Evidence-Based Practice Implementation in Nursing

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Evidence-Based Practice Implementation in Nursing


The article in question dwells upon the successful implementation of evidence based practice (EBP) in nursing. A strategy for 22-bed intensive care units in an Australian public tertiary hospital was developed (Aitken et al., 2011). The article provides details of this implementation and it can be regarded as an effective example for nursing leaders, management and even policy makers.

Key Points

Aitken et al. (2011, p. 245) note there is a substantial bulk of literature on EBP but there are a few descriptions of sustainable implementation strategies. It is also noted that the present study is based on the Advancing Research and Clinical practice through close Collaboration (ARCC) model (Aitken et al., 2011, p. 245). This model aims at integration of clinical practice and research including promotion of EBP among nursing professionals and provision of mechanisms to facilitate EBP. As has been mentioned above, The ARCC model was implemented in a public tertiary hospital. The research involved about 200 nursing professionals working part-time and fulltime. Aitken et al. (2011) note that the program was successful as it positively affected development of the nursing staff and their performance. Nurses started utilizing various EBP techniques and they understand the relevance of this approach in the nursing setting.

Steps Undertaken

The implementation of EBP included a number of steps. First, EBP champions were identified. Those were volunteering nursing leaders working in their shifts. The champions received the necessary development. They took part in workshops, they obtained access to such resources as workbooks, various texts and online materials, they also participated in tutorials held by a librarian in a local library. The champions also were in a close contact with mentors. There were about 15-20 champions.

The next step was to provide such important resources as money and time. This was achieved through negotiation with the Nurse Unit Manager (NUM). It was agreed that champions will have certain paid time (4 hours per month) free from clinical responsibilities. As has been mentioned above, nursing professionals (including champions and mentors) had an access to extensive resources available in the local library (as well as online). More so, the units involved in the project were equipped with computer terminals, which were available at every bedside and in workrooms.

Creation of the related culture and expectations associated with EBP was the next step. This process was held by mentors and champions who encouraged nurses to participate in a variety of events and to employ EBP. Practical strategies involved were as follows: workgroups, nursing rounds, journal clubs. Effectiveness of each of these activities was measured by the assigned members of the groups.

Application of the Information Learned

It is necessary to note that the present research is a valuable source for nursing professionals who can utilize the strategies revealed. More and more nursing professionals understand the benefits of EBP and try to utilize some strategies (Polit & Beck, 2012). Cullen and Adams (2012) stress that implementation of EBP is often left to nursing leaders or nursing professionals who are overloaded with clinical tasks and often lack the necessary experience. The article in question can equip these professionals with the necessary knowledge and provide some insights into successful implementation of EBP in a hospital.

One of the ways to use the strategies provided in the article under consideration is to distribute it among the nursing staff and hospital managers. This will help create the need for change. Nurses will understand that EBP can be effectively implemented. Importantly, the strategy can be implemented to address various nursing issues. It is also important to add that nurses will feel more empowered and will be able to negotiate with managerial staff. Availability of resources and support are key factors that will help nursing professionals improve their skills. Nurses will have time to meet and share their experience and knowledge during workshops and discussions. This will increase effectiveness of each nursing professional.


On balance, it is possible to note that the article in question provides important tips for nurses. One of the most valuable insights is the way nursing professionals can negotiate with the managerial staff. The need to obtain resources for effective implementation of EBP is often ignored. This may be the reason why many nurses feel reluctant to utilize EBP. Nonetheless, availability of resources may encourage them to be more active when it comes to the use of EBP. Clearly, nurses are overloaded with numerous tasks and responsibilities. However, EBP can help them optimize many processes and improve the quality of services provided, which will positively affect their job satisfaction.


Both quantitative and qualitative research can be prone to bias. It can occur at different stages such as research design, sampling, analysis of data obtained. For instance, participants may often answer questions of the questionnaire in a socially accepted manner instead of revealing their true ideas, which distorts results. Researchers should also be very careful when choosing participants of the research. There are various techniques and methods that can be used. Of course, when analyzing data, researchers may also be biased due to their experience, knowledge and background. It can be effective to work in groups containing researchers coming from different backgrounds to avoid any bias.

Reference List

Aitken, L.M., Hackwood, B., Crouch, S., Clayton, S., West, N., Carney, D., & Jack, L. (2011). Creating an environment to implement and sustain evidence based practice: A developmental process. Australian Critical Care, 24, 244-254.

Cullen, L., & Adams, S.L. (2012). Planning for implementation of evidence-based practice. Australian Critical Care, 42(4), 222-230.

Polit, D.F., & Beck, C.T. (2012). Nursing research: Generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

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