difficulties. It will also ensure an increase in the quality of medical services and patient satisfaction.


Dang, D., Dearholt, S. L., Bissett, K., Ascenzi, J., & Whalen, M. (2021). Johns Hopkins evidence-based practice for nurses and healthcare professionals: Model and guidelines. Sigma Theta Tau.

Saunders, H., GallagherFord, L., Kvist, T., & VehviläinenJulkunen, K. (2019). Practicing healthcare professionals evidencebased practice competencies: An overview of systematic reviews. Worldviews on EvidenceBased Nursing, 16(3), 176-185. Web.

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