System Implementation: The Health Information Management Systems

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System Implementation: The Health Information Management Systems


The health information system is a system made to manage data in healthcare. It includes collection, storage, management, and transmission systems that deal with electronic records related to medicine. Healthcare facilities, rather than hospitals that are operational and support the health information system, are always overlooking and managing systems according to policies of healthcare in a particular state.

It should be noted that health information systems also cover systems whose prime function is to handle information that is related to activities and services of healthcare providers and the entire healthcare organization. Thus, health information system may be used to improve outcomes of a patient, affect decision-making of specialists, influence policymaking, and inform the researcher on a particular field of study. Security of health information management system is often the fundamental concern in systems implementation, since system is organized around accessing, processing, and maintaining large and very sensitive volumes of data.

As it stands out, health information systems are organized to be used by everyone in healthcare facility starting from patients, to clinicians and nurses, and even higher to health officials. They often collect and organize it is a formula that can be used to make decisions in healthcare. Some of these information systems include the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) and the Electronic Health Record. Ideally, the Electronic Health Records introduction in hospitals was to replace the older version that was paper-focused, in keeping medical history of patients (Sligo, et al., 2017). These records are focused more on patients test results, their treatment, and their past medical data.

On the other hand, Practice Management Software, another health information system, helps healthcare providers deal with daily operations such as billing and scheduling. Other systems include the Master Patient Index, supposed to connect individual records of patients across several databases and patient portals, which allows patients to view and access their health data like information about their appointment. The text below is about the implementation of health information system.

User Training

Ideally, planning for training is the initial step that health care providers ought to take to ensure that the information system in the organization is running smoothly and effectively in its performance. Stakeholders ought to know what they are needed to do and how they are supposed to do certain things. This strengthens the skills of evaluation and monitoring of the organization and specific individuals involved. Training itself builds the stakeholders capacity to identify datas needs, organization, technical analysis, and collection. Training also helps the involved parties utilize information in the system to improve healthcare program and make better and informed decisions, thus improving health status and health system. Thus the plan will follow specific measures such as allocation of the task and organization of content.

Capacity building also is essential in organizing and running the organization. Here the curriculum is given and the collaborative creation of materials that will be used for training by several staff members Most of them will have already imparted information from expert colleagues at an institution partnered with a specific healthcare facility. These staff members are termed as resourceful in organization and are used in the regional and even country level for workshops to train both the patients and healthcare providers. Materials they use in training cover several topics to enlighten stakeholders on information system.

The organization of content allows the trainers look presentable when discussing a topic before the other staff members. As introduced above, the Health Management information system collects, organizes, and stores information for both the healthcare providers and the patients, which may be used for decision-making. Thus, content is often designed to capture and provide core and essential data for planning and monitoring the systems performance.

Ideally, the use of Electronic Health Record (EHR), will be organized to center on healthcare providers education on how to keep the patients health reports, test results, and other important information of patients, on the hospitals servers.

It should be noted that security of this data is one part that the content also stresses. These are the mechanisms and strategies that should be put in place to keep the patients record safe from any fraud. In the discussion, specific security mechanisms, like installing servers, with a password or a fingerprint lock to prohibit unauthorized people from viewing the data.

Moreover, specific patient-centered information will be covered in training, whereby, the staff will be equipped with knowledge about the system and how it will be used in the organization. This information ought to help the healthcare providers to help in giving out services.

The content should be organized using stipulated methods of training. It is introduced above, that training will be offered through workshops. Workshops are educational programs made to make the participants familiar with ideas, skills, and practical (Hastuti, et al., 2020). These skills often belong to a specific domain or area and could be used in the physical world. To ensure that the workshop is useful and content delivered is understood, it may last for at least one week, where the trainers will evaluate the specific knowledge to know the understanding level.

Apart from the workshop, seminars will be organized where the stakeholders, together with the staff, will attend it. A seminar is an academic instruction offered by an organization that is either professional or commercial. Its essential feature is organizing people into small subgroups for meetings that recur, but each time the meeting is on, the staff focuses on a specific subject. Everyone in the seminar will be encouraged to participate in the seminar.

The training ought to be carried out in the hospital. It is vital to carry out this hospital task since this is the only place where the equipment is installed. For example, in the case of the Electronic Health Record, it is based in the hospital. Thus, training should be carried out around this device so that those undergoing training will not have abstract knowledge about it. Just as the proponents on education advocated it, any cognitive domain ought not to be abstract, but be made as real as possible. Thus, training also ought to be made to be real. Making this a reality will be possible only when carried out around the equipment which is installed in the hospital. For example, teaching how to install passwords in the electronic health records to keep patients information safe can only be effective when the participants are shown experimentally.

The schedule of training will depend on the number of days that the workshop and seminars will last. However, the participants will be introduced to the larger topic on the first day, Health Information System. The core definition whatever it entails and some types of these systems. The continuing days will give a deep scope into the system, analyze its strengths weaknesses, and give the participants how to minimize these weaknesses. This schedule ought to be open and flexible, allowing the necessary breaks in between the day. Such breaks include tea, lunch, and even sapper breaks.

Various resources are required to facilitate the training. One of these resources includes the trainer, who is the resource person in the training process. Various trainers have been equipped with the necessary knowledge about the information system, who may share this information with the rest of the participants.

Another resource that will be used the space or the room. These are the specific environments where the various components of the health information system will be kept. The room ought to be well ventilated and spacious enough to accommodate them. Moreover, the rooms ought to be secure enough to prohibit unauthorized entrances.

Training the staff, who will also help in training others, is very significant. This will involve giving or transferring the knowledge about the operation of the specific systems to other health staff that will also be used to educate their colleagues or the general public. It is attested that the health managers training and the health staff are the significant figures for scaling up the Health Management information system. The essence of picking the Health Managers is that they need that knowledge to give technical mentoring to the health staff (Hastuti, et al., 2020). Also, they need the information to help them understand and use the Human Management Information System data to manage appropriately and make informed decisions. Often, training and managing the process may be done in two folds; training the trainers and drilling the staff. A preparation manual ought to strictly be followed.

Conducting the exercise will be done by both the staff members who have just undergone education and possess the necessary skills as well as the specialists in the field. All the training will be procedural in that they from one step to the other. As stipulated above, the first slot will be to train the trainers, while the second procedure will involve teaching the staff. The manual or the handbook will be followed in the training. Moreover, the preparation methods as stipulated will be the use of seminars and workshops that are effective. Lecturing method will be utilized when giving a theoretical information about the systems. Furthermore experimentation will be carried out where the trainees will be allowed to interact with the information system.

Apart from the significant initial training, there will also be continuous training, called the Additional periodic ongoing training, to make the information sink in the staffs brains. (Kiradoo, 2020). The periodic training is essential since they keep the system up-to-date and formulate a framework for evaluating the information system.

Computer-assisted training will also be beneficial. This includes the use of the projectors to project whatever the speaker is speaking about. The computer-assisted training, like the projectors, will involve the trainer making slides for the presentation. These slides, ought to be visible to the staff under training.

Apart from the projectors, the trainer may formulate some short clips demonstrating how a system works. These demonstrations, however, ought not to be complicated that the staff will not understand. Moreover, these videos ought to be in line with the system at hand. The videos may be displayed using a computer, thus making it a computer-assisted training.

Syste Implementation: Acceptance, Rejection or modification of the project

To implement the Electronic Health Record, several processes ought to be considered as one of the health information systems. The hardware always has an essential role to play in the system. It is confirmed that hardware choice always affects the money and time that the system takes to act. The individual tablets and laptops coined to specific servers save the physicians much time logging and finding the patients data. Often the Companies of Information Technology are always at the forefront of making the best system hardware and other equipment that performs best.

There is often one way of ensuring that the health information system is properly working. This is by the use or evaluation of the software. It is often described that the software is like the operation of the system. It controls all the activities carried on the computer (Sulistiadi, et al., 2020). In order to ensure that the RFT guidelines are followed, the evaluation guidelines ought to be followed. One of the evaluation domains ought to be focused on the security of the software. The evaluation guidelines ought to ensure that the security measures are made to not go against the HIPPA. Thus the HIPPA risk assessment is crucial to ensuring the system application works properly and meets the functional requirement.

Other domains to check are the speed or processing. The application ought not to be hanging up when fed with data. It ought to be fast and give immediate feedback when there is a command given to it (Kiradoo, 2020). Working with the health IT vendor also ensures that the software is compliant.

To ensure that data in different systems interfaces and is smoothly run, one ought to ensure that the hardware and the software are firmly connected. All the components of the individual health information system ought to be connected by the use of cables. The cables transfer data and command from one place to another. Thus, to ensure that the data flows in a correct format, the cables ought to be correctly connected.

Conversion testing is a process that transfers data from one format to another. Often clinical conversion requires knowledgeable developers because of its complications. A multidisciplinary approach is one of the processes of data conversion. This is the conversion of data from several different departments that work together. Moreover, the type of data that ought to be considered.

There ought to be intensive and continuous electronic health records testing to ensure that the data is safe and the system is effective (Sulistiadi, et al., 2020). As introduced above, the software or the system does not have to hang when data is keyed in scrutiny into the software may help test the system under maximum load. The ventilation in the room and space allows the system to cool and perform or process the required information correctly. Sometimes, when the system overheats, it shut down in a poorly ventilated room, thus slowing down the optimum working.

The environment is also a factor in the system operation. It should be remembered that the system will stay in a given locality for a very long time operating. The environment ought to be favorable to the system. For example, the electronic health records should be kept in a room that does not have a water flow. The system uses electricity and water may result in burning some transistors in the software.


In conclusion, the Health Management Information System is a fundamental domain in strengthening the health systems. This system is designed to help plan management, collection, analysis, making policies, and making decisions in healthcare facilities. The implementation model precedes planning for training in various domains as a specialist; one ought to know about the Health Management Information System, and delegate training to other trainers through the training trainers program. As seen above, the training may be some using workshops and seminars. One ought to ensure that various parts of the system work properly, including the software and the hardware, as argued in the text above.


Hastuti, D. D., Setyaningsih, Y., & Adi, K. (2020). Design of occupational health and safety management information system at telogorejo semarang hospital. Unnes Journal of Public Health, 9(1), 20-27. Web.

Kiradoo, G. (2020). A study on management information systems role and adoption in managerial decision making. International Journal of Management (IJM), 11(3). Web.

Sligo, J., Gauld, R., Roberts, V., & Villa, L. (2017). A literature review for large-scale health information system project planning, implementation, and evaluation. International journal of medical informatics, 97, 86-97. Web.

Sulistiadi, W., Nurhidayah, S., & Asyary, A. (2020). Evaluating the management information system of integrated medical emergency care in batang regency, indonesia. Web.

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