Policies Related to Family Presence During Resuscitation

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Policies Related to Family Presence During Resuscitation


This paper is aimed to provide a critique of a selected research article that is devoted to a relevant topic in the nursing filed. It is going to reflect on the following sections: 1) the research problem and purpose, 2) the review of the literature, 3) the theoretical framework, 4) the variables, hypotheses, questions, and assumptions, 5) the methodology, 6) the data analysis, 7) the summary and conclusions, and 8) the implications and recommendations. Besides, it is going to evaluate the paper and its application in the current nursing practice.

Critique of the Selected Article

Research Problem and Purpose

The article Nursing Practices and Policies Related to Family Presence during Resuscitation by Powers and Candela is devoted to one of the most topical issues which have existed in the modern critical care nursing practice (Powers & Candela, 2017). The family presence during resuscitation, or FPDR, has become rather popular among patients and their relatives recently.

However, regardless of its demonstrated advantages, the situation when the relatives are present in the ward in the course of resuscitation appears to be a matter that has not been treated univocally by medical staff and, especially, nurses. Therefore, the procedure is not accomplished on a regular basis. This situation constitutes the research problem. It is possible to admit that the investigators have managed to place the matter within the context of existing knowledge. Apart from that, they have succeeded in attempting to solve a problem that is related to nursing. The paper under consideration has had a purpose of giving a description of FPDR and discussing it from the viewpoint of nurses. Besides, it has pointed out the necessity to teach nurses how to organize FPDR.

Review of the Literature

The authors of the article have provided a detailed review of the literature that is devoted to the selected topic. It is important to note that the review contains the information and ideas that are to the point and reveal the issue in a sophisticated detailed way. What is more, all the references are current since the topic appears to be relevant and requires the research that corresponds to the present-day situation. Despite this, the review demonstrates how the problem has arisen and discusses the suggested ways of its solution. On the whole, the review of the literature can be defined as profound.

Theoretical Framework

The theoretical concepts are defined and related to the research. However, the research does not apply only nursing theory but it also uses some psychological theories. The theoretical framework is stated.

Variables, Hypotheses, Questions, and Assumptions

The independent variables are nurses. The dependent variables are their experience in relation to FPDR. The operational definitions of the variables have been provided. They are measurable. The research question has been aimed to find out how many nurses under investigation appear to have any experience, which is connected with FPDR. Due to the fact that the result has been expected to be unpredictable, no hypothesis has been put forward.


When it comes to methodology, it is important to note that this is a descriptive design that has been used in this study (Johnson, 2015). The researchers have used a deductive reasoning in the study. The sample has involved 124 nurses into a survey. It has included 25 questions that are related to the topic and touch both personal and professional sides of the issue. The researched have applied non-probability samples. Hence, the information has been obtained from 124 critical care nurses who have participated in a survey, which has contained 25 questions. Since the research has been undertaken on a national scale, and it demonstrates the results of the past year, it is possible to accept its reliability.

As for the ethical considerations, they were taken into account, namely the feelings of patients, relatives, and nurses. Since nurses are professionals, they are expected to behave in a tactful polite way so as not to hurt the patients and their familys feelings. This is what should be included in the FPDR education, in accordance with the authors.

The researchers have used a deductive reasoning in the study (Wakler, 2017). The sample has involved 124 nurses into a survey. It has included 25 questions, which are related to the topic and touch both personal and professional sides of the issue. The researched have applied non-probability samples.

Data Analysis

The data analysis tool that has been used is the calculation and analysis of the answers in the survey. The quantitative data has been provided. The survey has revealed how many nurses have had a FDPR experience. It does not happen to be common for everyone, for example, 23 percent of nurses have never faced any situations, which involves FDPR, whereas 32 percent of nurses have never been taught how to behave in such situations.

Summary, Conclusions, Implications, and Recommendations

The major strength of the research is that it considers the topic that is relevant and does not have a univocal attitude to. However, the study has taken into account only 124 nurses. Despite the fact they work in different hospitals, the number is not as significant as it might be expected to have been. Therefore, the limitation is as follows: generalizing to other populations does not seem possible since different nurses might have various working experiences. However, the findings and conclusions are important because they demonstrate the necessity to work out the policy of FPDR, as well as the program to teach the principle FPDR to nurses. Hence, the research is useful.


In conclusion, it is important to point that this paper has provided a critique of a selected research article that is devoted to a relevant topic in the nursing filed. It has reflected on the following sections: 1) the research problem, or purpose, 2) the review of the literature, 3) the theoretical framework, 4) the variables, hypotheses, questions, and assumptions, 5) the methodology, 6) the data analysis, 7) the summary, or conclusions, and 8) the implications and recommendations. Besides, it is has evaluated the paper and its application in the nursing practice and found it a valuable article for the further research in the topic.


Johnson, K. (2015). Research in nursing. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Powers, K., & Candela, L. (2017). Nursing practices and policies related to family presence during resuscitation. Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing, 37(1), 53-59.

Wakler, Z. (2017). Advanced nursing research: Scope and standards. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

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