Different Theorists Impact on Healthcare

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Different Theorists Impact on Healthcare


Nursing theories are powerful concepts that are combined to guide a given medical practice. The targeted project seeks to examine how theoretical concepts can be implemented to improve healthcare delivery. This paper gives a detailed analysis of two middle-range scholars and one non-nursing theorist. The major concepts presented by each theorist will also be presented.

Nursing Theories

Middle Range Theorists: Rationale

The first mid-range theorist is Madeline Leininger. As a pioneer nurse, the professional focused on the unique health needs of individuals from different backgrounds. She came up with the Transcultural Nursing Theory. The model encourages practitioners to embrace various acts or decisions that can be used to deliver culturally competent care (Prosen, 2015). A persons beliefs should be considered to offer quality care. The rationale for selecting the theorist is that peoples cultural attributes and values dictate their health outcomes. Her concepts and views will be used to support the final project.

The second theorist is Larry Purnell. The scholar argues that practitioners should focus on the needs of multicultural societies. The theorist goes further to embrace the power of cultural competence to care delivery. The theorist has been selected he presents evidence-based concepts and ideas that can empower nurses to develop powerful care delivery models (Abitz, 2016). Since nurses come from diverse backgrounds, they can use the theorists ideas to meet their patients needs.

Non-Nursing Theorist: Rationale

The identified non-nursing theorist for this discussion is Kurt Lewin. Although most of his ideas revolve around organizational change, it is agreeable nurses can borrow a lot from his theory to improve patients health outcomes. The theorist developed a powerful change model of refreeze-change-freeze (Batras, Duff, & Smith, 2016). The theory has been applied in different healthcare settings to improve performance. The rationale for this choice is that evidence-based practices can be implemented using a powerful change model.


Leininger offers powerful concepts that can influence healthcare practice. For instance, cultural competence is a critical attribute of nursing. Caregivers should also have adequate cultural and religious knowledge (Prosen, 2015). Traditional and alternative medicines can be combined to improve care delivery. Intercultural communication is also appropriate in every healthcare setting.

Purnell presents several concepts that support his views or ideas. Culture focuses on the values, arts, and behaviors of a given population. Cultural awareness is peoples ability to appreciate the differences existing between every two groups (Abitz, 2016). Cultural sensitivity is embracing things that might not offend others. Such attributes result in cultural competence. This is the capability to exhibit the highest level of knowledge, support others, and develop powerful plans for meeting patients health needs.

Kurt Lewin is associated with various concepts that support every change process. The first one is the driving forces. These are issues that cause or facilitate change. Restraining forces are concerns that can affect the targeted change process negatively. Equilibrium is a state whereby restraining and driving forces appear to balance (Batras et al., 2016). The developed scenario makes it impossible to have meaningful change.

Application in Nursing Practice

Kurt Lewins change theory can make it easier for me to improve the quality of services available in my practice area. The theory can be used to identify areas that should be transformed to improve service delivery. The model can encourage my followers to embrace the proposed action plan (Batras et al., 2016). This will be followed by implementing the required change. A good example is introducing new concepts such as teamwork. The approach will ensure my unit meets the changing health needs of its patients.


Abitz, T. L. (2016). Cultural congruence and infusion nursing practice. Journal of Infusion Nursing, 39(2), 75-79. Web.

Batras, D., Duff, C., & Smith, B. J. (2016). Organizational change theory: Implications for health promotion practice. Health Promotion International, 31(1), 231-241. Web.

Prosen, M. (2015). Introducing transcultural nursing education: Implementation of transcultural nursing in the postgraduate nursing curriculum. Procedia  Social and Behavioral Sciences, 174, 149-155. Web.

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