Family Health Values and Lifestyle Assessment

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Family Health Values and Lifestyle Assessment

Values, Health Perception

The interviewed family consists of a husband, wife (both in their 30s) and a boy of 12 years old. All members of the extended family live outside the state. Family members consider themselves to be healthy. They do not drink alcohol and do not smoke. When asked about medical checkups they said that they had not visited a doctor since the end of 2017. However, they plan to do a full checkup this month.


The family has a fairly healthy diet with a mix of vegetables, fruits, and meat. However, the husband eats snacks on a regular basis. This habit has spread to the child and may lead to the diet becoming unhealthy. The fluid intake of the family is average, with an appropriate amount of water and other liquids consumed by each member of the family. Water is the preferred choice of fluid in the family. The husband of the family noticed that in the recent months he has gotten heavier and is concerned with becoming overweight.


Members of the family sleep 8-9 hours on average during weekdays and 9-10 hours during weekends. No abnormalities or issues with sleep were recorded. Nobody has evident problems with snoring, night terrors, or other reasons for waking up at night aside from going to the bathroom. All family members stated that they feel rested after a full nights sleep, aside from nights after difficult days at work. Nobody in the family has a habit of taking naps.


The wife and child do not have issues with bowel elimination patterns as they did not report any discomfort. However, the husband noted that he has recently experienced constipation which lasted two days. Nobody had any complaints about urinary elimination patterns as no discomfort or abnormality was noted by the family. The frequency of both elimination patterns is appropriate for all members of the family, with the exclusion of constipation issues.


Each member of the family has their own activity pattern. The husband almost never exercises and limits his physical activity to work-related ones. He states that his work is too stressful to combine it with the additional strain from physical activity. The wife exercises every morning by doing aerobics and goes on walks in the afternoon. She also plays badminton on the weekends in the local park. The child often goes on walks, plays soccer at school and loves to ride a bicycle. All activities are performed with relative consistency and are done within the healthy limits of exercise.


Both the husband and wife learn best when they have audio aids available. However, the child is a predominately visual learner and does not have a significant response to audio aids. Nobody appears to have issues with learning through standard approaches. The family uses trivia and logic-based tabletop games to keep their cognitive processes operating whenever it appears important. Cognitive activity pattern of the family overall appears to be healthy.


The wife cannot see clearly in the distance due to her nearsightedness. To resolve this issue, she wears glasses or contacts depending on the social context of the activity she is involved in. The husband and child do not have issues with sight. No member of the family reported having difficulties in hearing. When asked about numbness or any other discomfort when touching objects, nobody had any instances that they could recall. However, during one of the previous questions, the husband complained about a finger that lost some of its sense of touch after being burned on the stove.


All members of the family were asked about their self-esteem. Both the husband and wife considered themselves to be confident, likable, and generally good people. However, this was stated without any sense of self-obsession. The child is currently too young to be fully self-aware but is on the verge of gaining a deeper understanding of himself. His self-esteem is slightly lower than average, but no clear issues are present. Nobody in the family reported feelings of hopelessness or depression. The parents aspire to support their child as well as advance in their carrier to buy a house because they currently live in an apartment. The child wants to finish school and become a doctor.

Role Relationship

The husband grew up in a large family with parents, as well as two brothers and two sisters living in the same house. The wife was an only child raised by her father. Her mother passed away when she was four, and extended family members rarely visited them. Currently, the family lives as a unit and does not have frequent visits from the extended family which consists of three uncles and two aunts. The husband belongs to the local bowling club and attends their weekly tournaments on weekends. The wife does not have an official membership in any social group but often socializes with neighbors. The child has a circle of friends but does not socialize outside of it. Nobody feels like they need additional ways of socializing.


The parents are sexually active whenever possible, but due to parenting responsibilities, these opportunities are limited. The wife did not report any issues with her reproductive organs. The husband is more concerned about his sexual health but also does not have any issues to report.


No one in the family had any difficult situations happen in the last year. The husband feels stressed, but wife and child do not. Nobody uses any medications designed to help with coping.

Wellness Problems

The majority of the health patterns of the family are healthy. However, the husband experiences excessive stress related to work. This seems to prevent him from having a healthy level of physical activity. Without physical activity, his eating habits are starting to affect his weight (Wang et al., 2015; Grimes, Bolhuis, He, & Nowson, 2016). Currently, he is not overweight, but if he continues to maintain his focus on snacks, he may gain excessive weight which will become a health issue. In addition, his level of stress may lead to burnout at work and other issues if it is not handled properly (Boren, 2014).


  1. Are you healthy?
  2. Do you drink alcohol or smoke?
  3. When was your last checkup?
  4. What is your diet?
  5. What do you drink?
  6. Are you concerned about weight?
  7. How much do you sleep?
  8. Do you wake up at night?
  9. Do you feel refreshed after sleep?
  10. Do you feel discomfort during bowel elimination?
  11. Do you feel discomfort during urinary elimination?
  12. How many times do you go to the bathroom in a day?
  13. Do you exercise?
  14. Do you play sports?
  15. How often do you exercise?
  16. What teaching aids help you best?
  17. Do you have any issues with the standard learning process?
  18. How do you maintain cognitive awareness?
  19. Do you see well?
  20. Do you hear well?
  21. Do you have any issues with numbness?
  22. Are you confident?
  23. Do you ever feel hopeless or depressed?
  24. What are your goals in life?
  25. How big was your family?
  26. How do you live now?
  27. How do you socialize?
  28. Are you sexually active?
  29. Do you have issues with female health?
  30. Do you have issues with male health?
  31. Did anything difficult happen last year?
  32. Do you feel stressed?
  33. Do you take medications for coping?


Boren, J. P. (2014). The relationships between co-rumination, social support, stress, and burnout among working adults. Management Communication Quarterly, 28(1), 3-25.

Grimes, C. A., Bolhuis, D. P., He, F. J., & Nowson, C. A. (2016). Dietary sodium intake and overweight and obesity in children and adults: a protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. Systematic Reviews, 5, 7.

Wang, J. B., Cadmus-Bertram, L. A., Natarajan, L., White, M. M., Madanat, H., Nichols, J. F., & Pierce, J. P. (2015). Wearable sensor/device (Fitbit One) and SMS text-messaging prompts to increase physical activity in overweight and obese adults: A randomized controlled trial. Telemedicine and E-Health, 21(10), 782-792.

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