Envy As One Of The Sins


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Envy As One Of The Sins

Envy is an intense desire to have an item that someone else possesses or desire of becoming like someone else. It arises when we see that another possesses something, we do not have but we would like to have. Envy is really a bad feeling which I think everyone has but to which no one admits. its not always intense but its normal for everyone to say like I want be like that person may be because you love him, or he is your role model and you feel like becoming like him could be an accomplishment in your life.

Envy is part of capital sins, it becomes a sin because when you are envying something or someone it tends to be secret and you cant even say it loud, even when we look in biblical teachings we find that they are some who were cursed like Cain, who killed his brother Abel because of envy or Joseph who were sold by his brothers also because of envy. It needs to be controlled because it tends to get on stage where someone takes a bad decision.

In twelve ways your phone is changing you (chap 6), Tony shows us that we become like what we like. He says this in terms of social media, this is my point of view, like I can spend like an hour two on socials media liking pages of influencers because I like fashion and dressing nicely. When I see shoes that I love on someone else, it makes me feel like doing research until I find that particular shoes and when they are expensive at moment I am like I cant afford which also arise a desire to say like I want to be like her, I envy what she has but the only different is that it is not intense I dont get jealous or have a feeling to doing bad thing to achieve what I want. But seeing all those images and videos, it keeps shaping me and sometimes it does transform me.

How about doing things just to fit in society or just to get approved. Yes it did happen like creating an Instagram account to be like my friends ,post picture and likes and a lot of followers, I was this kind of person who didnt like to put my life out but I did because I was afraid of what people around me would say , I did it to avoid the question why does she hide? Unfortunately, there is nothing.

When we care about what people thinks of us, it means we are worship them. it is sin we only must worship God who created us in his image and made us who are, that is really our identity. As the bible says and Tony explains if we worship idols, we become like idols, idols can not embrace us nor sees us but if we worship Christ we become like Christ which I said earlier we were created in his image so we likely to be like him, he shed his blood for me and you to be free from our sins. In him I have eternal hope and lasting joy. Which is the reason why I dont want what this world gives me.

Even though we do all this to get approved in the society, sometimes it gets lonely(chap7). social media is supposed to make us together and stay connected but when you re sitting home waiting a friend to text you back and hours pass without a text, you start wondering what happened or why isnt he responding. For real we not supposed to feel this type of way either way you will get a response but it just a matter of time which is the other negative side of technology, it made us think that everything must be fast. We get lonely because there is a preference of using our smartphones and push people way. Like for me every time I walk on street alone, I must put on my headphones just to avoid interaction with people it shows that I am not interested with outside communication.

It is not only this but its also affect my relationship with God, I was taught to pray before doing anything , today every morning instead of waking up and sit on my bed to thank God for my life, for my friend for family, and to thank that I am still breathing , the first thing I do is taking my phone and go on all social and media when I am done thats when I pray. I know I should put God first in everything I do but sometimes Satan is just there to show that he is also fighting for his followers. But its been days now I took a decision of confiding in God and put him first which so far is changing my life ,the more I engage with him the more I get to know some behaviors that I need to stop because to be with God is not easy since we are living in this world of distraction but they are things ,I need to give up in order to follow him and put aside loneliness.

As we all know kindness is the cure of envy, we do this by putting in place the desire to help others above the need to supersede them. It can be easy to cure but first, we need to accept ourselves. So instead of being jealous of those we want to become in terms of career, personality or life goals, we just must admire and look up to them, make them friends and learn how they reach their success. Everyone merits to be treated with kindness, even those who are less wealth than we are, we must be kind to them. Kindness is very contagious if everyone were kind, it can make world we are living in a better place.

Charles Spurgeon said permit not your minds to be easily distracted, or you will often have your devotion destroyed Tony said  vital to our spiritual health, we must listen and hear Gods voice saying to us be still, and know that I am God. So, to overcome this envy we have to put our faith in divine strength to help us, because by ourselves is hard to change envious behavior but God is powerful.

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