The Brightest Figures In Life: My Teacher

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The Brightest Figures In Life: My Teacher

Life is a unique adventure that carries us through various experiences, some of which we remember until the end of our days. Sometimes, it seems like peoples existence has been partly thought through, and some of the circumstances we simply cannot impact. Situations we get involved in and humans we meet on our way oftentimes play a significant role in our timeline, shape us as individuals, and make us learn some significant lessons. I believe teachers participate in our lives and make us look at things differently as they interrelate with us in one of the most essential periods of life: education. A decent teacher will not only make us learn but will also open some feelings to his subject and towards life in general that you have never experienced before.

One of the brightest figures in my life is Williams Bonin, who taught us law and ethics at Columbia College. The way he talked about his subject already inspired every human being around him. Students admired Williams Bonin for the life energy he was spreading to others, and that was probably one of the facts that made him famous among scholars. Our teacher was a very kind and open man of proper life perceptions. In this profile essay, I want to share how my teacher, Williams Bonin, became a role model for all his students, and how his philosophy of life impacted the lives of others.

Teachers become meaningful for scholars because of their ability to create bonds with students during the close atmosphere of the learning process. However, not every teacher can become a close friend and supporter. Some of them focus mostly on their subject and students outcomes but forget that humans are not robots and sometimes fail, get upset, and lost. Williams Bonin had a talent for feeling others: he was accurate and relevantly liberal when it was needed. Still, the issues of discipline and lesson structure never suffered as he managed to have everything in control. He could inspire and motivate people with his charismatic personalia. Even on dark and cloudy days with upsetting weather he managed to save a cheerful mood, share sunny energy with students, and create an atmosphere of productivity and good mood. Williams Bonin was a bright example in our lives; he taught us that no matter what people must stay positive, strong, and share a piece of sun with others. Indeed, no one can cheer himself up better than personally him. We are indeed the ones that are most interested in staying optimistic and productive, and we must be responsible for the mood we have.

Williams Bonin also shared with us how he has fought with the situations and challenges he had faced as a child, but he never lost hope or determination which has led him to where he was. The reason why our teacher shared stories of his childhood struggles is that he wanted all of us to understand how one can attain his goals if he has the determination to achieve something (Covey, 2012). A true educationalist is a person that is not afraid to share his experiences in all senses. I memorized law and ethics not only as subjects but also as life lessons and a unique time spent with my favorite teacher.

Williams Bonin always intended to give directions to his students about life, how to make the right decisions at the right time. For instance, when I was once upset because of family issues and could not concentrate on the subject, he came to me during the lesson and said:

What do you think is the most important thing for a human being?

I was lost with my answer as I faced an incredible amount of attention when I did not expect it. Every pair of eyes was looking at me, and a complete silence hung over everyone in the classroom. It was mostly because my classmates wanted to know what the most important thing in life was; however, at that time, I thought the opposite. I felt every eye made a hole in my body as they stared at me for such a long time. I tried murmuring something, but the teacher interrupted me with the words I remembered very well. He said:

The most important thing for a human being is to make the right choices. You can let the emotions rule your head OR you can stay with us and learn, develop, become better, smarter, and happier. What choice do you want to make?

Williams Bonin continued the lesson as this conversation never happened, and I felt how all the eye holes started healing on my body within a minute. My teacher with three sentences helped me turn back on the proper path, gained my attention and focus, and what is most significant, taught me a life lesson I have brought within years. Every time I feel weak or sorry for myself, I remember the attitude of Williams Bonin towards each second of life. Our major goal is to take all that we can, learn, grow, gather pace, and succeed. Williams Bonin could create strong bonds with each of the students because of his individual approach to them. Close friendly relationships with a teacher helped many to perform better in classes and stay motivated to learn. The learning process closely correlates with the personalia of an educator, and for students, it is especially significant.

Therefore, some teachers can become role models for their students, and I was glad to share how Williams Bonin played a significant role in my life. He is an admiring example of succeeding in both career and personal development. You observe the indescribable harmony when you look at such people. He is a true example of kindness, justice, wisdom, and charisma uniting in one man. I am glad I had a chance to spend some time with the teacher: he impacted my school performance, intelligence, life orienteers, and attitude to personal goals.

Bonins ability to share and spread his energy and knowledge has always turned back to him with a greater amount of energy and many silent words of thank you reflecting in students eyes. Students showed respect, admiration, and devotion to their teacher as he was a source of motivation, inspiration, and an example of discipline, smartness, and kindness in one person. I always carry his words in my head, and I try not to let emotions take control of me. Williams Bonin is a memorable figure in each students life, and he remains in my perceptions not only as a teacher of law and ethics but a teacher of life.


Covey, S. (2012). The Leader in Me: How Schools and Parents Around the World Are Inspiring Greatness, One Child at a Time. London: Simon & Schuster UK.

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