Organisational Culture Influence on Employee Engagement

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Organisational Culture Influence on Employee Engagement


Most of the organizations have their unique ways of distinguishing themselves from the rest as Brown (2002) states. They have an organisation culture that helps in the development of their organisation. These organisation cultures benefits the employees and the company itself (brown, 2002). Some of them are meant to motivate the performance of the employees in their work. An employee is an important person in any organisation and his performance is determined by the treatment given by the employer.

That is why most of the organisations come up with a certain organisation culture that will enhance the development of the company by making the employees comfortable in their workplace. Most of the needs are met by the set organisation culture as Brown (2002) states. Employees have their own set goals that should be achieved. Most of these goals go along with the companys target where by the company has to have a culture that improve the efficient and effective performance of the employees to benefit out of it.


Mercedes-Benz company is a company that deals with distribution of vehicles and spare parts as proven by Chilton Book Company (2001). It has several employees who work for the company. It is an up coming company that has highly developed due to its tactics of performance. It has very high population of employees as Chilton Book Company (2001) states. They have a certain organisation culture that distinguishes them from other companies. These cultures are the values that that are practised by the people who work for the company. From top level management to those at the lowest level and the people outside the organisation. These organisation culture may build or destroy the company.

The Mercedes-Benz company should ensure that these organisation culture increase the employees morale leading to them being motivated to perform. Good performance of an employee leads to the development of the company. Most of the employees benefit from the companys organisation culture (Chilton Book Company, 2001). These organisation cultures tend to take care of employees needs hence influence them to the best performance. It favours those with the inferiority complex and those who feel superior. It also helps those with less salaries as well as those with high salaries.

This brings togetherness in the company where the employees learn to appreciate one another. Most of the employees improves their skills through the a favouring organisation culture.

Literature review

The academy culture helps the company as well as the employees as Black (2003) indicates. The employees stay longer in the company while working until they are a higher rank to work in. This clearly shows that the company has a good environment that holds the employees in. It also benefits the company for they dont incur extra costs for recruiting new employees. The company continues to develop a conducive environment for employees to work in where employees on the other hand gain much out of it for they continue developing more skills.

In Mercedes-Benz company, there is the culture baseball team culture. Here some employees have very high skills in their work (Martin, 2001). They deal with marketing of the companys products. These are the employees who have a freedom of changing their work as they wish. This makes the employees work comfortably because they know in case of any simple violation they will just leave the company and get another job. This makes the company come out strongly and stand by their needs to maintain them. They try competing with other companies so that they cannot loose their employees as proven by Rollinson (2005).

Fortress culture is a culture highly practised at Mercedes-Benz company. This mostly favours employees with specialized skills for they know it is very hard for them to be laid off as Elsmore & Davies (2003) indicates. This makes them work with great confidence hence good work. It also helps them be much comfortable at work. There are also those employees who work under contractual basis.

This culture favours them because they know that they cannot be laid off before the contract is over as indicated by Elsmore & Davies (2003). They also tend to work comfortably which leads to a good work. As usual people working under a contract tend to have a good work because payment comes after the work is assessed and proved to be smart. Those with less skills are the most disadvantaged. They work uncomfortably because they are not sure if they will be stopped or not. This type of culture does not tend to favour employees with less skills.

Sometimes some employers undervalue its employees and this brings about poor performance of the employees. Power culture de-motivates employees. Palmer (2003) states that employees need to be consulted in case of decision make that is done to improve the organisation.

In some departments in Mercedes-Benz company managers make decisions concerning many activities performed in the organisation without consulting the employees about their opinions. This makes them feel undervalued and cuts down their morale for their work. This sometimes lead to high staff turnover which may also not end up benefiting the company itself. Every employee has a right to contribute to the development of the company as indicated by Stephens (2006).

There is a large number of employees in the Mercedes-Benz company with different skills. Every individual have undertaken a different type of course and so they are assigned jobs as per their professions. The role culture has benefited the company as well as the employees as stated by Burnes (2004). This helps the employees to focus on the role assigned to them hence improving their skills. It increases their morale towards work because the work they undertake every day is similar. The work turns out to be easy for them for they face the same problems everyday. This also helps them to identify new ways of tackling problems (Burnes 2004).

In most departments in Mercedes-Benz company, people work as a team. They organise themselves and perform different tasks together as one team. The task culture benefits the employees because they make their own decisions as Montana (2000) states. They choose a leader of their team by themselves who considers their opinions before making any decision. This motivates them so much in their work because no one makes decisions for them.

They decide on what they feels will favour them. The task culture also makes the employees feel valued because they believe that they are the chosen ones to complete a certain task by their own. This leads to benefiting the company because the employees work with a great morale increasing the profitability of the company as indicated by Capon & Disbury (2003). It brings people together and makes them behave as if they belong to one family. They consult one another in case of any help.

Mercedes-Benz company has forward looking culture as proven by West Publishing Company (2003). This culture entails about the company listening to staff and customers and putting their grievances into consideration. It also entails the organisation accepting change as Brooks (2005) indicates. Due to the company learning to accept change it has highly developed. Its employees has also played a part in the development.

The motivating factor of the employees in this company is how the top management listens to them and acts according to their specifications. All aired grievances are acted on hence increasing the employees morale. Employees work hard because they know they have something to gain at the end. Risk taking helps in the development of a company. Only calculated risk is taken for the benefit of the company. A backward looking culture is not practised here because it could lead to the down fall of the company.

Different companies have different dressing codes. Some companies opt their staff to be an official clothing, uniform, dress casually or even have a freedom of dressing. Most employees are affected by the restrictions that some companies make in dressing (Sanford, 2007). For those who dress on uniforms, some of them are not comfortable on them. Some clothes seems to be too buggy or may be tight. Some of them are shorter than the one wearing them and others are very long for some people. This causes discomfort for an employee at work which may also decline his or her performance. In Mercedes-Benz company, the staff seems to be comfortable with the clothing specified for them.

Most of the top management dont seem to relate well with their employees at the lower level. There is no good communication in between them. Those in the top level makes decisions entirely on their own without consulting any other. This does not go well with the rest under him because they have a right to contribute on the development of the company. Sometimes these managers seems to be very rude to their employees and sometimes suck them out of simple mistakes. This culture of communication does not favour mostly the staff at the lower level. It is highly practised in the most departments in the Mercedes-Benz company.

The managers dont talk and hold some discussions with the staff at the lower level. They dont understand what motivates them so that they can implement it to please them. This is quiet dangerous for the company because it is likely for them to loose some employees. Good communication in a company promotes togetherness and it improves motivation of the employees to their work as indicated by Select Knowledge (2005). It also helps the company to ensure that the employees are on the right course.

An employee in any company has a right to his or her needs as indicated by Mathis (2006). There are some basic needs that no employee cant do without. Everyone needs food to give him or energy to perform. The company should ensure that they offer food or give enough money that buy its employee food. Shelter is another factor that no one can do without. Some companies give their employees some allowances that cater for their shelter.

Mercedes-Benz company has proven to a place that many working at because all the basic needs are well taken care of. This has helped them to have many employees hence a lot of work done. Ensuring security of their employees has also highly contributed to their success. Employees health is very important because less one employee less work done. All employees should be insured for the safety of their life. Their finance also need to be secured by opening savings account for them. All this increases the morale of the employees in performing their work effectively.

In Mercedes-Benz company there is an idea of staff having small clubs and sport teams. Most of the employees have engaged themselves with them and this makes them have a sense of belonging. This brings them close to each other and making them feel accepted to the society. Playing together also brings togetherness in the office increasing their working morale. This helps them respect one another hence improving self esteem of the many.

The organisation culture helps the company to achieve its goals. The employees goals and those of the company should be similar so that they all can be working towards the same thing hence benefiting them both. Mercedes-Benz company has learnt that idea to ensure that most of the staff members have a similar goal. An employee should be shown that his or her contribution is of great importance to the company. This motivates the employees and as they work hard to achieve their goals they end up also meeting the companies target. The company also should help the employee in expanding their role and this in turn benefits the company as stated by Palmer (2003).

Mercedes-Benz company has a culture of rewarding their employees out of the work well done Chilton Book Company (2001). If an employee does an outstanding work and he or she is rewarded for that it motivates them. It is also important for a company to regularly hold meeting with its staff to know their motivational factors. This leads to motivating them to work towards the goals of the company.

A company should show its employees that they are recognised by performing some activities. Tools required should be offered and proper encouragement should be given to the employees. They need to be congratulated on every work well done. Recognition also helps them to value each other and sometimes they end up rewarding themselves for the work well done. Lack of recognition de-motivates the employees which leads them to reporting late at work, absent more often and unpleasant behaviours. This may cause the company a great loss that cannot be easily recovered.

A company should give an employee a chance to develop to their fullest potential. Mercedes-Benz company have a culture of giving their employees time to realise themselves and know what they want. The work is entirely assigned to them with nobodys intervention for them to complete. This helps them to realise their potentials and enjoy their work as Stephen (2006) indicates. They can under take several tasks that benefits the company.

Every human being needs time to rest. Leaves and day offs should be granted to the employees for them to rest. When one works continuously without a break leads to boredom of the work. Mercedes-Benz company encourage offs and the leaves for their employees. When one falls sick, he or she is given time to recover from the illness. This makes the employees feel that they are at the right place as stated by Martin (2001). They are also have a medical cover where there medical bills are paid by the organisation. There is also a counsellor who helps those mentally disturbed. They lets them disclose their personal information to them and then advise them accordingly.

Sponsoring the employees in advancing their education is also a factor that motivates them as indicated by Rollinson (2005). Some employees always wish advancing their career but cannot sponsor themselves. This has to be practised by the Mercedes-Benz company to keep their employees in the company and to have highly skilled employees. A company that sponsors even the entire family of an employee motivates the employees. They works hard knowing that they have something to gain after the hard work. Most employees with such kind of treatment are always on time and work as expected of them.

Payment of the salaries is also another factor that retains employees in the organisation as stated by Brown (2002). Everyone goes to work to earn something at the end of the work. To retain an employee the company has to give an admirable salary. No employee can perform a hard task and in return he or she is paid less and continue working in the same company. They feels exploited and undervalued. Mercedes-Benz company is known by giving their workers a good pay in regard with the work done. Every payment is done at every month without delay. This motivates the performance of the staff since they know that they know after every work done there is good payment.

In conclusion an organisation culture is an important factor in a company that helps in the development of the company. An employee is also another important thing in the company that needs to well taken care of. The performance of an employee may lead to development or failure of the company. Every company should have an organisational culture that favours an employee. All their needs should be met by the company. Mercedes-Benz company has its own organisation culture that governs the performance of its staff. Most of them tends to favour their employees.

Some of the employees work freely in a company in that they have every right to change their work as they wish. A base ball team culture helps them to have this freedom. These are the people known for their high skills. There are others with specialized skills who cannot easily be laid off by the company. They are of a high benefit to the company and are supported by the fortress culture. This culture also supports those working under a contract for they cannot be laid off before the contract is over. This leads to motivation of the employees who are favoured by this culture.

Every individual needs to be valued and recognised. Employees do not like a place where the employer makes all the decisions without consulting the staff. They also needs to feel recognised appreciated by making decisions of the company. Te power culture makes the employees feel undervalued. The role culture on the other hand helps the employees to improve their skills. An employee is given work in the field he or she ha trained on. This highly motivates the employees because they deal with what they are conversant of. Employees working in a team increases their morale of working. The task culture helps the employees to work as one team. They make consultations among themselves and then work hard towards the set goals. This motivates the employees hence the benefit of the company.

Comfortability of an employee at work motivates them in their work. There so many areas that an employer should look at to make an employee comfortable. If the company operates in employees dressing on uniforms the company should ensure that they fit in to their bodies and that they are comfortable in them. This is an area the Mercedes-Benz company has made its staff comfortable in. There should be good communication among the staff themselves and from the employer to his employees. This makes the employees feel respected and this also leads to the development of the company because the employees work comfortably.

Employee have a right to their needs being met. If the basic needs are not settled no employee will have a morale for the work. There are things like the clubs and the sport team that should be implemented in an organisation to improve the employees morale. Working in team brings about togetherness and the employees encouraging each other. Employees should also be given a chance to show their potentials. This makes them work hard to achieve their goals as well as advancing their skills.

Rewarding the employees for the work well done encourages them to work harder. Mercedes-Benz company have incentives that are given to the individuals whose work is recommendable. This has been proven in the company to be one of the ideas that have helped the company to grow since the employees work hard to be rewarded. The company also should help the employees in achieving their goals. If all this is practised all the employees will be willing to work in the company and perform as per the expectations.


Black R. 2003, Creating Influence Needed for Strategic Success, Universal-Publishers, Cambridge.

Brooks I. 2005, Organisational culture, Financial Times Prentice Hall, London.

Brown A. 2002, Organisation Culture, financial times pitman, London.

Burnes B. 2004, A Strategic Approach to Organisational Dynamics, Prentice Hall, Dudley.

Capon C. & Disbury A. 2003, Organisational Culture, FT Prentice Hall, Perth

Chattopadhyay G.P 2007, Organisational Culture:Cultural Roots, Discovery Pub, Hebrides.

Chilton Book Company, 2001, Mercedes-Benz, Chilton Book Co. Oxford.

Dekkers R. 2005, Organisation Culture, Springer, Cardiff.

Elsmore P. & Davies H. 2003, Performance and Organisational Culture, Radcliffe publishing, North scotland.

Martin L. 2001, Organisational Change, Ashgate publishing, Oxford.

Mathis R.L. 2006, Human Resource Management, Thomson South-Western, Rutland.

Montana J.P. 2000, Management, Barrons Educational Series, Newburry.

Palmer I. 2003, Organizational Management, Sage Publications, Scilly.

Rollinson D. 2005, Organsational Behaviour, Prentice Hall Financial Times, London.

Sanford A.C. 2007, Human Relations, Merrill, London.

Seldi D. 2005, Organisational Identity And Self-transformation, Ashgate publishing, Oxford.

Select Knowledge 2005, Modern Organisational Culture, select knowledge limited, Brighton.

Stephens D.C. 2006, Business, John Willy and Sons, Brighton.

West Publishing Company, 2003, Mercedes-Benz Company, West Publishing, London.

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