Work Performance Training Methods

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Work Performance Training Methods


Organizations benefit immensely from training employees because well-trained workers have higher productivity and output. Studies have shown that companies that invest in employees professional development report lower rates of absenteeism and staff turnover, as well as increases in innovation and customer satisfaction. It is important to educate new employees about the companys policies, organizational culture, job responsibilities, and work expectations. Existing employees should be trained in order to improve their skills and facilitate professional development. Effective training can be accomplished in many ways, and the method of choice depends on the objectives of training. This paper will discuss three training methods, how they are applied, and their advantages as well as disadvantages.

Classroom-Based Training

This is a traditional style of training that is widely used by companies because of its effectiveness. Surveys have shown that it is applied by approximately 13% of organizations, and it covers about 42% of the hours set aside for training purposes (Hodges, 2020). It mimics educational environments that exist in institutions of learning such as high schools and colleges. An expert on a certain field trains employees through lectures that are augmented by visual presentation tools like PowerPoint presentations. Classroom training has several benefits: it allows the workers and the trainer to interact and creates a positive environment for teacher-learner relationships (Hodges, 2020). It provides resources that allow the trainees to ask questions, discuss issues, and give their opinions. Moreover, it allows the trainer and the trainee to form relationships that could extend beyond the classroom. The main disadvantage of this method is its lack of scalability. An instructor has to be present always and one-on-one interactions become difficult in classrooms with many participants (Hodges, 2020). Its rigidity hampers the learning of individuals who would like to tackle more challenging subjects. In that regard, they cannot create personalized schedules.

Video Training

Video training is gradually becoming the training method of choice because of globalization and technological advancement. It has been used effectively for both internal and external training purposes. Surveys have shown that 44% of business executives agree that in the next five years, video training will be the preferred training method in the majority of businesses around the world (Hodges, 2020). Moreover, employees prefer videos to emails and documents that they describe as dull and tiring. The different approaches used by trainers include animation, screen recordings, live action, and to-camera (Sharma, 2020). Video training has several benefits: they make learning easy, cheap to produce, always accessible, and easy to update content. Trainees can access videos from any location and through different devices. They can watch them at any time and re-watch the content for enhanced comprehension. Video production is cheaper than creating online learning platforms and hiring experts. Approaches such as animations make learning easier because they increase learner engagement and break down complex content into understandable bits using graphics and images (Sharma, 2020). Unlike online platforms that need IT administrators to change content, videos are easy to edit. The main disadvantages are its lack of interaction and the inability to apply it effectively to group learning and relationship building. It is most effective for individual learning.

Computer-Based Training (CBT)

This method does not involve an instructor and employees interacting with learning resources through a computer. The various types of approaches involved include simulations, tutorials, discussion forums, and multi-media enhanced textbooks (Sharma, 2020). It is an effective method because many employees are technology savvy and they find it engaging. Learning materials are usually provided in software packages, and learners are required to know how to use them. The most common type of CBT is software-based training that includes offline and individualized courses (Sharma, 2020). In many instances, they include self-paced learning activities that are free from distractions that could slow down the learning process. Organizations that use CBT prefer it because it is secure, easily manageable, can be used for large numbers of employees. In addition, it is cost-effective, flexible, efficient, and it has the potential to produce fast and noticeable results (Hodges, 2020). It is agile and easy to deliver as the resources needed are readily available. Its disadvantages include a lack of interaction and its inapplicability to relationship-building training.


Work performance training is an important aspect of professional development in organizations. It increases employees productivity, self-esteem, lowers staff turnover and increases employee retention. Companies use different methods to deliver training programs to employees. They include classroom, video, computer-based, manual, and directed study. The choice of method used depends on the objectives of training and the intended outcomes. Classroom-based training encourages interactions and facilitates the creation of relationships. Video training is cost-effective, flexible, and easy to change content. However, it does not involve one-on-one interactions. CBT is beneficial because it is cost-effective, flexible, efficient, scalable, secure, and manageable. However, it is inapplicable in training programs that are aimed at building relationships. It is important for an organization to evaluate its training objectives first in order to choose the most appropriate training method.


Hodges, J. (2020). Organizational development: how organizations change and develop effectively. Macmillan Education Limited.

Sharma, F. C. (2020). Human resource management. SBPD Publications.

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