Healthcare Organization Assessment

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Healthcare Organization Assessment


After completing the evaluation of Acadiana Treatment, it became possible to effectively understand the value of evidence-based practice in the workplace. The evaluation is based on existing research into implementing EBP in medical settings, comprised of an 18-point list. There is a high degree of recognition and respect for professionals who use EBP. At the same time, however, they do not receive support on the same level as their importance should provide. Training programs to encourage evidence-based treatment of patients exist in the facility, but their variety and effectiveness can be called into question. The rewards and financial incentives for incorporating EBP into regular practice are far from ideal as well.


As a result, the primary incentive for using EBP in the workplace comes from the personal convictions of individual medical workers and the workplace respect it evokes. There is not enough systematic support to encourage more widespread adoption of EBP. This is a significant issue for the medical facility and the wellness of clients. According to existing research, the application of EBP is crucial in successfully enabling positive outcomes and facilitating a healthy relationship with patients (Karagiannis, 2018). In addiction care, communication with admitted individuals and emotional support act as a core component in delivering care and seeing change, making patient-centered evidence-based practice a necessity (Englander et al., 2019). From personal experience, I can assert that some of the problems in encouraging EBP have been partially addressed in the hiring process, as HR now works to employ more staff familiar with evidence-based practice. However, currently employed nurses and medical care providers are struggling to maintain a consistent level of care and thoughtfully incorporate new research into their work.


There is a need for better education and reward systems in the organization. According to existing data, both workplace education and high-quality leadership that is able to integrate EBP into their organizational principles are central to the success of modern healthcare facilities (Lehane et al., 2018). Biblical principles also emphasize the importance of promoting learning in communities, as it enables better outcomes for society. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 (New International Version Bible) says Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.


Lehane, E., Leahy-Warren, P., ORiordan, C., Savage, E., Drennan, J., OTuathaigh, C., OConnor, M., Corrigan, M., Burke, F., Hayes, M., Lynch, H., Sahm, L., Heffernan, E., OKeeffe, E., Blake, C., Horgan, F., & Hegarty, J. (2018). Evidence-based practice education for Healthcare Professions: An expert view. BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine, 24(3), 103108. Web.

New International Version Bible. (1978). Bible Gateway. Web.

Englander, H., Mahoney, S., Brandt, K., Brown, J., Dorfman, C., Nydahl, A., Weimer, M., & Gregg, J. (2019). Tools to support hospital-based addiction care: Core components, values, and activities of the improving addiction care team. Journal of Addiction Medicine, 13(2), 85-89. Web.

Karagiannis, T. (2018). The importance of applying evidence-based medicine in clinical practice. Management of Hypertension, 3-17. Web.

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