On the Waterfront Evaluation Essay

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On the Waterfront Evaluation Essay

For this essay, I have chosen 2 SMEs, the SMEs I have chosen are Robinsons farm shop and The Waterfront Hotel. I have chosen these businesses because they are local and have a lot of information available these businesses. Also, both of these businesses have sufficient information online so I can research them. In case I need more information I could e-mail them or contact them directly.

Robinson’s farm shop opened in 2008 and is a butchers shop with small groceries and recently (2018) opened a restaurant conjoined to it. The Waterfront Hotel opened in July 2000 and sells beds for a period of time and offers food.

The Robinson Farm shop is unique because they have open days where they have barbeques and fun days. The unique thing about the Waterfront Hotel is that it is on a river. As far as Im aware the Waterfront Hotel hasnt won any awards. But on the other hand, Robinsons’ Farm Shop hasnt won awards but has been entered in lots of them.

The Waterfront Hotel is located in Brighouse on Brighouse RD. The exact address for this hotel is as follows: Waterfront Hotel and Venue, Huddersfield Rd, Brighouse HD6 1JZ. And Robinsons Farm Shop is located in Northawram on Score Hill. The exact address for this farm shop is Wallclose Farm, Score Hill, Halifax HX3 7SH.

These images were copied from www.googlemaps.com Robinsons farm shop sells physical products and Waterfront hotel sells rooms online and in reception.

5 competitors for the Robinsons farm shop are Keelhams farm shop which is a bigger farm shop and sells more than Robinsons this may be a pretty big issue for the shop because they are much bigger and many more people know about Keelhams. Another competitor for Robinsons is Tesco in Halifax this is a big issue because not a lot of people go to farm shops anymore they usually go to supermarkets. This is also a problem because Tesco is a supermarket and they sell way more things than Robinson they sell meat clothes toys and much more as well as your simple groceries. A competitor for both businesses is Lidl this is a problem because Lidl has more than just meat and has better prices than Robinsons as they buy their stock in bulks instead of breeding your own. animals that cost money to feed and keep healthy. Lidl sells meat and simple groceries and many more things. Asda may be a competitor in all the companies especially Robinson’s farm shop because Asda has their own brand of clothes and sell meat toys sweets and simple groceries and much more this may be a massive problem because Asda also has shops in America called Walmart. Morrisons can also be an issue as it is also a supermarket and sells everything from your groceries all the way to clothes and toys to games.

5 competitors for the waterfront hotel are The Black Horse Inn this hotel offers sleep and a pub and the pub may be a big buying point. Another competitor for the hotel is Lane Head Hotel which offers free breakfast and Wi-Fi this hotel may be a buying point as it is the cheapest hotel out of all of them priced at £49 a night. There is also The Old Post Office which is a hotel with a pub which may be a big buying point as you may want a drink when you have got to the hotel. The biggest competitor is Premier Inn which is a very well-known hotel that is known to have extremely good service and be good and exclusive. There is also The Great Victoria Hotel which is a good hotel because it advertises itself on booking.com which is a really good booking agency.

A purpose is a reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists. I got this information from: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=purpose+meaning&rlz=1C1GCEB_enGB815GB815&oq=purpous+&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0l5.4511j1j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 The purpose for Robinson’s farm shop is to make a profit of selling meat and meals and the purpose for The Waterfront Hotel is to make a profit and get as many customers as possible. An aim is something that the company is trying to achieve. The Robinsons’ farm shop is trying to try to bring butchers back instead of supermarkets and The Waterfront Hotel is trying to get as many people as possible to stay at their hotel as possible to maximize profit. objective Business objectives are the stated, measurable targets of how to achieve business aims. For instance, we want to achieve sales of ¬10 million in European markets in 2004. This information was gathered from: https://www.google.co.uk/search?safe=strict&ei=yPm9W9uAMsa0kwXg14X4BQ&q=objective+of+a+company+defenition&oq=objective+of+a+company+defenition&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i13i30k1.27831.31846.0.32118.….0…1c.1.64.psy-ab..2.6.486…0i13k1j0i13i5i30k1j0i8i13i30k1.0.hQiRhc7sS1Q

It is important to have a purpose for your company because if you dont have a purpose nobody will want to buy from you because you will have random things and people are looking for one specific thing.

They could achieve their aim by advertising their company and telling people why butchers are better than supermarket meat. You could also make Shure the meat is of the highest standard to get more customers. The why the Waterfront Hotel could do this by offering more things with the service like sweets for children or free refreshments and that sort of thing.

Robinsons is trying to meet an aim by winning an award because they have been entered in awards but have not won them. And the Waterfront Hotel is trying to meet its aim by lowering the prices and putting its rooms on sale.

A company being ethical means they care for their workers and they follow rules and regulations being ethical doesnt mean following the law but following what people go by and believe. The workplace in Robinsons’ farm shop is fairly safe but they have to have very sharp knives as they are butchers and that could cause a risk this could also apply to the hotel as they also have a kitchen. Some people may think these companies are wrong because they kill animals for human consumption this could also be a problem for people with Islamic beliefs because they are not allowed pigs and red meat. A good ethical thing Robinsons and The Waterfront Hotel could do is not target kids for adverts because they would force their parents to buy it making the company unethical but not against the law. Another thing they could do is make their adverts honest and reliable this could be unethical because they may say their meat is on sale and when you get to the shop it may turn out the meat is priced higher than it should be. This is also not against the law but it also is unethical. This can turn out to be against the law the because they could get done for false advertising. This could also mean being ethical towards staff and making their environment safe to work in and following the national wage system. This could become against the law as well as unethical because you need to be safe in your work by law and the law for this is as follows: The Workplace Health, Safety and Welfare Regulations  which became law in 1993 (this information was found on https://www.unison.org.uk/get-help/knowledge/health-and-safety/working-environment) as well as that about the wages the minimum wage in the UK is:

  • 25 and over £7.83
  • 21 to 24 £7.38
  • 18 to 20 £5.90
  • Under 18 £4.20

(This information was found on https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=mimimum+wage+in+the+uk&rlz=1C1GCEB_enGB818GB819&oq=mimimum+wage+in+the+uk&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.5255j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) they could also recycle to be ethical this is important because the stuff that they dont recycle goes to landfill which is bad for the environment which again, is unethical. It is also important not to buy from suppliers which use child labor is not good and children at a young age that should be getting an education are instead hard at work with no pay or very little to none. This is very unethical and against the law, the law for this is as follows: These international acts encouraged major changes to the workforce in India which occurred in 1986 when the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act was put into place. This act prohibited hiring children younger than the age of 14, and from working in hazardous conditions. this could also apply to both businesses. (This information was found on https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=law+for+child+labour&rlz=1C1GCEB_enGB818GB819&oq=law+for+child+labour&aqs=chrome.0.0l6.6047j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)

The things that could go wrong if the businesses arent ethical is they could lose customers and the business could go bankrupt.

The size of Robinson’s farm shop is small because they have more than 10 staff but less than 50. And the size of the hotel is a small business during summer and medium during winter

The exact number of staff the farm shop has is 11 full-time and 3-part time. And the hotel has 46 during the year but 52 in winter.

The Robinsons farm shop is a private limited company and the hotel is also a private limited company or an LTD. The good things with private limited companies are: family and friends can be invited, it has limited liability, the business can raise capital by someone selling shares, and cannot be taken over. The bad point of a private limited company is that they have to publish financial information every year and they must hold annual general meetings.

The waterfront hotel is a family-owned LTD (private limited company) the hotel has to also hold annual meetings. The hotel cannot be repossessed and no goods can be taken out of it if in debt. They also have to publish financial information about the business.

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