Psychiatric Patient: The Special Nursing Care Needs

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Psychiatric Patient: The Special Nursing Care Needs

The nurses job is to provide comprehensive care, which may include working with the patients mental health. Although not all registered nurses are trained in mental health care, they are nonetheless responsible for providing services to mentally ill patients and helping them manage their mental disorders. The unpreparedness of nurses is indicative of the poor state of health care in general. Nurses, regardless of their specialty, may encounter patients who show symptoms or are likely to develop a psychiatric disorder (Richards et al., 2018). Despair, aggressiveness, and violence are just some of the signs that patients with mental illness may exhibit. Nurses must recognize the indicators of mental condition in a socially inept, gloomy, or problematic patient. This work was written with the aim of discussing the topic of nursing work in relation to people with severe diagnoses and the correct distribution of equal attention to all patients.

Patients with mental illness are often considered difficult. Nurses should not judge a patient based on their behavior; alternatively, they should show compassionate concern. Trauma and ongoing health problems can sometimes lead to sadness or anxiety. The impression of mental discomfort can be caused by diseases or medicines in rare cases. Mental illness covers a wide range of problems, ranging in severity from moderate to severe. Mentally ill people have disruptions in their thoughts or actions, which can make it difficult for them to cope with daily life events and obligations. In order to properly address patient problems, medical institutions should review the recruitment of nurses in their institutions.

Nurses are the most acceptable source of knowledge for creating a system to provide for the physically and mentally ill since they deal directly with patients. They may lobby for and influence the establishment of new policies to increase financing, allowing patients to receive inexpensive, continuous treatment that includes the counseling and drugs they require to treat and live with a psychiatric condition (Richards et al., 2018). They can assist boost the likelihood of a favorable patient outcome if they demonstrate compassion while providing superior treatment. The nursing profession focuses on helping patients with their total well-being, which includes their psychological state. Nurses should work at their own pace to understand more about recognizing psychiatric disorders in individuals and how to assist them in receiving the necessary psychiatric care (Richards et al., 2018). Patients can transcend the burden of mental illness with the help and understanding of nurses. The work of a nurse directly shows the state of healthcare in a medical institution.

Psychiatric crises are sudden changes in cognition, behavior, mood, or social relationships that demand immediate attention and can damage the person or others in the surroundings if left untreated. Major crises are those in which the patients or others lives are threatened, whereas minor emergencies are those in which the patients or others lives are not in danger but result in impairment (Suhonen et al., 2018). A person who is significantly disturbed and has suicidal ideas should be admitted to the hospital for additional treatment. As a result, the person and their relatives should be informed of the necessity of hospitalization. The person should be supplied with a safe atmosphere in the inpatient institution to prevent any risks of death and desperate attempts.

This case study addresses the issue of how understaffed healthcare facilities should allocate their attention to patients. Nurses have shown better levels of work happiness when they have fewer customers to care for at one time. Nurse burnout is a problem that occurs when nurses do not receive this support and are subjected to inappropriate demands (Suhonen et al., 2018). Due to the mass reduction of nurses, medical institutions cannot show their full potential from which the level of healthcare is falling. As the population of clients under a nurses care grows, so does the quality of their treatment. Aside from the patients safety, contentment is also a priority. Patients described having a negative perception of nursing personnel and the facility where they worked when nurse-to-patient proportions were not correctly balanced. Although it may not appear so, adding additional nurses to a healthcare facilitys workforce might really save money.

Even in a well-staffed hospital, there may be days when the health care professional ratio is unbalanced. A nurse might call out ill, or more people could be hospitalized than usual. A larger nurse-to-patient ratio, in any instance, means that nurses must rise to the task of looking for more patients. People spoke with a seasoned nurse practitioner who highlighted how the difference between a tolerable nurse-to-patient proportion and a higher percentage might be life-changing.

The effective execution of evaluations and actions aimed at optimizing clinical outcomes and preventing adverse occurrences determines the quality of healthcare. The amount to which nurses calculate the risk of accidents in health care workers upon arrival, apply evidence-based fall-prevention procedures, and maintain such preventative interventions, for instance, might all be used to build nursing care quality metrics. Consideration of safety problems, such as drug delivery accuracy, is also part of nursing care quality (Suhonen et al., 2018). Consistent observation customized to patients situations is also required to ensure early detection of deteriorating patients and, if difficulties are discovered, to benefit from a quick, suitable multidisciplinary team reaction.

Specific nurse attributes such as expertise and experience, as well as human variables such as exhaustion, impact the standard patient healthcare that nurses offer. The scheme in which nurses work has an effect on the performance of care they provide, which includes not only staff numbers but also the requirements of all the patient populations a nurse or nurses and doctors is willing to take responsibility for, as well as the accessibility and institution of other staff and support systems, as well as the organizational climate formed by the rulers in that setting. Under diverse staffing situations and in various work contexts, the same nursing may give care of varying quality to patients with identical requirements.

Safe nurse staffing refers to having an adequate number of nurses available at any time across the healthcare continuum, with the right mix of learning, skills, and encounter, to meet the needs of patients care requirements are satisfied and that the work atmosphere and conditions enable staff to provide high-quality care. In hospitals, neighborhoods, and other locations where care is offered, the nursing shortage is a crucial problem for client quality and safety of care. Insufficient or inappropriate nurse staff numbers raise the likelihood of compromised treatment, patient adverse events, poor health outcomes, inpatient death in institutions, and a negative patient impression.

To sum up, nurses have a direct impact on the general state of healthcare, because this is the profession that covers all processes in hospitals as much as possible. Each nurse should assess their ability to provide medical services to patients. Nurses should adequately assess the risks of caring for patients and allocate time so that all patients receive the attention and treatment they need. The problem, in this case, is that the nurse could not make the right decision in a critical situation and pay attention to the maximum possible number of patients who have a more severe diagnosis. The nurse decided to help the patient who caused the most discomfort in the work process, thereby sacrificing time for other patients.


Richards, D. A., Hilli, A., Pentecost, C., Goodwin, V. A., & Frost, J. (2018). Fundamental nursing care: A systematic review of the evidence on the effect of nursing care interventions for nutrition, elimination, mobility, and hygiene. Journal of clinical nursing, 27(11-12), 2179-2188.

Suhonen, R., Stolt, M., Habermann, M., Hjaltadottir, I., Vryonides, S., Tonnessen, S., Scott, P. A. (2018). Ethical elements in priority setting in nursing care: A scoping review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 88, 25-42.

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