Perspectives Of Marketers In Using Facebook; Social Media As A Marketing Tool By Micro Breweries In Bengaluru

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Perspectives Of Marketers In Using Facebook; Social Media As A Marketing Tool By Micro Breweries In Bengaluru

The growth of beer culture, especially freshly brewed beer culture is booming in India. With Microbreweries are booming in southern part of India especially Bangalore where there are new micro breweries being launched once in few months. Bangalore is indeed called the pub capital of India (Shruthi, 2018). The growth of digital era has put us on a phase where using social media marketing is a compulsion for individuals as well as organizations (Singh, 2016). This study investigates the primary perception of marketers in using social media marketing, especially Facebook as an integral part of their marketing campaigns. The outcome of this research would help marketers across the country to get an insight about the social media marketing usage in terms of Facebook and would also suggest if this tool would be helpful in their marketing strategy or not

The study was conducted across microbrewers in Bangalore with managers/proprietors who are responsible for marketing as the respondents. This study surveyed 38 marketers out of 42 approached with total list of 45 registered and functioning microbreweries in Bangalore. With the overall perspective of marketers, it is considered that Facebook as a marketing tool is vital in helping the marketing campaigns of the Food and Beverage operation. This research paper includes primary and secondary data from online and offline sources. This paper does not include all the parameters of the social media campaigns used, instead some of the highlighting parameters have been considered to get a generalist overview about the research topic mentioned. Integrating traditional marketing practices were a common practice among the marketers and most of the marketers agreed that they have a dedicated social media marketing team and dedicate 6-10 hours a week engaging on social media, However using live videos and podcasting is less common among the brewers in Bangalore. The results were quite promising with most of the marketers agree that they use Facebook as a marketing tool would help in augmenting their marketing strategy.

Key words: Globalization, Social Media Marketing, Facebook, Microbrewery, Social media engagement tools.


With the evolution and ramification of globalization in the 21st century, it acts as a life changing impact on many individual business and corporate companies. With the combination of various patterns of driving the marketing thought process, along with the development of information technology, Communication has become an easier task compared to the methods and means of communication which occurred a decade ago. Globalization has augmented the way of communication Vis-à-vis reaching out to people has literally become boundary-less activity (Ioanid, Militaru, Negoita, & Dumitriu, 2015). Advancement and progression in the means and methods of communication has made it a compulsion for managers, supervisors, executives and other employees to engage in online communication to communicate with clients /prospective clients (Braojos-Gomez, Benitez-Amado, & Llorens-Montes, 2015).

In the past couple of years social media users have been enormously being multiplied with users growing on a positive logarithmic scale. Just by looking at the graph of Facebook users signing up every hour, the graph of users with respect to time is growing on a sharp peak today with close to 2.27 billion active users on the network. Facebook surpassed one billion users accomplishing the networking site to be the first to lead the charts globally (Statista, 2018). With the rapid growth in the number of users in the networking site, the accessibility and distribution of information has grown on a broader perspective. Online Media reach on social media is directly proportional to growth of members in the networking site.

With a majority of brewers having a dedicated social media marketing team as they perceive millions of business would reap through the implementation and utilization of social media marketing in an effective manner. The consistency of the social media marketing tool and the quality of media being broadcasted should be properly scrutinized before publishing across the web. Proper care is to be taken into consideration in order to review and edit content which has been previously broadcasted .

The term microbrewery was originally used to indicate the size of the brewery, as it may seem obvious with the literal translation of micro-brewery. The tradition of microbrewery originates from the United kingdom which slowly extend its popularity in the United States of America. (Grey, 2016).

Rewinding the time back to ten years, we could possibly look at the Indian market liking beer from a chilled bottle rather than having it from a tap (Talekar, 2016). With the slow reforms and an instigator to the micro brewery culture in India, the first micro brewery was started in Pune at the Galaxy Hotel and Spa and it was named Howzatt (Basu-Bhalla, 2012).

The current trend says that Facebook marketing is one of the most efficient ways of marketing where it is more efficient (Shaw, 2018)all the brewers in Bengaluru use Facebook as a medium to connect with their targeted audience. Optimizing the visual content with links which can redirect the page to another site where there is more relavant information is given. Using different types of content like images, videos and blog posts there would be a change in the content and the viewers would feel the difference in it.

Findings And Conclusions:

Traditional marketing and Social media marketing have been incorporated and improvised in such a manner that it would give an efficient output by concatenating it together and creating a strong combination. With less integration of the two, the business can take on risks which can be related to over depending on one or over use of another. Even before implementing the strategy there has to be a clear idea on the planning and implementation of the marketing strategy

Digital Era has transformed perspectives and approaches of marketing; with traditional marketing tools such as Television, Newspaper, Radio, etc., using social media marketing would help in reaching the right target market. Marketers also said that by just a few clicks through Facebook insights, they are able to get various vital parameters such as number of clicks, Shares, Popular time, Etc., through the option of Facebook Insights. Having a dedicated social media team helps in achieving the target better. One of the marketers revealed A good brand is born from cohesion. Its vital to everything you do, from what you say on social media to the logo design you choose. If you arent consistent with your messaging, youll weaken your brand and make it difficult for customers to remember who you are and what makes you different.

With the survey undertaken, more than 95% of the marketers reveal that using Facebook as a marketing tool is more economical compared to other means of marketing as the auxiliary expense does not incur on transportation, material, Physical labor etc., Majority of the marketers reveal that using Facebook as a marketing tool is effective as most of the marketing is done through digital format and also advise that the creative content should be of high quality and the frequency i.e presence in the social media should be more frequent.


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