Analysis of Toxicology Screening in The Corporate World

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Analysis of Toxicology Screening in The Corporate World

In todays world, drug testing in the workplace is a very controversial topic amongst workers and employers. Employers want to have reliable and safe workers, and the employees want to have their privacy and be given trust that they believe to be an essential part of the employer/employee relationship.However, with the economic downfall people will do almost anything to get hired and get paid. With this fact, it makes it more difficult for employers to find good reliable workers who arent going to cause trouble while at work, or miss work because of bad decisions or lifestyle choices. To create and ensure trust in the work environment, some employers might require drug testing prior to getting the job. Testing the employees and applicants for drug use would help the employers feel more comfortable with the decision process of hiring. Drug testing in the work zone is both beneficial and an acceptable precaution because it can ensure trust amongst the workers ability to do their jobs and their reliability for the employers expectations.

There is a debate about drug testing for applicants and employees that it is an invasion of privacy to the person applying, however employers have the right to test for drug usage before and/or after hiring the employee. Along with drug testing prior to hiring, employers might have random drug testing throughout the time of employment to make sure that the workers arent doing anything illegal or harming to the company.In a daycare you want people that are reliable and trusting and wont bring harm to the children. If you have worker who is using and working with children it puts other peoples children in harms way:the people whose children they are trusting you with, and gives the company a bad reputation. In a scenario like this you might find that if the employer suspects something they could pull a random drug test and test all the workers. After the test if the worker is found positive than the employer can fire that worker and not give unemployment, pension, or workers compensation.

If an employee is doing drugs and gets caught being under the influence while at work and something happened that could or did harm a co-worker or customer then that goes on the reputation of the company. Say for example you own a restaurant and you have a cook who comes in high, they can than transfer some of that into the food that goes out to a customer whose trusting that nothing is wrong in their food. Another example is if you have a waiter come in under the influence and mixes up the order, if the person they mixed it up with was allergic to something in that dish and they had requested that item not to be in there than you have a law suit already. As well as a bad reputation to your restaurants name.

Drug testing in the workplace helps keep the honest people honest and the business protected from bad reputation. Reputation is a key factor in the success of any business.Imagine a establishment that allowed less than reputable people to be in its staff, how do you think the business would look to people? For example; if there was a farmers market that was staffed by a group of ex-convicts, a lot of questions would pop into the mind of any customer or curious person who had interest at buying produce from that farmers market. They would ask questions such as; how well do you think those ex-convicts are with people? or are they dangerous? How can we be expected to trust them? This naturally would deter the average person from purchasing products at that particular market, thus the business would fail. Businesses want to be successful, and if they can guarantee that their employees are drug-free and able to work it makes the customer feel safer and more comfortable with them.

Not only should the employees have to take the tests employers should have to as well. This helps comfort the employee by knowing that their higher ups have to take the test as well. It also helps limit speculation where the employee could feel that the employer is just being hypocrite about the whole and while they have to test the employer could be getting away with drug use. In order to create a safe and drug free environment there should be random drug testing in companies. There is nothing wrong with it and it does not violate privacy rights. As long as you have nothing to hide you should have nothing to fear and therefore there should be no controversy over whether it is right or wrong. It creates safe environments for people and allows them to feel comfortable leaving their kids with strangers or having someone prepare them food. So as long as its written in the contract or application somewhere that there will be random testing than there is nothing wrong to have random drug testings in work environment.

Civilians say drug test is discrimination against those who use for medical reasons. If a person is using for medical reason then they should be able to provide information from their doctor to show that. Then the person who self-medicates should only use two to three days before they have work so the effect is out of their system before they go to work. For an example if a worker gets high on Friday night the effects will have worn by when they work on Monday. For example an employer must be confident that his or her work is not high and can be called in to work on short notice at any time.

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