Biography Essay on Bill Gates: Free Enterprise

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Biography Essay on Bill Gates: Free Enterprise


Bill Gates, an American businessman, philanthropist, and investor, is the subject of this essay, which is based on his life story. An in-depth look at the people, places, and things that happened during a specified period and in a specific setting is provided through case studies. An ’empirical inquiry’ has been described by Yin (2014). Along with his late boyhood buddy Paul Allen, he came to renown as a co-founder of Worldwide Microsoft. This case study demonstrates how Bill Gates got to where he is now and how he has impacted the world and what he has accomplished. In this article, he will demonstrate his business methods, triumphs, and failures, as well as the lessons gained and utilized to improve our chances of company survival.

Entrepreneur and Entrepreneurship

A researcher must first define the terminology and draw certain limits to give a theoretical foundation for anything. (Shane, 2010) The ideal way to begin an entrepreneurial case study is to have a firm grasp on what an entrepreneur is and what he or she does. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary provides a formal definition of an entrepreneur. As defined by the Oxford English Dictionary, an entrepreneur is ‘someone who develops a company or enterprise, runs it, and bears the risks of it.’ An entrepreneur, therefore, is just a person who owns a firm and takes on the associated risk. Entrepreneurs are more than just company owners who take on risk, notwithstanding the description provided above. At the heart of what it takes to succeed as an entrepreneur is the ability to think outside of the box.

Entrepreneurs are those who see a business opportunity and seize it. Every resource they have is used to generate new resources. Constant and driven, entrepreneurs don’t let corporations tell them what they can and cannot achieve, or staff of workers dream for them; instead, they do it themselves with no help. It is up to the individual entrepreneur to pursue his or her own goals and objectives. Entrepreneurs can soar, but it’s also possible for them to crash heavily. ‘Soaring up there in the huge, wide, blue sky is my aim; dropping is only a possibility,’ says the enterprising spirit (Sellers, 2013). In the eyes of an entrepreneur, there are no barriers; only possibilities are seen

When it comes to entrepreneurship, Dollinger (2010) defines it as ‘the formation of an innovative economic organization (or network) for the aim of gain or growth in the face of risk and uncertainty.’ As Scarborough (2012) points out, entrepreneurship involves producing something new in an uncertain context and for profit. Various definitions of entrepreneurship emphasize the significance of making a profit (Scarborough 2012). Entrepreneurship, on the other hand, is defined by Barringer and Ireland (2008) as the pursuit and recognition of possibilities and the implementation of beneficial ideas. Entrepreneurship is driven by a clear sense of mission. Businesses are only necessary when they have a purpose. Because of this, it may be stated that entrepreneurs run enterprises that are termed businesses.

William Henry Gates (Bill Gates) as an Entrepreneur

On October 28, 1955, Mary and William Gates II gave birth to their son, Bill Gates. He has two older sisters. Father: prominent Seattle lawyer, University of Washington regent, United Way International chairwoman. Mother: schoolteacher, University of Washington regent, and United Way International chairwoman. His great-grandfather served as a state legislator and mayor, and his grandfather was a vice president of a major bank.

Bill is a firm believer in the value of hard effort. If you’re smart and know how to put your brain to work, he says, you can do anything. When he was in school, he excelled in math and science. His parents were well aware that he was becoming more restless at school. For this reason, Bill’s parents opted to enroll him in a prominent Lakeside preparatory school, which is recognized for its rigorous academic atmosphere. At school, Bill was introduced to computers and began working with them. Because of the work of his mother and other volunteers, a computer terminal given to the school and linked to the local computer firm was made possible. The Lakeside Programmers Group, which Bill co-founded with a few fellow students, spent nearly all of their free time writing programs for various purposes. Hacking into the security software and changing data on the system resulted in the group being suspended from the computer for a short period. ‘Many of the members of the collective now work for Microsoft as software developers. It wasn’t until 1974 that Bill went to Harvard, but dropped out to form Microsoft with Paul Allen. He had been a childhood friend of Bill’s. Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer collaborated on the Altair computer’s software when they were students at Harvard.

Allen, a close friend of Bill Gates, formed Tarf-O-Data, a new company. To monitor traffic flow, they created a portable computer. Around $20,000 was earned as a result of this undertaking. When Gates departed the university, the age of Traf-O-Data was over. He moved away from home to attend Harvard University in 1973 and hasn’t looked back since. He took all of the normal freshman courses, except for one of Harvard’s most difficult math classes. Even though he performed well, he didn’t like his time there. He stayed up late in front of the school’s computer numerous nights, and the following day he was dozing off in class again. After Bill’s first year at college, he almost lost interest in computers. As they discussed some of their ideas, Allen drew closer to him.

Gates left Harvard in 1975 to start Microsoft with his boyhood buddy Paul Allen, who had also attended the university at the time. Software development for the personal computer market was a goal for this duo. Microsoft’s operating systems and business deals made them a household name, and Bill Gates became a household name.

A new operating system was unveiled by Microsoft Corporation in New York City on November 10, 1983. It’s not simply Gates’s success that’s being slammed, but the fact that he seems to be trying to monopolize the market. In 1998, the US Department of Justice filed an antitrust case against Microsoft, claiming that the business had an unlawful stranglehold on the software market. ‘Smart, strategic decision-making’ is what led Microsoft to its triumph over competitors like Oracle and IBM,’ Gates said in an interview. US District Court Judge Thomas Jackson disagreed, and he concluded that Microsoft had monopoly power and used it to harm competitors in November 1999. Gates was forced to consider dissolving Microsoft as a result of the decision.

The day after Gates’ death, on January 13, 2000, he turned over control of Microsoft to his close friend and right-hand man Steve Ballmer and gave him the position of chief executive officer in addition to his previous one of the president. With his new title as Chief Software Architect, Gates retained his role as Chairman. Programming on the PDP-10 computer center corporation’s computer was Gate’s first encounter with computers. He also helped the Bonneville Power Administration to computerize electric power systems.

Gates created what is likely the first computer virus while working with the Computer Center’s PDP-10. A virus is software that replicates itself and corrupts data. It was discovered that the computer was connected to a nationwide network of computers known as Cybernet. When Gates infiltrated the network and installed a program on the primary computer, the program propagated to all of the other computers in the network, causing Cybernet to go down. As a result of the punishment he received after being caught, Gates was unable to utilize computers at Lakeside for his whole junior year. Altair computer BASIC interpreter written by Gates and his pal Allen. Since it was first developed in the 1960s as an ‘interpreter’ software that reads a source program one line at a time and performs actions quickly, BASIC has been widely used.

There were other pursuits that Bill Gates was passionate about, including medicine and the performing arts. It was founded by him in 1989 and he named it Corbis. A total of 800,000 digitized images are owned by Corbis. The photographs are licensed by newspapers and magazines, and they are published in print or Internet form by these organizations. Biotechnology is an additional area of interest for him due to the numerous breakthroughs made possible by this technology. He expects academics will be able to interact more quickly because of the internet. Dr. Bill Gates is dedicated to discovering the most effective treatments and vaccines. One of his most recent charitable donations was $1.5 million in 1998 to the International Aids Vaccine Scientific Roadmap initiative.

He was the world’s richest self-made individual at the end of 1988, with a net worth of $39 billion. At the end of 1997, Microsoft made $3.4 billion in profit. Software companies that traded on the stock market made up 41 percent of their profits in 2013. Windows 98 and 95 were both launched during this period, and both received a tremendous amount of attention from users throughout the globe.

Computers on every desk with Windows on them: that is the company’s mission statement. It’s clear that Bill has a big picture in mind and works tirelessly to realize that goal. Because of his conviction in intellect and hard effort, he has achieved success. Hard work and competition are what he believes in, not luck or divine intervention. For other software businesses, Bill’s Microsoft is a good competitor, and he will stomp out the competition until he dies. With his strong religious convictions, he has been able to enhance both his riches and the sector he dominates.

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