Personnel Recruitment and Equal Opportunities Law

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Personnel Recruitment and Equal Opportunities Law

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation

In my company, the recruitment process involves an inquiry from a department for a specific position addressed to human resources. An essential element here is that managerial positions, such as mine, can be filled using the current employees if those possess the necessary skills. One law that clearly outlines the legal aspects of personnel management is the Federal Employment Anti Discrimination law (Small business requirements, n.d.). The provisions of this legislation developed by the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission (EEOC) obstruct any company from unfair hiring policies.

For my organization and me as a supervisor, it is vital to ensure that the employees feel comfortable at their workplace. EEOC requirements help by outlining best practices that ensure the management of diverse environments is adequate. In my company, the recruitment process is based on the qualifications, actual knowledge, interpersonal skills, and experience of candidates. Elements such as race, age, or gender are not considered when choosing a candidate.

In my experience, no violation of this regulation was present that could serve as an example for this learning outcome. Despite this, I would like to emphasize that, in general, the constructs and biases present in our society often affect the first impression. Due to this reason, I solely focus on credentials and letters of motivation that candidates sent before reviewing any personal information. In this way, I aim to illuminate the possible bias that can obstruct me from hiring a worthy employee.

Theories and Principles/Abstract Conceptualization

EEOC outlines the legal implications and principles of the recruitment process that each organization within the US should adhere to when looking for new personnel. This also incorporates regulations regarding the compensation for work and anti-discrimination efforts (Small business, n.d.). Equal pay is another element of work that protects employees both legally and in accordance with the managerial theories. In general, EEOC aims to ensure that all organizations in the country treat candidates fairly during the recruitment process and provide corresponding compensation for efforts dedicated to working in a company.

Theory 1

Compensation and benefits are an essential aspect of managerial work that has an impact on the outcomes and the overall productivity of the company. Additionally, the US legal system requires employers to provide adequate compensation to their personnel. However, it should be noted that this element of motivation only works within a specific limit. For instance, a study by Damij, Levnaji, Rejec Skrt, and Suklan (2015) finds that at particular levels of pay, employees are no longer feeling an increase in motivation. This is explained by the self-determination theory in accordance with which two elements of motivating for employees exist  intrinsic and extrinsic. A company can only affect the external components within the hiring and recruitment process. One aspect of this theory is the goal-setting connected to a persons beliefs regarding his or her capabilities (Damij et al., 2015). This element can help the hiring process by helping determine the future performance of an employee.

Theory 2

The second theory applicable to the process of recruitment and EEOC requirements is connected to diversity. According to McKay and Avery (2015), work environments that hire people from different backgrounds and cultures are usually more prone to efficient work and adoption of innovation. Although from a supervisory perspective, this can pose difficulties due to the specifics of managing these employees and ensuring efficient communication, the implication of this approach is more productive work, which is beneficial for the organization.

Theory 3

A vital element of the recruitment process is retention because it is an indicator of the correspondence between the declared job description and actual perception of work. Herzbergs theory applies to maintenance because it accounts for satisfaction and dissatisfaction elements causing high turnover in an organization (Alshmemri, Shahwan-Akl, & Maude, 2017). The motivator factors refer to aspects of the companys environment, which contribute to a positive attitude of an employee. However, the hygiene factors are causing dissatisfaction.


One can argue that the recruitment process requires an assessment of different factors, including the aspect of personal motivation. The EEOC requirements prohibit organizations from discriminatory practices and guarantee equal pay for all individuals. Adhering to these regulations is vital for any organization because it outlines the essential motivation factors and enables a fair recognition of an individuals achievements. Retention practices also play an indispensable role in organizational recruitment strategy.

Testing and Application/Active Experimentation

Over the 13 years of work, I had several encounters with the recruitment process. One element of this process is motivating the individual to work for my department by showcasing benefits he or she will be able to receive, which is consistent with the first theory. I will dedicate more effort towards improving the intrinsic motivation of my subordinates by examining what is important to them and incorporating these into our workflow. Additionally, my practice proves that diverse environments can be challenging to manage. However, once cooperation is set, they display better results. Theory 2, which focuses on the diversity of the work environment, helps me improve my perception of hiring with different backgrounds. I will aim to dedicate more effort to ensuring diversity within my department.

One of the hygiene factors from theory 3 is supervision, which applies to my work. The relationship between an employee and a manager is crucial in accordance with Herzbergs theory. Therefore, I will aim to implement a more people-centered approach and focus on building a good relationship with the subordinates. Another element of this concept is a challenging work environment, which contributes to the grown and development of an individual. In this regard, I will try to distribute tasks based on their difficulty and ability of individuals to achieve them to improve the engagement with work.


Alshmemri, M., Shahwan-Akl, L., Maude, P. (2017). Herzbergs two-factor theory. Life Science Journal, 14(5), 12-16.

Damij, N., Levnaji, Z., Rejec Skrt, V., & Suklan, J. (2015). What Motivates Us for Work? Intricate Web of Factors beyond Money and Prestige. PLOS ONE, 10(7), e0132641. Web.

McKay, P. F., & Avery, D. R. (2015). Diversity climate in organizations: Current wisdom and domains of uncertainty. Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management, 33, 191-233.

Small business requirements. (n.d.). Web.

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