Suicide In Children And Teens Is Real

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Suicide In Children And Teens Is Real

Teen suicide is a major epidemic of teenagers today. It is the third leading cause of death in all teens ages, 15-19, and the second leading cause of death in ages 19-24. Everyone feels overwhelmed by difficult situations sometimes. Many people put their problems in perspective and find a way to go with their life, but many are too depressed so they take their life. Despite age, gender, or race, teens go through so much and trying to maintain a high school reputation doubles the stress.

According to the Washington Post, When a teenager or child talks to a parent about mental health concerns or thoughts about suicide, the best thing to do is to listen. No one knows what a teenager is going through unless you are listening to what they have to say. Teens may be dealing with physical abuse, poor relationship with their parents, feelings of agitation, and sexual identity in an unsupportive family. Most of the time, teens do not want to talk with anyone because of the embarrassment that they feel. Many parents are scared and worried about suicide, and it is hard for parents not to let their own feelings take over when their child informs them that they are suicidal. So, what parents can do is ask clarifying questions, such as;  How often do you feel this way ? or  What do you mean when you say suicide ?. One could also figure out a communication system that works for them. A treatment plan or a family doctor may help with problems that a teen may be facing. Thoughts about suicide should always be taken seriously.

Bullying has been around for a long time, but the negative influence that it has on society is becoming overwhelming. Bullying can occur anywhere, from work to the store, but its main place is at school. Bullying in school is a major concern. Some of the negative influences of bullying are depression and anxiety in students, which is causing them to be drug addicts. Also, bullying is one of the major causes of suicide among teens in the United States. Its always the quiet ones that get bullied. Many teens are being bullied because of their intelligence, and their social and economic status. Teens should never have to be bullied because of their status in society. Most bullies bully because they would like to keep their status in High School. The bully may have been through a lot growing up and feels as if its only right so they can keep their status. If a teen is being bullied, the school administrators and teachers should ask the student if they are being bullied or if they need to talk if they are being bullied.

Although bullying is the first leading cause of teen suicide, one may also be physically abused at home. A teen may feel as if theyre not special or feel unwanted because people at home have been abusing them. They feel as if they have no one to talk to because of the feeling of being judged. One day, they will get tired of being hit, slapped, and talked about so their next step will be suicide. No one understands how something like this can affect a person this way, but everyone doesnt have the same mentality as someone who does get bullied or physically abused. The feeling of leaving the house every day will be a relief to the teen. This has been proven to be true because when you get out of a negative environment, you tend to feel better about yourself.

Research has shown that teens who hide their sexuality have a higher suicide risk. This is relevant to todays society because there are a lot of teens who are dealing with gender and sexual identity issues. As a parent, it is a good thing that you let your child know that it is alright for them to talk to you about identity confusion. No matter if their gay, straight, or bi they are still your child and should be accepted the way that they are. Identity confusion can bother someone who is suffering because they are confused and dont have anyone to vent to. One can also be bullied at school because of their preference. They get called names, such as; Faggot, Punk, or Sissy. These are hurtful words that can trigger someone to want to harm themselves, especially if they are being bullied. If someone is being bullied because of their sexual preference, they should talk to a school counselor because this type of bullying can be stressful. Bullycide is real and shouldnt be left alone.

Some kids might also be insecure about their weight and feel as if they’re not skinny enough or they’re too skinny. Some may suffer from anorexia, which is an eating disorder that makes you obsessive about your weight. Teens may try to starve themself since they are insecure about their weight, and that can cause stress and low self-esteem. Suicide is something that can be prevented if teens are comfortable enough to vent and talk to adults who can help guide them in a challenging situation.

Studies have proven that suicide can run in the family. Just as depression, a major cause of suicide, can be passed down from one generation to the next. If one has close family members that deal with depression, it is a natural progression from the thought to action. This makes sense when you consider that when in depression, one has lost all sense of hope of a positive future. An individual may feel stuck, exhausted, and completely disconnected from everyone around them. When those thoughts occur, their next thought is suicide.

After the teen has killed their self it is the police’s job to investigate and look into what provoked it. In many cases, everyone is a suspect. Its never one person who may provoke someone to want to commit suicide. It all ties with bullying in the schoolhouse, and what may happen outside of school. Some police officers report to the school or the home to find evidence or any such to find what may have caused the teen to be suicidal. Sometimes the lack of parenting and agitation can also bring about the reason for suicide. Some may feel as if they are a burden on their parents and that their parents arent around as much. Having to work, pay bills, and raise children can be hard for some parents and if parents are always at work; the child may feel like they are alone or raising themself. This has become a problem in todays society and this is why a lot of kids are turning to suicide.

As a teenager, some kids get caught up in believing that the person that they meet in high school is who they are going to spend the rest of their lives with. Some people may kill themselves because they feel like if they cant have the person that they want then they feel as if its no purpose in living anymore. It may seem crazy, but some people rather have a companion than be alone their whole life. Heartbreak and love can kill a person.

Suicide is real and it can bring heartbreak to many families and friends. Teen suicide is one of the leading causes of death in teens and adults. As parents, teachers, and friends, we should come together to talk to teens nowadays because no ones knows what someone can be dealing with unless we are there to comfort and support their decisions. There are plenty of suicide lines and prevention programs that can help in a crisis.

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