Internet Censoring Technologies

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Internet Censoring Technologies


The possibility of intelligent softwares intervenes our day to day life has always pose a range of ethical and moral issues and its stand on these issues. (Thomas B. Sheridan. 2016) From SIRI (Apple Inc) to self-driving cars human interactive technologies is growing by leaps and bounds. (Giuseppe Aceto et al. 2015) Akin to network monitoring for faults, attacks, and performance variations, Internet censorship monitoring is a relatively new field of research with methodologies, tools and practices still in course of definition. Now a days the wide use of this technology encompasses from Googles search algorithms to IBMs Watson to autonomous weapons specialising in cyber warfare (Makridakis, S. 2017).

In mid-2010, more than 1.9 billion people used the Internet, making it a tool of communications, entertainment, and other applications accessed by roughly 28% of the worlds population (Barney Warf. 2010). The conventional wisdom is that the data and resources we share and use on that platform is biased towards openness and beneficial for all sections of the society. Nevertheless, the pressures from authoritative governments and security agencies to regulate and control the internet space and its users are beginning to alter its basic fabric of its values that may undermine not only the activities of global communication networks but also the long-term prospects of having openness in communications environment (Deibert, R. J. 2003). Australias mandatory national web-filtering system, Finlands increased Internet surveillance for terrorist threats, the UKs Internet Censorship and Disconnection Law, and the USAs Stop Online Piracy Act and Protect Intellectual Property Act are some examples (Archie L. Dick. 2012).

In this essay I would like discuss the wide spread adoption of cutting-edge web technologies in the arena of Internet censorship. The merits of this technology in perspective of cybersecurity and thwarting attacks as well as its demerits at the cost of freedom of speech and surveillance on person(s) of interest by the dissent governments or state security agencies.

Internet Censorship for National Security

Internet hacking targes the users no matter whether internet censorship laws are in place or not. However, these censorship laws can act as a deterrent for these activities also could possibly reduce the number of hacking incident that occur. This in turn will have positive impact on national security (Medeline Carr 2013). There are dark we technologies that provide access to illicit drugs, human trafficking and pornography can be accessed with relative ease. By restricting these contents governments can make sure the security of their citizens. Internet filtering is just one of the many options available to the governments to curb the use of illegal activities as well as trace the criminals. It helps the government to document it easily. These documented activities can be put forward for the assessments to Freedom House (the OpenNet Initiative), and Herdict Web a Harvard based initiative which voluntarily seeks input from Internet users around the world in order to crowdsource real-time data regarding Internet control. The most of the governments are now experimenting with more sophisticated ways of exerting controls that relatively harder to detect (Evgeny Morozov 2011).

Internet Censorship on curbing the fake news

There is an unprecedented increase of fake news all around the world in less than 5 years. This has caused grave effects on issues ranging from free speech to un-biased transparent democratic elections. (Clark et al. 2017) Internet censorship is a potential tool that can provide another level of discernment which could possibly stop or contain any untoward incidents that are based on misleading incidents that never happened. Recently, state censors have started citing fake news as a reason for censoring the Internet. However, there is valid point in that claim even though many disagrees. (Co-Pierre Georg et al. 2018) In a real world if your adversary determined to spread fake news he or she will first go through the public profile on social network platforms. Then manipulate his disinformation to match your beliefs to increase the possibility you share this with other members in your network. The recent technological innovations such as data-centric web 2.0 along with responsible individual activism can effectively put control over circulation of fake news.

Lessen the impact of identity theft

Identity theft which takes many forms and is one of the fastest growing crimes in the internet world today. Victims include active internet uses not only from developed nations but also from developing countries. Internet censoring technologies can restrict online content that would allow identity information to be easily shared which in-turn lessen the impact that identity theft causes to the public.( Kristy Holtfreter et al. 2018) In year 2012, the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) revealed that an estimated 1.1 million US residents were victims of identity theft in the form of the unauthorized use or attempted misuse of personal information (e.g., social security number, date of birth, and existing credit card accounts) to open a new account e.g., a credit card or mortgage. The problem of identity theft is not confined to the USA. In Australia, an estimated 0.3% of the Australian population over aged 15 was victimized by identity theft in 2010.

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