Classification Essay on Drivers

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Classification Essay on Drivers

STOP& stay in your lane. When one is driving, this is a saying that comes out quite frequently, while driving near three kinds of drivers. Some of these drivers are worse than others, but all drivers are not perfect. The three main types of drivers are city drivers, old drivers, and new drivers. These three types are some of the reasons why drivers today are scary to be around. This brings individuals back to the point that all drivers are not perfect. The best driver out of these types is most likely the old driver. Yes, they are slow, but they are also very cautious and can only drive at certain times of the day. This leads to three types of drivers who mainly drive on the roads: urban drivers known as crazy drivers, old drivers or slow drivers, and new drivers who are also reckless individuals.

City drivers are extremely rough while they are driving. They can be broken down into separate categories. The first kind is weavers, those are drivers who will pass everything that is moving in front of them, no matter how fast or slow they are going. Then, there are crazy drivers, they are just reckless and do not check to see if there are any cars near them. Then, there are road rage drivers. These types of drivers are the worst to be stuck behind or in front of. The road rage will just progress as they drive, and eventually, they could cause a car accident. City drivers are one of the worst drivers to be near when an individual is driving. They have no care for the people around them whatsoever. When driving in the city, one does have to be confident enough to get through all the cars, but then when they hit the highway, they will destroy anyone in their path. This includes all old drivers that are near them while they are driving.

Old drivers are one of the safer drivers on the road. They are very cautious of their surroundings, but with that being said they tend to be over-cautious. The couple types of old drivers are those who are very slow or those who can only drive during the day, so they either cannot see well or cannot drive the car properly. Old people can drive safely, but sometimes they can be harmful to the cars around them because of how slow they tend to go. Old drivers will not speed up, they will just want the individual to pass them. This could lead to accidents, however, if someone behind them speeds up and then they hit their brakes, that can cause an accident to occur. Old drivers are very safe, but they do not make the best decisions while they are driving. This is the one downfall of old people that drive. They are very indecisive and cannot tell what it is that they want to do. Which in some ways connects to how new drivers react.

New drivers can be the ones that people need to look out for. Some of these individuals are just beginning to get on the road and do not know all rules to follow while driving. This can be scary to other drivers because they do not know what the driver in front of them is doing. New drivers are also the ones that tend to do whatever they want on the road because they do not know the difference between right and wrong. These types of drivers tend to go on their phones quite a lot and will drive too fast when they are not supposed to. The scary thing about new drivers is the level of awareness they have. They are new so they are not used to looking around them at all times to see if there are cars in their area or if they have to stop at certain points. New drivers are also the ones that tend to tailgate because they try to keep up with the other cars in front of them, which can lead to accidents and cause other drivers to have road rage.

All three of these types of drivers relate to one another. If there was a city driver behind an old person, then they will, most likely, pass the old person. The same thing however goes for a new driver: if he was behind that city driver, he would tend to follow the car in front of him because he is not used to the ways of the road yet. This could lead to an accident because city drivers will drive as they please. This leads to how these are the three main drivers on the road. City drivers are also known as crazy drivers, old drivers who everyone thinks are slow, and new drivers who are unpredictable and not aware. These drivers all show what it is like to be on the road today.

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