The Role and Importance of Social Media in Todays Generation

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The Role and Importance of Social Media in Todays Generation

Social media plays a vital role in our generation’s growth. It is an essential aspect of our daily lives today as people gain knowledge and skills that brighten their lives worldwide. Today so many activities, especially communication, have been taken to a better level through improved social media and social networking. The tremendous benefit has contributed a positive impact on the growth of our culture and business as well. Websites such as Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube are among the popular sites where people can interact easily and share new ideas freely without much expense. Social media can cause some challenges in people’s lives when misused, limiting social interaction, but it plays a significant impact on our generation today.

The potential to access a large audience is among the huge impact of social media in our generation today. It opens the door for people to interact freely and share better ideas on improving their business by finding great ways to market their products and services. It has become the major source for the collaborative world to advertise their goods and services. This is done either directly through websites or celebrities paid to market various types of products worldwide. Therefore, it offers more people a great opportunity to better their lives (Nielsen, R.K, 2014, pp.472-489). Celebrities, especially youth, can be hired by various organizations to promote their brands online. Also, people can earn a significant amount just by running logs and podcasts. The media also offers a venue for more people in our generation to showcase their talents and use them to better their future by educating and entertaining others.

Apart from promoting business, education has been improved to a better level today. The media has contributed significantly to a better learning environment for both teachers and students. It is quite easy today for anyone to learn from other people who are professionals and experts in different disciplines through social media. Students can access various knowledgeable materials from different sites at a lower cost and enhance their knowledge in any field regardless of their educational background and location (George, M., 2019, pp. 9-10). Through media, awareness has been created, enabling people to develop innovative ideas that have contributed to our generation’s growth to date. People from different generations have discovered new and innovative ideas of much impact on our generation. Activities such as communications, banking, and money transfer have been made easier and secure through social media.

The security and rights of people in any given nation have improved today. Through media use, the government and its agencies are in a better position to fight crime through spying and arresting criminals (Nielsen, R.K, 2014, pp.472-489). Besides the great benefit of social media, it has also contributed to members’ downfall in today’s generation through cyberbullying, hacking of personal data, and addiction to immoral activities leading to loss of life.

Social media has both negative and positive impact on our generation today. There are great benefits people can gain by using social media like networking and partnership, advertising services to promote business, and creating viral content. One should develop a better decision to stop accessing media content or use it moderately to benefit their future.


  1. Nielsen, R.K. and Schrøder, K.C., 2014. The relative importance of social media for accessing, finding, and engaging with news: An eight-country cross-media comparison. Digital journalism, 2(4), pp.472-489.
  2. George, M., 2019. The importance of social media content for teens’ risks for self-harm. Journal of Adolescent Health, 65(1), pp.9-10.
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