Mentally Ill Persons in the Community

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Mentally Ill Persons in the Community

Mental disorders include many health conditions that affect ones mood, behavior, and thinking. Patients with such conditions develop stress symptoms that develop into depression with time. This interferes with ones normal daily activities in work, school, or relationships. Causes vary from inherited traits, environment, and intake of some drugs. Mentally challenged patients should be given care in isolation wards where they can control the disorders. This paper provides a case study of mentally ill persons residing in a particular community.

Mission Statement

Any social service organization must develop a solid and powerful mission statement for it to achieve the set goals and objectives. The rural hospital in the study aims to offer rehabilitation and quality medical care to individuals with chronic mental illness and low social status. The second mission is to change the entire communitys lives through timely social, psychological, and adaptive support. Further, social status should allow patients to receive quality medical care. Consideration should be made to all, regardless of class, and discrimination should be eliminated. Every individual need should be taken care of despite of their conditions. The hospital, in the setup, is equipped with resources to drive community outreach programs and empower working staff. This will bring community unity, improved social well-being, and health promotion.

To develop a new psycho-social rehabilitation program, the staffing plan, budget, and funding strategies must be implemented as a guiding plan. Staff includes nurses and specialists trained to handle mentally challenged individuals (Management Library, 2022). Having healthcare providers who have been fully equipped with relevant skills and knowledge leads to improved quality of services. Finances are also needed to purchase the resources required for the treatment plan and the medications needed. A better funding strategy will ensure the money is available from the government or other aid.

Researching Funding Opportunities

The internet is another important source that can be used to channel contributions toward the National Alliance for Mentally 111 (NAMI). The foundation center is a leading data source where information concerning the program can be easily known to the public (RodriguezBlazquez et al., 2020). It was established in 1956 and aimed at connecting people worldwide whose aim is to channel resources to nonprofit organizations. Since thousands of people visit this website daily, they can be able to view advertisements concerning community foundations and offer the relevant help needed. Additionally, essential guidelines on starting strategies are published, which are very important.

Funding databases such as the instrumental can be used to provide unique insights. It can present information in pictorial forms making it more appealing. Features such as email updates and grant trackers facilitate the delivery of advertisements to viewers. Web directories like yahoo are famous for their efficient service delivery. It was invented in 1994 and can be used for commercial services like advertisements. It can be used to conveniently pass the information on this target program, making it gain support from many donors.

Google is another critical website that can be widely used for this designated case study. Since many people prefer to google emerging events and programs, information concerning these programs can be availed for easy access. All details attached, starting from the mission statement, activities to be taken, and the goals and objectives, can give a quick clue on the requirements (Patel & Patel, 2022). The audience is not limited to specific individuals increasing the chances of willing individuals.

Prospective Grants

Financial support is needed to come up with a psycho-social rehabilitation program. Financial sources for such programs originate from many organizations, individuals, and the government. Individual grants originate from people who may be willing to support the programs activities (Management Library, 2022). These may arise from the need to help the less fortunate acquire medical attention. The advantages of individual grants are paramount since they form the largest source of giving. In most cases, through creating awareness of the importance of the program, many individuals develop the urge to help the poor in the community. Therefore, they decide to contribute vast amounts of money they possess. They are a continuous source since persons who wish to help emerge daily, making the contribution endless. Since the contribution is not limited to time, some people make it a regular habit.

Large-Family Foundations

This refers to organizations that are owned by specific families. Large businesses owned by them may be a source of money. They come up with foundations to help society in a variety of ways. This is due to the enormous profits realized due to increased sales and service delivery (Management Library, 2022). Such organizations budget for charity offers to society as a way of appreciation. This foundation fits the mission statement and funding needs in various ways. They are sources of vast sums of money for emerging community programs. Clear guidelines and procedures are followed before giving out this money. Cases of fund mismanagement are very few due to professional records and follow-ups. This facilitates to the completion of projects to fully help the community. Further, skilled employees can give research proposals to enable the programs to have a sense of direction. This collaboration between the parties involved creates a positive relationship between the locals and the project planners.

Community Foundations

Community members might be organized into different foundations where they share financial ideas. Each member is supposed to contribute a certain amount of money to save. Set governing rules may require that the extra profits earned be channeled to emerging community programs (Management Library, 2022). Their agendas may vary from the different groups and their interests. Extension services to the less fortunate include offering free food as aid. Other needs, such as clothing and shelter for the homeless children, are also offered. Their benefits include large staff availability for support programs and sources of vast amounts of money.

Small-Family Foundations

These comprise of few families who come up with supporting foundations for the community. Money may originate from personal contributions or a general saving unit in the organization (Management Library, 2022). They are therefore willing to offer support to organized projects. In some scenarios, the family members have some projects that are income sources for such kits. They may be running businesses or agricultural activities, earning them huge profits. Their funding process is continuous and can support existing expenses after completing the programs. In the above case, chronic patients who need regular checkups can benefit since they do not need to incur huge expenses. Board members in charge of such foundations influence the members to contribute money. This is done through proper analysis of the target individuals living conditions.

Large Corporations

This refers to a group of companies with a primary goal and objective. They mainly specialize in a particular business, the primary income source. Organized charity kits within the organization help fund programs (Management Library, 2022). Sometimes, members who buy company shares are advised to contribute to such foundations and can receive help in emergencies. The need to support chronic patients in developing special units for their medication creates peaceful socialization. Such corporations can source continuous funds for ongoing projects within the setup. Volunteer involvement can be linked to the program, where specialized guidance can be offered. Issues concerning the allocation of money to various projects can be handled professionally. The business strategy is made clear, making the organization develop governing rules and policies.

Government Aids

The government is a significant source of money for community projects. This is due to the general benefits realized, especially in the health sector. Since most government hospitals are congested, there is a need to extend services from other health facilities (Management Library, 2022). Mental health is a significant concern, so government support is paramount to ease the burden of insufficient mental care facilities. Most importantly, such funds are budgeted for the different units and are available at convenient times. The advantages of government grant are that it is readily available for well-organized programs. The objectives should be set for them to receive help. Politicians interested in such programs can also easily offer their support since they are well conversant with the citizens needs. Such platforms give them opportunities to share their ideas, which might be very critical. Further, continuous support is guaranteed since taxes paid is a reliable source of money.

Grants-making foundations refer to private organizations that donate grants to charitable groups. On the other hand, government-funded refers to money given to nonprofit organizations whereby a contract is made. Applications are made, and the funds can only be available if the organizations meet the requirements. The difference between the two grants can be seen from the mode of finance utilization. In government-funded grants, conditions made before the money is given must be met. The specific activities described during application should be driven, which may lead to consequences. Money from grant-making foundations can be utilized in various ways since no contracts are made during remit.

While conducting the research, various trends in nonprofit funding were identified. Digital wallet is an example of the new trend being discussed. It refers to the digitalized payment modes with increased credit card usage. Similarly, the nonprofit office culture is another trend where the workplace of individuals is made conducive. This includes considering cultural sensitivity, diversity, and equity.

Building a future board of members is a continuous discipline in research strategies. Leadership pathways that are modernized give workers room to illustrate their strengths. Weaknesses can also be identified for necessary change to take place. Increased donor privacy by considering what information concerning their operation can be shared is critical. Personal relationships will be created, leading to loyal donor bases.

The new trends affect the mission statement since they have impacts on it. Quality medical care s realized through the use of modern technology in the treatment of chronic patients (Browning, 2014). This incorporates the use of online platforms where diagnosis information is shared. Such sites must be protected by strong passwords to ensure privacy. The funding needs will be quickly addressed due to the available money channeled to different projects.

Donor Prospect List

In order to achieve the goals and objectives, a donor prospect list is critical in making plans. This refers to the various groups that supported the project financially. It comprises government, cooperations, and foundations (Management Library, 2022). There is a connection between the mission statement and the target market for each donor. Chronically mentally ill persons who mostly spend their time on the streets are the aimed population. Since the local hospital cannot accommodate all the patients, there is a need to establish a psycho-social rehabilitation program.

Foundations vary from small to big family organizations that have dedicated money to charity donations. Hospitals mission to provide quality care to all people despite their social class encourages them not to discriminate against the poor (Browning, 2014). In some cases, their family members may be victims, and they may need care from these facilities. This encourages us to cooperate and work together as a unit. Similarly, the government is concerned with the general welfare of its citizen by providing universal healthcare services. Therefore, we must ensure that all citizens get equal healthcare despite their social class and status. This reduces the congestion in the few available facilities that cannot cater to all individual needs. Cooperations also support these programs since it directly benefits them as their members may need these services at some point.

Social networking will be utilized in this case study to grow the donor base and outreach services. This involves the use of social media platforms to reach more audiences, especially the ones who can be willing to offer support. Publishing such a program on websites that individuals frequently visit will attract more donors making it a success. Further, advertisements through television concerning this specific program can increase public awareness. Some individuals may lack information concerning mentally challenged individuals; upon getting a clear picture of their condition, they can be more willing to help. The additional prospective donor is individuals who volunteer to support this program by directly channeling their savings. Through this, they will contribute to improved patient care to the low economic status persons.

Fundraising Plan

To reach the expected financial limit, specific goals should be set and should be adhered to. They include setting a specific target amount to focus on, recruiting more donors and volunteers into the contribution kit (Management Library, 2022), and increasing media awareness by broadcasting the contributing events. Creating partnerships with other cooperations who may become regular givers and developing community communications. Funding goals can be achieved through the implementation of the set objectives. Public awareness can be made through social media platforms where the public may see the need to support such programs.

Inviting many donors through private mailings will work as expected. Through this, they will set aside some money to channel to them. Further, grants form a better support system as they aim at giving money without expecting returns (Browning, 2014). They include large and small family foundations, community contributions, large cooperations, and government aid. An approved strategy to attain fundraising goals includes determining the strengths and weaknesses of the projects. Strongholds that can prosper the project must be identified, especially the continuous donors whose impacts are enormous. Weaknesses like poor expenditure can be avoided through proper planning.

The staff forms a critical team, and their support is immense. To ensure that they understand the fundraising goals, they should be included in developing governing objectives. Meetings can be organized where clarifications are made, and room for asking and answering questions is created. Further, the need to ask for support must be clarified so they can fully participate in the exercise. Methods like online sensitivity are adopted to ask for donations and support.

The approximate money to be raised within three years is 900, 000 dollars.

Fundraising events such as capital campaigns and endowment contributions help generate money to drive the project (Management Library, 2022). Capital campaigns refer to efforts made by the committee members in a project to raise a specific amount of money within set limits. In this context, the stipulated timeline was three years. They invite willing donors to make some unique gifts in the form of money. Funds raised are for certain expenditures to increase the organizations ability to reach its mission.

Endowment contributions refer to money raised for a program to invest. In no circumstances should this money be utilized in other expenditures, even if in case of emergencies. Direct appeals refer to the methods by which nonprofit organizations seek financial support from their donors. It can be made through direct mail, where cards and other target letters are used to make requests. Donors can channel their money upon delivery using the most appropriate means.

Online fundraising using the internet can also be a beneficial strategy to raise money. This refers to the application of online websites to channel money needed for laid programs. Published requests are made, and relevant information concerning the projects is attached for accessible communication. Further, phone numbers where people can make inquiries are attached, where consultations can be made. This method is convenient as it does not require the givers to travel to Chanel for their contributions.

Grant Proposal Cover Letter to a Large Private Cooperation

Dear Director:

Due to the increased case of chronically ill persons in our locality, our hospital seeks to build a new psycho-social rehabilitation program to help the patients. This is our mission to provide equal healthcare services to all people. The estimated budget for our community program is $900,000, and we are seeking help due to insufficient funds in our treasury. Since everyone is aware of the emerging trends of chronic patients living on the streets, there is a need to develop a specific facility where they can receive specialized care and attention.

It is a three-year timeline, and a series of activities will be included to establish the program entirely. The board and its members are eagerly waiting to implement the set activities. Additionally, cultural diversity is considered so that all the community members may be accommodated. The general impact is creating a whole society where every individual is valued. Thank you for your planned consideration of our request. If you have any questions, contact us through our email [email protected] for further directions.

Suitable Grant for the Case Study

A grant that best fits the case organizations mission and target population is government aid. Since the government has varied sources of income, it is the most appropriate to consider. Taxes from individuals contribute to the massive income as it cooperates with the income, service, and cooperate contributions. In insufficient funds, it can borrow from other donors and refund later. This makes the aid more convenient and timelier since adjustments can be accommodated despite the timeline.

If I were requesting funding from this particular grant, I would apply the following elements to ensure they are well convinced of my requests. I will include a written declaration consisting of a clear explanation of the basis of the claims. This will include giving detailed information concerning the program which is in progress. Since the main aim is to begin a rehabilitation center for mentally ill patients, all ideal information on the target population and mission statement will be written. The activities likely to occur during the exercise will also be included.

Government aid follows a particular procedure before giving out grants to any nonprofit organization. Honesty should be upheld when applying to eliminate doubts and fasten the budget allocation. Emails and physical addresses are given should be reached in case they send officials to verify the suitability of the programs. Explaining the programs impact on them and emphasizing improved universal health will be an added advantage.

An attachment of all the required documents matching the case study will be available. Since the government requires that a particular procedure be followed when starting any project, the accompanying evidence will be available. A policy document that aligns the mental health service with the constitution of the country is essential to validate the authenticity of the program (Baumber et al., 2021). Further, it should agree with the national and global agenda. Other nations can be involved in the program as they may give ideas that can be adapted to the programs. This can be done by examining their modes of handling mentally challenged patients and the health measures they have established to protect them. A valid license that approves the site beginning the rehabilitation center must also be accompanied to avoid conflicts with the construction and agency authorities.

Lastly, the countrys conditions for collaborating with a specific nation are another essential element. They will give proof and evidence of the exact location of the projects and the activities they are engaging in. They should be related to a particular claim in the case study. For instance, mentally challenged patients should be given equal care and treatment without discrimination in this scenario. It will be evidenced that the program will benefit more than just individuals from a specific economic class. Cultural diversity not only in the local area but also internationally will influence the attitude of this program by the individuals. Protecting it will indicate human rights preservation and freedom of expression.

Grant announcements and information can be available online through search engines. The following link gives access to such data (, 2021). Essential tips on making requests to get funds can be obtained from the website and used critically. Broadcast news on current trends and managing strategies gives guidance on adopting appropriate strategies. Lastly, guiding policies and principles governing the agencies ensures that the set laws are adhered to.


Baumber, A., Schweinsberg, S., Scerri, M., Kaya, E., & Sajib, S. (2021). Sharing begins at home: A Social Licence Framework for Home Sharing Practices. Annals of Tourism Research, 91, 103293.

Browning. (2014). Grant writing for dummies (5th ed.). Wiley. (2021). View opportunity. Web.

Management Library. (2022). All about nonprofit fundraising  guidelines and resources. Management Library.

Patel, D. K., & Patel, K. (2022). Potential therapeutic applications of desmin in medicine: An overview on medicinal importance, pharmacological activities, and analytical prospects. Pharmacological Research  Modern Chinese Medicine, 5, 100175.

RodriguezBlazquez, C., Schrag, A., Rizos, A., Chaudhuri, K. R., MartinezMartin, P., & Weintraub, D. (2020). Prevalence of nonmotor symptoms and nonmotor fluctuations in Parkinsons disease using the MDSNMS. Movement Disorders Clinical Practice, 8(2), 231239.

View Opportunity (2021). Grants government. Web.

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