Social Media in the Modern Workplace: Advantages and Challenges

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Social Media in the Modern Workplace: Advantages and Challenges

Executive Summary

Social media has tremendously altered the way individuals interact at work and home. Additionally, social media platforms display significant potential for enterprises in organizational learning, recruiting, public relations, and internal and external communications. A better percentile of workers presume social media can enhance team cohesion and work culture, while others believe it can aid decision-making. On the other hand, companies see social media as a productivity drain. More than half of firms in various countries prohibit employees from using social media platforms at work. Some of the notable benefits of social media in the modern workplace include providing workers an opportunity to take a much-needed mental break, enhancing employees interactions, and bonding the organizations staff. However, social media has had some drawbacks that create discord among employees and decreased productivity.


An electronic and rechargeable device such as a computer, laptop, mobile phone, iPad, or any number of other methods through which individuals can interact with each other in an easy and structured way is referred to as social media. Further, Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, Snapchat, Twitter, and Telegram are just a few channels where communication is taking place right now (Shearer & Mitchell., 2021). These are some of the most well-known social networking websites on the internet. With the advent of social media, almost all of the worlds population has access to it. According to Schmidt et al. (2018), with more than two billion users, Facebook is the most popular social media platform (See Appendix A). Nonetheless, the bare minimum amount of time a person should spend on a social networking site is three hours per day, with at least two entries per week.

However, the platform is widely used for communication and public awareness globally, and ultimately it is fundamental in modern-day workplaces. These social media platforms are viewed as scientific technologies that individuals use to converse and mingle by creating and sharing content and commenting on various social media platforms. The widespread use of social media in society has resulted in several advantages and disadvantages in the modern workplace, which are discussed below. In this regard, this article provides an overview of the various paradigms that have been established by the use of social media in the contemporary workplace. The study will enlighten on the advantages and disadvantages of using such websites in a particular case study conducted via rigorous questionnaires across major organizations in Wellington.


Case Study: Advantages and Challenges of Social Media in the Modern Workplace

Corporations have used social networking sites to build product identification and recognition and generate revenue. Additionally, it has been crucial to link employee involvement to economic success. As a result, this study examined the influence of social networking sites on the contemporary workplace. Precisely, it is a survey-type study, and data were gathered by questionnaire. In this regard, around 20 randomly selected companies in and around Wellington completed the questionnaire, and sample units were selected using non-random sampling approaches. After completing the questionnaire, the rate of return maintained a more than 50 percent rate. The studys principal objective was to weigh the advantages and cons of social media in the modern workplace. The open inquiries and in-house approach were included in interviews with social media strategists, who assisted in deciphering the techniques used and the accompanying possibilities and obstacles.

Findings and Analysis

The intention of this chapter, findings, and analysis is to develop and compute the research data collected from the questionnaire survey to identify the impacts of social media. The data was examined in percentile, statement frequency, and average score. Findings show the advantages and challenges of social media in the modern workplace in the following ways.

Benefits of Social Media

Enhances Staff

From the in-house survey, the research outcome demonstrated that allowing workers to use social media on their work gadgets builds their morale, makes them feel appreciated, improves their attitude, and raises job satisfaction. Further, it emphasized that when workers acknowledge their bosses trust in them, it correlates immediately into higher quality work. Furthermore, employees feel more obligated and accountable for their job and are responsible for the length of time spent on social media.

Boosts Mental Health of Employees

As shown by a recent survey, some employees filled in questionnaires that taking a mental health vacation from the stress of their jobs is the most common reason for their organization, most people to engage in social media while at work. Moreover, people may take refuge in the digital realm (Forsgren & Byström., 2018). In this regard, it enables employees to examine everything they choose without leaving their office or going to the break room, which saves time.

Strengthens Team Bonding and Workplace Relationships

The survey suggested that, when used in the right way, social media may foster informal interactions between coworkers and aid in the development of positive working connections. The research further revealed that it is the simplest and most effective method of encouraging employees to communicate with their colleagues even after leaving the office. Furthermore, given that it is a more natural manner of forming relationships, it may aid in the improvement of team bonding inside a business.

Enhances Improvement of an Individual

The poll illustrated that social networking sites might be utilized as a tool for self-improvement and growth. For instance, the in-house survey postulated that personnel might watch informative films, listen to fine music, read intriguing books, and learn other languages when visiting such sites (Forsgren & Byström., 2018). In particular, there are interest groups on social media sites where one may locate content that interests them, such as videos with educative courses or videos with lessons.

Enables Organization Growth

Social media platforms serve as a platform for the growth of businesses. As supported by the research filled in questions, organizations may use this space to promote their web design firm and internet business. The research outcome cited that Twitter bloggers use advertising targeted to a specific audience, resulting in individuals who might be interested in the goods or services firms provide being aware of the existing company (Forsgren & Byström., 2018). Hence, the platform is where enterprises may discover new clients and strengthen the loyalty of existing ones.

Contributes to the Analysis of the Companys Performance

Social media examines corporate data to determine new company trends to boost staff productivity. Numerous training sessions enhance workers ability to contribute significantly more effectively. The overall data analysis survey showed that organizations could identify successful leaders who are less visible in the department using social media. Social media will assist in analyzing and developing strategies and objectives based on that knowledge, allowing the business to operate more effectively.

Drawbacks of Social Media at Work Places

Reduced Productivity

Excessive amounts of anything may be deadly, and this includes social media. In general, individuals spend more than 2hours every day on social media (See Appendix B). According to the study, if even half of that time is spent browsing social networking sites during business hours, it might have a major effect on worker performance. With so much information available on social media and new content published almost daily, its much too easy to fall into a downward spiral and create an addiction.

Social Media Failure

Social media has the potential to help or hurt their professional image. Reckless words or comments may rapidly become viral on social media, eliciting considerable wrath among the general populace (Forsgren & Byström., 2018). From the research, the organizations management noted that multiple instances have occurred in which employees have been fired for being unpleasant, embarrassing, and disrespectful on social media, resulting in significant lousy publicity for the company they work for.

Envy of Other Workers

Numerous personal objects, such as a new automobile, a new house, a freshly acquired piece of jewelry, or a memorable vacation, are published on social media. The summed percentile from the statistics revealed that people might get envious of their colleagues when they see them enjoying all of lifes pleasures. Hence, it can lead to a decline in employee morale, a breakdown in team bonding, and a reduction in the groups overall efficiency.

Vulnerability of the Band

Social medias increased brand visibility affects costly repercussions due to their diversity and reachability larger audience. As a result, firms may experience deliberate sabotage perpetrated by dissatisfied customers, trolls, and insiders with knowledge of the company (Forsgren & Byström., 2018). The research demonstrated that it was detrimental when workers with entry to firm social media handles have published malevolent, hateful material disguised as the business, resulting in irreversible harm to the corporate name that is frequently irrevocable. As with most technologies, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to social media use by an organization.

Increased Cyber Security Issues

The surging use of social media on corporate property is a curse in some contexts; for instance, accessing social media entails using the internet. Organizations explore advertising in the marketing sector via social media (Forsgren & Byström., 2018). Malicious individuals use malware and click baits to lure employees into breaching their systems. As a result, it increases corporates vulnerability towards confidential information breaches from hackers and spammers, stealing private information from businesses.

Overall, the statistics revealed that social media is detrimental and beneficial in contemporary work culture. Thence, to better use social media in workplaces, it is vital to keep the employees focusing on work ethic and character to achieve dreams in organizations. The notion encompasses that unchecked use of social media is perilous to an organization that can affect dire consequences to both the organization and an individual. Therefore, companies must put stringent measures to counter excessive use during working hours. If the enterprises can detail strict standards that will enable workers to balance work and social site, it will be a long-term good to both parties.


In general, social media may be a game-changer in the office, provided it is handled correctly and effectively without causing the user any distractions. While it is undeniable that social media has made life easier and more dynamic for individuals, it can also adversely affect individuals and businesses. Any inappropriate use of social media might affect the productivity of the job and the employees potential. Nevertheless, social media tools should solely be utilized for work-related goals, not personal gain. Thus, it is critical to connect the correct use of social media in the workplace to the organizations advantage. When social media is used to its total capacity, it aids in the overall development of the business.


Notably, firms must provide some means of encouraging informal interactions among their workers, detailing unfettered access to social media might reduce productivity and employee engagement and retention. While it is beneficial for workers to have an online presence, they should equally focus on work. As Wang et al. (2021) suggested, for businesses, social media platforms may only be a temporary solution for encouraging workers to communicate with one another and express their opinions online. Suppose one does not make a transfer to a healthier option quickly. In that case, the firm will begin to witness the destructive consequences of social media, which will undoubtedly damage efficiency and team cohesiveness. That is why corporations should place a greater emphasis on social cooperation rather than providing constant access to social media platforms.

A sustainable solution that fosters social cooperation is a digital workplace system that enables easy networking and interaction among workers. The primary advantage of a digital workplace is that it restricts access to information to those outside the business. Providing user access enables one to choose which platform elements should be accessible to which users. With a digital workplace, workers may express their ideas and collaborate on critical initiatives without fear of violating their privacy since the platform is solely available to corporate personnel.

Additionally, secret communication channels may be created inside the digital workplace to limit interactions with team members exclusively while working on a sensitive project. With a single location to handle their work assignments, papers, and chats, workers are no longer burdened by various programs, making contextual communications more straightforward (Wang et al., 2021). More significantly, workers are not distracted by random viral postings or the newest internet anger, which allows them to concentrate more effectively at work. A digital workplace provides workers with all of the benefits of social media. Still, it confines them to the business, avoiding all of the downsides and distractions associated with conventional social media.

Further, employers should monitor activities and documents to ensure the standards of ethics and social media use are maintained. Failure to follow the business policy may result in disciplinary action. Additionally, workers should be aware that their employer will have the authority to view specific information. While workers may be provided with a passcode to access the offices system, they should be wary that the company owns the platform and that social conversations will be available to management for any business reason.

Organizations should create policies and procedures for cybersecurity and information technology usage. Hence, workers should sign any rules governing their use of the internet at the workplace, their accessibility to social media platforms, and what they are permitted to do during work hours. Moreover, allowing workers to use employer-provided electronic systems for personal purposes caution them that confidential communications will be handled similarly to business messages. Management will have mandatory reach to such private messages without their approval (Wang et al., 2021). Therefore, workers should avoid utilizing digital communication systems to convey data they would not want someone else to access.

Appendix A

Social Platforms

Appendix B


At the moment, roughly more than half of the worlds population uses social media. Western Europe had a social media penetration rate of 79 percent, placing it atop the worldwide social media use rankings by region. Eastern and Middle Africa came in second and third place, respectively, with a ten percent and eight percent use reach. Individuals use social media for some purposes. Users like discovering humorous or exciting information and exchanging images and videos with friends, but they mostly use social media to stay updated on current events.


Forsgren, E., & Byström, K. (2018). Multiple social media in the workplace: Contradictions and congruencies. Information Systems Journal, 28(3), 442-464. Web.

Schmidt, A. L., Zollo, F., Scala, A., Betsch, C., & Quattrociocchi, W. (2018). Polarization of the vaccination debate on Facebook. Vaccine, 36(25), 3606-3612. Web.

Shearer, E., & Mitchell, A. (2021). News use across social media platforms in 2020. Pew Research Center. Web.

Wang, Y., Huang, Q., Davison, R. M., & Yang, F. (2021). Role stressors, job satisfaction, and employee creativity: The cross-level moderating role of social media use within teams. Information & Management, 58(3), 103317. Web.

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