What Makes ‘Macbeth’ a Tragedy: Argumentative Essay

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What Makes ‘Macbeth’ a Tragedy: Argumentative Essay

Macbeth is a play work by William Shakespeare, more specifically, it is a tragedy of artwork, there are many kinds of tragedy in this world when people talk about tragedy, people might consider many words, such as death, misery, unhappiness, loss, etc. It is difficult to understand the tragedy of Macbeth. There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people’s eyes; therefore, there are a thousand Macbeths as well. However, in Macbeth, the lost meaning of life can be the real tragedy of Macbeth. If the future of life is determined, there is no meaning in living this life. Macbeth says: If it were done when tis did, then were well, It were done quickly (Shakespeare 1.7.1-2). Macbeth thinks that if he kills the king, there will be other people trying to kill him when he becomes the king. Might be the be-all and the end-all here, but here, upon this bank and shoal of time, wed jump the life to come (Shakespeare 1.7.5-7).

Macbeth is thinking about the meaning of life and is wondering if the witches are telling the truth. The witches tell Macbeth about his future and say that Macbeth will kill the king in the future, this determines what Macbeths fate is, and he is going to be the king. The prediction of the future makes Macbeth think about life and question himself, and wonder if he should kill the king. He also states that if this kill will be all kill, then let be it. He starts to think about the meaning of life, and the delay is because of the battle in his mind. He is afraid that life is meaningless. Therefore, meaningless life is the tragedy of Macbeth. If nothing is meaningless, Suicide is justified; therefore life is pointless. The Queen, my lord, is dead (Shakespeare 5.5.19). Lady Macbeth committed Suicide when Macduff is going to go back to Scotland and kills Macbeth.

Lady Macbeth knows that they will fail in the end and she does not like failure, and she wants success in life; however, all beings are going to end in the future, and if the future is determined, people then do not need to live the life. Therefore she committed suicide, and this also avoids experiencing failure in life. Thus, in the play of Macbeth, meaningless life is the tragedy of Macbeth. If people die eventually and turn into nothing, life is meaningless. Macbeth’s Monologue is talking about the meaninglessness of life. Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow creeps in this petty pace from day to day, to the last syllable of recorded time, and all our yesterdays have lighted fools, the way to dusty death (Shakespeare 5.5.22-26). Macbeth doesnt like life after knowing the future and seeing the truth. He uses the word petty to express how he looks down upon life, all the lives in this world. Out, out, brief candle! Lifes but a walking shadow, a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more. It is a tale, told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing (Shakespeare 5.5.26-31).

Macbeth says this monologue after he heard about Lady Macbeth committing suicide. He says that everyone is going to die in the end; people are all in a world that is like the play when people are alive. However, all life is going to an end; sometimes, life itself is like a play, it will end suddenly and nothing left on the stage after death. If life is like a play and nothing is left after death, then life is meaningless, Macbeth then does not need to weep for the end of Lady Macbeth, and all he did, is doing, and will do is pointless, therefore, the lost meaning of life is the tragedy of Macbeth.

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