Obesity as National Practice Problem

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Obesity as National Practice Problem


The selected national practice problem for this discussion is obesity. From a global perspective, this health challenge impacts nurses by increasing the number of patients in need of exemplary medical services. Obesity triggers a wide range of illnesses and makes it impossible for many patients to record positive health outcomes. Nursing care has been stretched to the limits by this practice problem. For instance, Reed (2017) indicates that professionals in this field are currently expected to meet the changing needs of many people who are obese or have related medical problems. Healthcare organizations have been forced to hire more workers, acquire advanced health technology equipment, and transform their care delivery models. Additionally, obesity makes it impossible for many people to receive high-quality care. Since the government allocates more funds to cater to this condition, other areas of care delivery have been ignored. Obese patients continue to seek additional medical services for various opportunistic diseases.

Some of the key stakeholders related to this practice problem include government agencies, private health facilities, public medical institutions, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), healthcare workers, public and social services professionals, community members, and patients. A multifaceted approach towards addressing the challenges associated with obesity can support and empower them to achieve their potential. Clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) are evidence-based instructions that practitioners and physicians can use to improve care delivery. Currently, there are various CPGs implemented to guide community members and patients to overcome this problem. The best example is the one aimed at encouraging beneficiaries to engage in exercises and monitor their body mass indexes (BMIs) frequently (Rutkowski, 2017). The most important thing is to implement this CPG across the board and overcome the above challenges.

Local Practice Problem Exploration

From the local perspective, obesity impacts nurses, nursing care, the quality of available care, and healthcare institutions. Many nurse practitioners (NPs) are currently finding it hard to offer medical support to patients suffering from other conditions, such as malaria and depression. Nurses are also forced to undertake new studies to understand the implications of obesity. Nursing care at the local level has changed from a treatment to a preventative practice. This means that there has been a need for NPs to inform more patients about the importance of BMI and balanced diets. Many local healthcare organizations are unable to meet the needs of obese patients. Institutions without adequate resources find it hard to achieve their potential (Rutkowski, 2017). These developments have also interfered with the nature and quality of care available to different patients. Effective policies can address these implications and support the health needs of all people.

The obesity problem affects different key stakeholders at the local level. For instance, community members are recording more preventable illnesses. Health facilities are also becoming overwhelmed by this problem. Physicians, caregivers, and NPs are also forced to work overtime to deliver high-quality medical services to more patients. Social workers and public health officers are now required to view obesity as an epidemic. An evidence-based approach is needed in my workplace to manage this condition. This entails the use of a powerful education campaign that sensitizes people about the dangers of obesity and how to prevent them (Reed, 2017). The model will focus on BMIs, a balanced diet, and exercises. This educational tool is capable of addressing this problem because it is simple and inexpensive. A powerful intervention is applicable at the local level. The best initiative is encouraging more people to get timely screening for other conditions, exercise frequently, check their BMIs, and avoid fatty or sugary foods.

Ethical Considerations

The proposed interventions are capable of delivering various benefits at both the local and national levels. These will include positive population health outcomes, reduced expenditure on obesity, and mitigation of various conditions associated with this practice problem. Additionally, more nurses will have adequate time to treat other illnesses. The successful implementation of such measures will not present any identifiable injury. The nature of the proposed intervention is not associated with competing personal or professional values. This is true since the strategy seeks to educate and allow all community members to make informed decisions, engage in various exercises, and check their BMIs (Reed, 2017). This means that more individuals will implement it and record positive outcomes. The only violation of moral principles might occur when the tool is introduced to underage children. Getting their consent might be difficult, and their parents might be unhappy when their young ones are labeled obese. The good thing is that the intervention is harmless.

The only type of objection might arise from guardians and parents. This can happen when the tool is introduced to children below 15 years. Such stakeholders might argue that their young ones are healthy and inappropriate for such interventions. This challenge requires continuous empowerment of all stakeholders to identify obesity as a major problem that affects both patients and medical professionals. Consequently, more people will be willing to support the initiative and make it an integral part of their lives (Rutkowski, 2017). Consequently, all beneficiaries will embrace the intervention and deliver positive local and national health results.

Change Models

Obesity is a major practice problem impacting nurses, healthcare organizations, and community members. A powerful action plan is needed to implement a superior intervention that can mitigate it. The proposed strategy is informed by Kurt Lewins change theory. This model follows these three brief stages: refreezing, changing, and freezing (Cummings, Bridgman, & Brown, 2016). The refreezing stage will be characterized by an intensive awareness campaign. This means that all stakeholders will be presented with the facts of obesity and potential dangers. They will be allowed to think deeply and acknowledge that this condition is a major health predicament. The second component will be that of change. During this phase, the above intervention approach will be introduced and implemented. Different health professionals and community members will be encouraged to engage in exercises, check their BMIs, and eat balanced foods. This will be completed within six months. The relevant agencies will be requested to provide educational materials and financial resources to achieve the intended objectives. The final stage is that of freezing, whereby all new behaviors will become daily practices.

Some barriers to implementation might arise and affect the entire process, inadequate financial resources, unresponsive target population, and time constraints. The facilitators to overcome them include government agencies, health workers, community members, and social workers. Such stakeholders will have to complete various roles to deliver positive outcomes. For instance, government agencies will provide financial support, while health and social workers will educate community members about the benefits of the intervention (Cheke, Simons, & Clayton, 2016). The target population will remain involved and embrace the presented recommendations. Finally, adequate educational materials and funds will be required to implement this solution successfully. Human resources will also be needed to achieve the intended aims, such as competent trainers, dieticians, and community organizers.


Cheke, L. G., Simons, J. S., & Clayton, N. S. (2016). Higher body mass index is associated with episodic memory deficits in young adults. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 69(11), 2305-2316. Web.

Cummings, S., Bridgman, T., & Brown, K. G. (2016). Unfreezing change as three steps: Rethinking Kurt Lewins legacy for change management. Human Relations, 69(1), 33-60. Web.

Reed, P. (2017). Translating nursing philosophy for practice and healthcare policy. Nursing Science Quarterly, 30(3), 1-12. Web.

Rutkowski, E. M. (2017). Tuned in: Connecting community health nursing students learning to the news. Journal of Nursing Education, 56(4), 251-252. Web.

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