Agriculture, Water, and Food Security in Tanzania

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Agriculture, Water, and Food Security in Tanzania


National Security is closely connected to the economic processes within the country. Integration in the global economic dynamics stabilizes a countrys financial balance and affects the general success of international trade. Therefore, economic development contributes to the maintenance of National Security through establishing international relations and commercial success. A significant part of the National Security field is agriculture, food, and water security since it directly impacts the well-being of the citizens and the efficiency of economic relationships with other countries. Various strategies prove to be effective in relation to the security of each food, water, and agriculture segment. All of them require conscious attention to these fields and critical evaluation of the possible inputs and outcomes.


This paper aims to evaluate the strategies applicable to the development and further maintenance of agriculture, water, and food security in Tanzania. The evaluation is directed towards the effectiveness of certain strategies. It focuses on the specific inputs to the National Security and its gradual impact on the systems of agriculture, food, and water security. The effectiveness of the strategies will be measured through potential outcomes that follow them and through the extent to which it progressively affects the level of National Security in relation to the global economic order.

Therefore, the main tools that will be applied within the assessment process are the conceptual theories related to National Security through the area of economic development. Furthermore, the theories will be addressed in the context of their relevance to the maintenance of the National Security level. Narrowly focused concepts connected to the fields of agriculture, water, and food security will be assessed based on their relation to the level of National Security and Tanzanias economic success.

Conceptual Clarification

Key concepts connected to the performance and maintenance of National Security are agriculture, water, and food security areas. All of these components have a significant impact on the international and local trading success and economic performance of Tanzania. These fields provide the goods and affect the further performance of the working class and the quality of labor applied to agriculture.1 A more distinguished focus on these fields would most likely lead to more solid outcomes within the stabilization and maintenance of National Security.

Security within the context of agriculture addresses the stability of the natural harvest that the country receives annually. Moreover, in case of a misbalance or any obstacles related to the annual harvesting, agriculture security centers on the ways to improve the overall gain from natural resources with the help of technologies.2 The strategys main concern is to prevent any possible difficulties that may occur within the seeding, cultivating and harvesting processes.

Food security focuses on the quality of the food produced by the country and its accessibility within various regions and different backgrounds. Additionally, it maintains commercial relationships with other countries by dealing with the import and export of goods, which affects the trading balance.3 The main objective behind the strategies related to food security is the development of quality assessment, improvement of production conditions, and efficient maintenance of food distribution and costs in order to track its basic accessibility.

Finally, water security regulates the amount of clean water accessible to the citizens and focuses on both quotidian and industrial use of water. The improvement strategies within this field center on developing the accessibility options and maintaining the stability of water access. Moreover, water security is related to the concept of green environmentalism, as it partially focuses on the sustainability of regular water use and considers the cost of excessive accessibility to the environment.

Conceptual Framework

Although the concepts mentioned before focus on different areas related to National Security, together, they are united within the large-scale process of application of agricultural theory. The theory of agricultural balance emphasizes that the inputting elements, such as water and labor, are equal in their importance to food and further social and commercial profit from it.4 Thus, water and food security are closely related to agricultural security as a whole, as water and food are the main components within the formula of agricultural success.


In order to assess the relevance of National Security strategies, it is necessary to consider the internal links among the key concepts. Hence, it is necessary to consider that all the inputs and outputs within agriculture, food, and water security strategies majorly rely on each other and particularly stimulate certain results and each others growth. Therefore, the success of National Security as a whole depends on the efficiency of collaboration among precise fields of security rather than their individual performance specifically.

Currently, Tanzania is engaged more significantly in global economic activities. Thus, for the country, it is necessary to focus on the development of security of specific areas of agriculture that contribute to the trading success and international relations.5 Agricultural success sponsors the accessibility of food to the working class, which affects the productivity and general efficiency of the labor used in agriculture and beyond. Similarly, successful water security strategies affect the basic living conditions of the working class. Hence, the combination of effective strategies in both fields leads to better living conditions for Tanzanias citizens, which improves the possible contribution and performance within the international trade relations.

Analysis and Strategic Solutions

Measuring the significance of each specific field of agricultural security in relation to National Security, water security possibly has the greatest importance among all the concepts. It is justified by its direct impact on the progression of agricultural processes, such as cultivation and harvesting. Water relates to different areas of security beyond just the agricultural one and affects the productivity of technologies used in agriculture and the health level of people who participate in labor. Hence, it is applicable to primarily determine water security strategies and evaluate further agriculture and food strategies based on this initial step.

The main concern present within the water security assessment is determining the ways to improve the average quality and accessibility of water within the country. In dealing with the quality issues, it is relevant to combine the natural resources possibilities and a technological approach. Moreover, it is necessary to consider the long-term consequences of the implication of technologies within water purification and distribution processes, as excessive industrial takes might lead to sustainability issues.

Once the distribution of purified water is regulated, the agricultural cycle of cultivation gains a stable base of natural support. At this stage, in order to maintain the stable security levels for agriculture, it is necessary to apply relevant technologies and encourage labor work. Despite possible natural obstacles, agriculture security strategies have to suggest ways to maintain a stable harvest that is crucial for stable international trade.6 Furthermore, as harvesting contributes to food accessibility within the country, human labor receives natural resources support. Additionally, agricultural outcomes majorly contribute to the maintenance of international trade.


Although the concepts of agriculture, food, and water security are closely related, it is important to pay enough attention to the development of various strategies within each of the fields. The main thing to consider in the process of evaluation of the strategies of security maintenance and development is the impact of one security system on another. As water represents the core element relevant to the general possibility of agricultural success, it is necessary to begin the strategies evaluation with this field and to gradually apply the relevant solutions to the next affected areas. Attention to details and processes within these areas leads to higher rates of efficient interactions among them, which majorly contributes to the level of National Security. Agricultural success leads to higher rates of global economic engagement of a country, as it gains wider opportunities to offer export positions and maintain the trading processes.


As the National Security level is getting more relevant within the global economic order, it is necessary for the country to consider the commercial and trading outcomes and opportunities while dealing with security improvement. The efficiency of security strategies determines how stable the country is seen within the international perspective, and positive dynamics affect its relevance in the global market. Thus, the security strategies have to directly address the ways to contribute to the countrys economic success and international relations through the efficient interconnection of security processes. This way, the maintenance of higher security rates will contribute to the rapid economic development of a country.


Hillman, Jimmye S. International trade and agriculture: Theory and policy. Routledge, 2019.

Mkonda, Msafiri Yusuph, and Xinhua He. Agricultural history nexus food security and policy framework in Tanzania. Agriculture & Food Security 7, no. 1 (2018): 1-11. Web.


  • 1 Mkonda and He, Agricultural history nexus food security and policy framework in Tanzania, 2018
  • 2 Hillman, International trade and agriculture: Theory and policy, 2019
  • 3 Hillman, International trade and agriculture: Theory and policy, 2019
  • 4 Hillman, International trade and agriculture: Theory and policy, 2019
  • 5 Mkonda and He, Agricultural history nexus food security and policy framework in Tanzania, 2018
  • 6 Hillman, International trade and agriculture: Theory and policy, 2019
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