Healthcare Quality Improvement Team Meeting Plan

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Healthcare Quality Improvement Team Meeting Plan

Designing Interdisciplinary Team

The concepts of HRM tend to revolutionize, and the development of the interdisciplinary teams is one of the consequences (Nancarrow et al., 2013). This HR practice is believed to have a positive impact on the organizational effectiveness as well as the quality of the provided care and patients satisfaction (Pannik et al., 2015; Siddons & Potter, 2016). Therefore, establishing an interdisciplinary team to minimize door-to-balloon time to comply with the AHA standards by changing the structure of the emergency department is essential. This practice will not only improve the effectiveness of the hospital but also help reduce adverse health consequences.

When reviewing the organizational structure, the professionals that have a substantial impact on the quality of the provided services include the nurse, acute care nurse, cardiologist, HR manager, and quality control manager. Their selection is rational since nurses with different backgrounds and cardiologists will assist in the understanding of the processes required to improve the quality of the delivered procedure while simultaneously reducing its delivery time. A collaboration of the HR manager and quality control specialist will help restructure the emergency department, identify the main responsibilities, and introduce KPIs to evaluate the outcomes. This interdisciplinary team will have a beneficial impact on designing a relevant solution as it has a unique blend of knowledge and practical experience.

Associated Risks and Strategies to Address Them

Nonetheless, there are a plethora of risks that may arise due to the members different professional backgrounds. This aspect is a potential challenge when shaping a common vision as the participants discover it from the viewpoints that pertain to their medical practices (Nancarrow et al., 2013; Raine et al., 2014). Simultaneously, various conflicts may arise as the outcomes of miscommunication and the lack of a strong distinction between the roles. For example, nurses and managers may have different perceptions concerning interventions.

A combination of these aspects will have a clear effect on the efficiency of the working mechanism of the facility while having a reflection on the delivered quality. To minimize these risks, Nancarrow et al. (2013) identify that joint-working, clear explanation of the roles, career development, motivation, and ethics can be employed. Using the leadership practices to increase commitment and motivation, developing a reward and recognition system, and discussing roles and duties will be the major strategies utilized to avoid these risks. The last matter has to be considered as a central goal of the first meeting.

Organizing a Meeting

Aspects of Review

Before organizing a meeting, it is necessary to identify the topics that have to be reviewed. It will supply the team members with the required ideas and points for the discussion. In the first place, nursing practitioners and cardiologists have to review the working mechanism of the emergency department. For example, discovering the impact of ECG on STEMI patients may be an essential topic as this strategy is believed to reduce door-to-balloon time (Coyne et al., 2015). Clearly describing the practices and resources required to minimize door-to-balloon time will guide other professionals and help introduce effective solutions to restructure the emergency department.

In turn, the HR manager will be essential to discover the potential ways to reorganize the department and depict the financial and human resources available for this project. At the same time, this professional can evaluate the skills that are needed to achieve the desired goals and training that can be introduced to contribute to the development of these competences. As for the quality control manager, this specialist can review AHA standards and KPIs to monitor the progress.

Methods of Getting Buy-in

Another aspect is selecting the appropriate methods to ensure that all members of the team understand the importance and support the goals and mission of the project. One of the approaches is to offer evidence that this innovation is an optimal solution to the existent issue (Bleser et al., 2014). In this case, the main benefits that can be provided are early ECG diagnosis and introducing a new method of treating patients. Developing a framework of personnel with individual roles and duties and creating favorable conditions for idea sharing are other effective approaches to consider (Bleser et al., 2014). Based on the strategies identified above, the SMART goal can be formulated as I will gain the support of all team members and motivate them to restructure the emergency department within three months by providing a clear rationale for the project, offering individual tasks, and being flexible to suggestions. These aspects are critical to enhancing the efficiency of the hospital and the quality of healthcare. The outcomes will be measured by different KPIs, employee satisfaction, and development of relevant solutions.

Agenda of the Meeting

As was mentioned earlier, the most cost-efficient strategy is changing the emergency department, and as a consequence, the agenda should focus on discussing the details of this strategy. First, it is vital to explain the existence of the problem and introduce the solution and rationale (20 minutes). This aspect will increase the awareness of the audience and help convince them that this resolution is reasonable. The next stage will be discovering this issue and the expected outcomes (reducing door-to-balloon time) from the practical perspective (15 minutes). In this case, nurses and the cardiologist can explain the working mechanisms of the emergency department and make suggestions based on the evidence-based practice. After that, HR and the quality manager will help reveal the required resources and define the instruments to monitor progress (15 minutes). A combination of these aspects will determine the subsequent stages that refer to defining the roles and scheduling the meetings and benchmarks (25 minutes).

Assessment of the Meeting

To determine the effectiveness of the meetings, it is vital to introduce relevant and suitable approaches and strategies to evaluate it. In the context of the occasion described above, the level of responsiveness of participants and their desire to contribute to the decision-making and find a relevant solution to the problem is one of the indicators. It assists in understanding whether the initial stage of the buy-in strategy is effective and persuasive. Alternatively, the well-defined roles of the team members and structured schedule could be considered as critical positive outcomes of the meeting as they can define the subsequent phases and determine personalized tasks.


Bleser, W., Miller-Day, M., Naughton, D., Bicker, D., Cronholm, P., & Gabbay, R. (2014). Practices for achieving whole-practice engagement and buy-in to the patient-centered medical home. Annals of Family Medicine, 12(1), 37-45.

Coyne, C., Testa, N., Desai, S., Lagrone, R., Chang, R.,&, Kim, H. (2015). Improving door-to-balloon time by decreasing door-to-ECG time for walk-in STEMI patients. West Journal of Emergency Medicine, 16(1), 184-189.

Nancarrow, S., Booth, A., Ariss, S., Smith, T., Enderby, P., & Roots, A. (2013). Ten principles of good interdisciplinary team work. Human Resources for Health, 11(19), 1-11.

Pannick, S., Davis, R., Ashrafian, H., Byme, B., Beveridge, Anthnasious, T.,&, & Sevdalis, N. (2015). Effects of disciplinary team care interventions on general medical wards: A systematic review. JAMA Internal Medicine, 175(8), 1288-1298.

Raine, R., Wallace, I., Bhaird, N., Xanthopoulou, P., Lanceley, A.,&, Barber, J. (2014). Improving the effectiveness of multidisciplinary team meetings for patients with chronic diseases: A prospective observational study. Health Services and Delivery Research, 2(37), 7-208.

Siddons, N., & Potter, T. (2016). Improving interdisciplinary relationships in primary care with the implementation of team STEPPS. Interdisciplinary Journal of Partnership Studies, 3(1), 1-24.

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