Sports Football Benefits And Rules

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Sports Football Benefits And Rules

The football, also known as soccer, is one of the most popular sports worldwide. The history of football can be traced back to England at the end of the 19th century. Game development is carried out on a rectangular field of grass, in which a target is located at each end of the field. Discover everything you should know about this sport, what are its basic rules and what are the benefits it brings, among which teamwork stands out.


The basic rules of this sports football consist of introducing with the foot or the head the ball in a goal, which is known as goal. In the game a total of 11 players participate in each of the two teams that face each other.

The winning team is the one that at the end of the game obtains a greater number of goals in favor. By regulation, a professional football match is composed of two times of 45 minutes each. The 11 players that make up a football team are divided into the following positions: the goalkeeper (since he occupies only one player), the defenders, the flyers and the forwards. However, some of these rules may vary depending on the soccer modality in question.


Football, besides being an entertaining activity, is also a sport that offers innumerable benefits . The first is that it is present everywhere, which makes it possible to practice at any time. Likewise, it stimulates the character and motivation of the person, accustoming it to group work, to maintain the competitive spirit .

On a physical level, soccer is an excellent way to lose calories and tone up the muscles of the legs and abs. Similarly, recent studies have indicated that the practice of this sport gives us greater cardiovascular benefits than jogging on a daily basis. Those who practice this sport constantly will have the advantage of being able to maintain a regular control of their weight, as well as eliminate the accumulation of fat in the back and buttocks.

It should be noted that the practice of football has a professional level must be subject to a prior physical assessment, because it is a highly demanding sport.


As in other sports, choosing a correct outfit before football training will be important so that the player can expose their physical capabilities to the maximum, without risking their health. Going from top to bottom, it should be noted that shirts should be loose and of light material, with the number of the player stamped on the back for easy recognition.

The pants to use are short and are made of lightweight nylon or polyester. It is preferable that they are waterproof. As for the stockings, these should be high enough to cover the shin guards. The most recommended material is cotton, to prevent blisters. Regarding the footwear, always known as chimpunes, which are characterized by having a better stability on the grass and avoid injuries to the ankles. The implements of Protective, such as shin guards and suspenders.


Footballers, both amateur and professional, know very well how important coordination exercises are for soccer practice. Therefore, having a good personal soccer coach should develop a physical preparation stage in different ways. One of the most common is running with the arms extended horizontally, touching the heels with your hands. Also, the so-called jogging without brace is frequent, which consists of jogging by lifting the knees and interlacing the hands behind the back.

There are exercises with jumps, such as the cap, where players jog while jumping with each movement. A slightly more complex exercise is the deltas, which involves moving the legs quickly around a rod, without touching it. Sometimes the rod is replaced by a soccer ball. Finally, we have the front pass, whose purpose is for the player to run through the middle of aligned rings, without hitting them.

What is sports football coaching?

If you have always been passionate about sport and would like to work in this area, why not dedicate yourself to sports coaching? Maybe the time has come to leave your job and start a new professional path. When you enter the world of professional sports, your hobby can become a real way to earn money, be successful, and also live passionate about what you do.

But what is a sports coach? This is a professional who is responsible for guiding and being with the professional athlete at every step of his career, making sure that his result and emotional state is optimal for success. Lately, this work has become more popular given the new importance that the emotional health of athletes has taken.

What skills do you need to have to be a sports football coach?

To start, you must be a positive person, willing to give a balance to the busy life of an athlete. It is your job to help the athlete to face fears and overcome goals, but that can only be done if you have confidence in your abilities and know how to put emotions aside. Likewise, you should always have a sentence of encouragement for difficult times and know how to solve problematic situations.

What kind of knowledge do you need?

Although it is a new profession, sports coaching are more than just knowledge about sports. In this case, you must also have knowledge of sports psychology, some physical therapy and health, and finance. It is important that you are always aware of everything that happens in the sport of who you train, because it is you who will guide it and lead it to success.

As part of the training, you have to be aware of the physical part, from the daily hours, to the feeding and long-term planning.

Should I be an athlete?

Not necessarily, but it is common for former sportsmen to become sports coach. Therefore, if you are not a professional athlete, you must ensure that you bring skills superior to those of others. Things like extensive knowledge about sports, nutrition, health, economics, psychology and marketing can make you a better candidate for work, because you are giving your athlete more than others can.

Think of it as a professional career that sees beyond just the athlete and the physical part, so if you are an entrepreneur you can take advantage of your business knowledge and personal success to push your athlete more than usual and achieve more goals.

Can I only train one athlete at a time?

This depends on you and your success as a coach. The reality is that if you are a coach of more than one athlete at a time, it is because you have already established a practice and you have more people under your command. If you are starting in this business, it is recommended that you dedicate yourself to a single athlete, because you must travel with him, be by his side for long hours, work together with his team coach, and make sure that emotional health is also under control. All this takes time and experience.

Once you have established a name and brand, you may create a sports coaching organization and help those aspiring professional athletes. Do not get distracted trying to be a coach of several people at the time, it is better to start with a single athlete and grow professionally.

What do you think? Being a sports coach can be a unique and special opportunity for those who love sports and entrepreneurship. Focus your passion for soccer, or tennis, or any other professional sport, and take your business and emotional knowledge to help others while earning money.

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