Australia Live Export and Government Regulations

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Australia Live Export and Government Regulations


Australias live export is the trading of goats, sheep, llamas, cattle, and other livestock by sending them to other countries across the world. The livestock is exported for both breeding purposes and food consumption. The livestock is considered to be free from diseases. In 2018, the Australian live export industry contributed over $1.75 billion to the Australian economy by exporting both sheep and cattle to overseas markets. The industry has been criticized for its approach towards managing animal welfare onboard vessels and led to government officials potentially unlawfully banning the sector in response to community outcry.

Due to living export embargos, such as the 2011 cattle ban, stakeholders have questioned the industrys viability and suggested improving livestock welfare by slaughtering the animals in Australia. While a viable suggestion, stakeholders asking the trade have failed to consider that in many markets, there is a cultural preference for live animals and many developing countries have insufficient supply chain facilities. This core question for stakeholders is to determine if an ethical and justifiable live export trade can be implemented by improving animal welfare and minimizing the mortality levels.

The critical question to the stakeholders is how to continue the trade by adhering to the welfare of the animals and monstering the animals mortality rate. The stakeholders decision to slaughter the animals does not consider the existing cultural practices of other communities to prefer live animals instead of the slaughtered ones. The ability to export the livestock concerning their well-being effectively could benefit significant stakeholders in both the industry and the community. It is necessary to explore all the available options for this long-standing primary product and live export industry.

Problem Statement

The perception of the key stakeholders on the government regulations and the industry practices used to determine the feasibility study to operate in the live export supply chain.

Aims of the Method

  1. To provide information to stakeholders on how government regulations and industry practices influence live export operations and the risk management processes.
  2. To identify the key concerns influencing the feasibility of the live export industry.
  3. Stakeholders provide more information and identify potentially modifiable factors on the current government regulations and industry practices regarding shaping the future of the live export sector.

Scope of the Study

The study aims to identify how government regulations and industry practices influence live export operations and the risk management process in place. It also aimed at identifying the stakeholders ability to export livestock concerning the welfare of the animals.

This methodology for this research is a series of In-depth guided interviews with key stakeholders to understand further how government regulations and industry practices have influenced the feasibility to operate within the live export supply chain. There is a set number (14) of open and closed-ended questions to record interviews with 6-8 participants in each interview. The participant interviews will be capped at this number, so the interviews can be conducted over four weeks to allow for the research to be completed within the semester, allowing for appropriate data collation and analysisthe time frame allocated to complete the research within semester 1, 2021.

The interview will approximately take between 20-45 minutes depending on answers and will be conducted at the participants; either being an appropriate meeting room at the university campus, a suggested location by the participant, teleconference, or Team Meeting Room (web-conferencing). In all cases, the COVID-19 guideline by the university and state will be followed. All the selected participants from the screening will be interviewed. All interviews being conducted will form part of the research. Should the questions that are asked cause any concerns for the participants, the interview will be terminated.

The data will be collected and delivered in the same format and order to every participant. The recordings will be transcribed verbatim. The data will be analyzed using a deductive approach to the participants perceptions of the live export industry linked to the research question. After all, transcripts will be read, annotated to align the data with themes. The data will then be segmented to identify connections between participants responses and the research question.

Methodology of the Research

The overall data collection method was based on the ethics and government policies that were generally used in the study. The research methods involve using a qualitative approach, quantitative approach, or a combination of both ways. The quantitative research method is the systematic investigation of a problem or a topic by collecting quantifiable data and then carrying out the mathematical, computational, or statistical procedures. The quantitative analysis aims to determine the relationship between an independent variable with a dependent variable outcome (Bhat, 2018). Quantitative research designs either descriptive or measured once or can be experimental where the subject is measured both before and after a treatment plan.

A qualitative research method is a design that focuses on getting the data through open-ended and discussion communications. The qualitative research method answers the questions why and how of the subject in question. The information gathered from qualitative research is in a written format rather than numerical format. Qualitative methods focus on collecting data on-site where the people are directly affected by the problem at hand. The qualitative researcher gathers multiple pieces of information through observations, interviews, documents instead of depending on a single data source. (Qualitative Research: Definition, Types, Methods and Examples, 2018) Through the qualitative method, information gathered is raw and unaltered as the researcher can build trust with the interviewee since it involves actual communication between the parties.

The most appropriate data collection method is the qualitative analysis since it involves an open and close-ended format. Qualitative methods prove to be the best methods as it involves gathering information directly by holding interviews with the people to determine their view on the livestock export industry. The information collected will be raw data that is not altered, and one can determine the possible outcome without basing it on a single source. The interviews will provide several views on the subject at hand, giving different approaches to analyzing the development of the data.

Research Approach Method

The research design method approach outlines how a researcher chooses to use the techniques and methods to study a particular topic. It permits researchers to perfect the research methods suitable for the study and allow it to succeed. Qualitative research determines the correlation between the data collected and the observation based on mathematical calculations. The theories associated with a naturally existing occurrence can be proved or disproved using statistical methods (Labaree, n.d.). The views conclude why a particular approach exists along with what the respondents say about it.

The research design approach types include longitudinal, experimentalcase study, ethnography, and grounded theory. In a longitudinal approach, the researcher repeatedly examines the same individuals to notice any new changes in their perspective over some time. The longitudinal research approach is a type of correlational research approach where the researcher collects data by observing several variables devoid of the influence of the particular variables. The experimental process involves using two sets of variables, the first being a constant that measures the difference of the second variable (Labaree, n.d.). A case study is a detailed study of a particular research problem instead of going through a statistical survey.

The ethnography approach involves observing the variables in their natural setting to make conclusions of the research objectives. It is an orderly investigation involving continuous interactions with the variable and depends entirely on the data gathered during observation. The grounded theory research design approach provides orderly guidelines for collecting, synthesizing, analyzing, and conceptualizing the qualitative data to construct a theory (Chun Tie et al., 2019). It is used to reveal things such as the behaviors and social relationships of certain groups. Grounded theory is also used to develop an idea based on the logically collected data and analysis.

Grounded theory is the most appropriate approach for this research study as I am conducting in-depth guided interviews. In grounded theory, the exciting area is identified, then analytical procedures and sampling strategies are used to study, and a theoretical sampling is reached. Confirmation of the interview questions should align with the research question and the perceptions of key stakeholders on government regulations and industry practices to determine the feasibility of operating in the live export supply chain. The questions are constructed in an inquiry manner to ensure the interview flows like an ordinary conversation. There were also follow-up questions based on the response of the interviewee. The questions were closely read to ensure that they were not leading and were clearly understood by the participants.

The interviews took place over one week from April 21 to April 28, 2021. The discussions were based on stratified sampling methods that divide the population into strata (Statistics: Introduction, 2019). The interviews involved four people; the farmers, distributors, livestock export companies, and live export support organizations. The first strata were based on the primary sources of the trade: the farmers and the distributers. The farmers and the distributors were also selected using the random sample method. The farmers and the distributors were interviewed at their places of work that is at their offices. The second strata are the secondary participants in the industry, the livestock export companies involved, and the live export support organizations. The two groups to be interviewed were selected randomly from the secondary strata of the population of research. Due to the Covid-19 regulations, the livestock export companies and the live export support organization are forced to used teleconferences for the interviews.

The depth-guided interviews are used to capture rich, vivid data about how people think, behave, and unfold complex processes. The researchers are more listeners than talkers. The in-depth guided interview was meant to directly involve the participants to give a stand on the matter. The detailed questioner acted as a guide to the discussion. The farmers interviewed provided a general perspective of the government policy in the industry and how generally the sector has directly affected them both as the source and consumers on the chain of livestock export. The distributors were also able to give their take on the matters and how they felt should be the proper way to overcome their challenges. The livestock companies and live export support organizations gave their responses in guidance of the structured questionnaire. They provided a sample view of the rest of the companies the export groups involved in the livestock export industry on their take on how the government regulations and the industry practices affect the trade.

Data Collection Methods

Qualitative data collection methods focus more on the existing reasons and gaining insight by digging deeper. The qualitative data collection methods are mostly unstructured. These methods include individual interviews, qualitative surveys, focus group discussions, and observations. Qualitative surveys are of two types, paper surveys, where a paper questionnaire containing short, open-ended text questions is distributed, and an online survey. The second type of survey is the online survey. The survey is prepared using an online survey software then uploaded to a website or emailed to the selected sample of the population (Methods used for qualitative data collection, 2019). Observation is a collection data method where the researcher collects the data by observing people and their behavior in their natural environments. It involves two types the covert, where the observer does not inform the population sample they are monitored, and the overt, where everyone knows they are under observation.

Focus group discussion is an interview, but about 8-10 people are gathered and can exchange comments based on research. Consultations involve a face-to-face conversation with the researcher with a specific structure and purpose. In this research study, the data was collected using depth-guided interviews. Using the depth guided interview as a data collection method was to achieve a general understanding of the interviewees point of view (International, 2017). It involved asking them open-ended questions from the already prepared questionnaires. The general guided interview approach is deployed where a checklist is used to ensure all the essential topics are covered. This approach was the most appropriate as it gives detailed information about the subject in question. The interview was able to in-depth probe the interviewee while still maintaining the parameter outlined by the aim of the study.

Data Collection Tools

The data was collected and delivered in the same format and order to every participant. The questionnaire provided a standard method of conducting the interviews. An Olympus digital voice Recorder WS-853 was used to record the interviews. The voice recorder was the most appropriate for recording. It has an actual stereo microphone and intelligent auto mode for high-quality MP3 recordings that automatically adjust the microphone sensitivity to any pitch variations during the recordings. It also has 8GB internal memory and can be expanded with optional 32GB Micro SD Cards hence providing ample space for the recordings. The voice recorder has a voice balancer that improves audio playback when recording multiple speakers, and the playback speed user-controlled from 2.0X-0.5X. This feature makes it the most appropriate voice recorder to capture both the interviewer and the interviewee.

Data Analysis

Data analysis is an essential aspect of the study. Approaches to data analysis include statistical analysis, content analysis, narrative analysis, discourse analysis, thematic analysis, grounded theory analysis, and interpretive phenomenological analysis. Content analysis is used to evaluate the patterns formed in the content of the communications sources (Warren, 2020). The narrative analysis involves listening keenly to the people speaking and coming up with the meaning of the content. Narrative analysis has a small sample as it is time-consuming. Statistical analysis involves the use of mathematical models, formulas to analyze data. It includes descriptive statistics, which summarizes the data from a given sample using indexes and inferential statics, which is used to conclude from the data subject to random variation. Discourse analysis is analyzing language in a said social context. The thematic analysis involves looking at the patterns of meanings formed in the data. It can be time-consuming as the data may need to be reviewed every time a research question is asked.

The statistical method approach describes the occurrences of the data in terms of the numbers to either imply or deduce an effect or a cause. Grounded theory or deductive approach involves creating a theory using the data that had been collected (Warren, 2020). A general hypothesis is formed after the evaluation or examination of the data. Deductive involves starting with a social theory that the researcher finds compelling, stating the test and later the consequences of the data (Warren, 2020). The data collected is analyzed using a deductive approach so that the perceptions towards the live export industry can be linked to the research question. The transcripts are read then annotated to align the data with the theme in the research question. The data is then segmented to identify connections between the participants responses and the research question.

Inductive research pattern.
Fig 1. Inductive research pattern.

Data Analysis Tools

The interviews were transcribed from audio to word by audio to word software to transcribe. Voice typing is a google free cloud-based response to Microsoft that converts the words spoken into a written text. This tool proved efficient to avoid any alteration of the interviewers message by the interviewer when writing the data into a text format. The software also saves time, enabling the research to be completed within the stipulated schedule. The audio-to-word software also helped to stay with the scope of the research question from the interview without leaving or adding information to the research finding. The tool is also free hence reducing the budget incurred during the data collection and analysis process.

Methodology Framework

A methodology framework is an incomplete structure that leaves space for incorporating other tools and practices and provides most of the process required. A methodological framework approach for qualitative data is the conceptual framework. A conceptual framework is developed based on the researchers problem, objectives, or questions. Its goal is to demonstrate the research approach in a text format to ease understanding the research approach. It explains the individual theory to enable the reader to understand the theories based on the work and understand the respective theories.

A conceptual framework applied to the questionnaire would give a simple guide of the guided questionnaire and provide some room for incorporating other format structure of the questionnaire. It indicates the research-based theory and the relevant theories on the data analysis. The questionnaire can either be open-ended or closed-ended. The methodology framework of the research topic gives a variety of ways that can be incorporated into the research collection methods used in the rear search study. For the data collection method, focus group discussions and observations could be combined to obtain more information than a particular method. These wills at large solve the challenges encountered by using a precise method to collect data.

Methodological framework analysis will use the deductive approach to analyze the data. It would also incorporate other methods to analyze the data collected, such as inductive methods, content analysis, and thematic analysis. Several toots would also be used to record the data other than the Olympus digital voice recorder WS-853, such as the Sony ICD-U570 voice recorder to act as a backup plan if the Olympus fails. The sampling method of the interviewee would incorporate sample methods that will ensure at any given chance; an interviewee is available for the interview. The methodological framework used in the research study will lead to a very successful research study.

Challenges Encountered

There were several challenges faced during the collection and analysis of the data collected. Firstly, the participants were not willing to participate in the interviews. Some saw the research as a waste of time as they believed that their opinions would not be heard even if they aired them. The farmers thought of themselves as the list significant players in the live export industry as they believed cartels owned the sector; hence no matter what they said or felt was right, nothing would be done about the subject as they had to zero say to the topic. They responded by stating that they preferred to remain unnoticed as long as they could make ends meet from the livestock export industry. This would jeopardize the research question as the data collection was independent of interviews performed as a data source.

The lack of interest of the participants to participate in the interviews was overcome by looking for another sample group of the population to interview. A lot of convincing was also required to show them the importance of the study and how it will be of use to them. I explained bit by bit the background of the research as some were not familiar with the current changes in the live export industry and how exactly it conducted its practices. It was also important to elaborate on the government policies imposed on the live export sector and how they directly affected then and the activities of the key stakeholders in the market.

Some of the participants were not willing to answer the question with the recording. They feared that their identities were at stake as it would be clearly stated on the voice recorder. Some participants had essential roles in the live export sector, and any comment against the current administration would jeopardize their positions. They wanted to air their points but remain anonymous without. This would put the research in jeopardy as the data collection mainly depended on the recorded interviews. Any information that was not recorded was not considered as part of the research.

To overcome this challenge, the participants who were not willing to be recorded were replaced with ready. This was necessary as the data from the interviews was to be recorded by the Olympus digital voice recorder WS-853. The willing participants would disclose in detail the information according to the questions outlined in the questionnaire. The participants crucial details were not to be revealed, such as their names. This also lured more people to participate in the interviews.

Once the lower limit of six interviewees was reached, a lot of time was wasted waiting for another interviewee to respond once confirmed they could not partake given their time restrictions. A lot of the anticipated interviewees who were willing to participate were not able to take part. This is because the set time limit for the interview was 20-45 minutes, for the interview was considered an extended period. The interviews at the workplaces had a set limit as the interviewee had to go back to work hence leading to fewer people turning up for the interviews. The teleconference was also greatly affected by the time factor. The interviewees had to attend to their duties, contributing to the lack of people to interview, hence the interview processs finalizations.

The approach of using qualitative analysis and an in-depth guided interview was practical. The minimum required number of participants to interview was reached. The methods also facilitated various participants that play a vital role in the live export industry. The parties provided their perceptions of government regulations and industry practices to determine the feasibility of operating in the live export supply chain. Before the primary interviews, attest pilot interview was conducted to determine the conditions required for the actual interview.

A test run was conducted before the actual interviews. The test run was meant to indicate if the methodology would meet the constraints of the research. The questionnaire in the test run revealed that the questions could easily be understood and covered the required scope of the study. It ensured no part of the information was left out in the actual interviews and that the information was not biased. The test run was meant to indicate whether the study would be completed within the stipulated time frame. The test run proved sufficient as it captured the defined schedule of the research study.

Through interviews of various key stakeholders in the live export chain study, the stakeholders would be able to get information on how the government regulations and industry practices influence live export and the risk management process. Both the downward and upward stream were able to access the map of the critical concerns affecting the feasibility of the live export industry. The key stakeholders also provided more information and identified potentially modifiable factors on how the current government regulations and industry practices shape the industrys future.

The research methodology that is the use of interviews as a data collecting method, was able to provide information to the community on how the key stakeholders are adjusting and adhering to the government regulations and the community concerns in regards to animal welfare in the live export trade. The interviewers from the livestock export companies and the live export support organization groups would answer how the government regulation affects the companies. The interviewer from live export organization groups would answer the practices to protect the welfare of the animals and the trade in general.


Bhat, A. (2018). Quantitative Research: Definition, Methods, Types, and Examples | QuestionPro. QuestionPro. Web.

Labaree, R. V. (n.d.). Research Guides: Organizing Your Social Sciences Research Paper: Types of Research Designs. Web.

Research Design: Definition, Characteristics, and Types. (2018). QuestionPro. Web.

Statistics: Introduction. (2019). Web.

Warren, K. (2020). Qualitative Data Analysis Methods 101: Top 5 + Examples. Grad Coach. Web.

International, B. (2017). What is an in-depth interview? B2B International. Web.

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