The Nature Conservancy Problems

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The Nature Conservancy Problems


The Nature Conservancy (TNC) is a non-profit organization in America. It has done well in many respects. However, the organization had a problem in achieving its mission. This mission statement focuses on the preservation of plants, animals, and any other part of nature that enhances sustainability on earth. Attainment of goals set by an organization is a classic element of management. The kind of management principle in place influences TNCs effectiveness in achieving its mission. An organization that is able to achieve its mission requires visionary management. This kind of management has to be anchored in classic principles that are essential for desirable results. Integration is part of the change that has to be constituted for the success of an organization. Changes that an organization introduces to achieve objectives have to carefully take the role of human resource management into consideration.

Problems of The Nature Conservancy and the Principles of Classical Management or Forms of Differentiation and Integration

Problems that occurred at The Nature Conservancy (TNC) in certain periods of its life are an indicator that the systems approach theory to management was not implemented in the company. In this theory, the organization is compared to a system that is organic and open. There are other sub-systems within the systems approach theory. When John Sawhill took over, TNC consisted of the state programs, the national office, and (later on) International conservancies. These three were the organizations sub-systems. The problem was caused by managerial inadequacies. Management failed to achieve the organizations mission. Each state program had a different priority compared to one another. Different priorities hindered the organization from achieving its mission. The programs had different ways of attaining priorities that they set for themselves. TNC had another aspect of operations that resembled the systems theory of management. However, it was poorly executed in an attempt to achieve the organizations missions.

The organization had operations outside America. Domestic and international operations were not linked in any way. This presented a problem to The National Conservancys international operations. Funds raised by the organization from America could only be used in the conservation of the American soil. Almost all the funds received by the organization are raised in America. The percentage is approximately 90% of the money raised. This meant that the international aspect of the conservation of this organization had to fail because of limited funds. As a result of the international conservancy failure, TNC failed to achieve its mission. Most of the endangered species and habitats are in other countries. TNC International is an important section that has to be in operation for the organization to achieve its mission. This can only be achieved if the systems approach theory is implemented accordingly. In his scientific theory of management, Fredric Taylor came up with performance standards. He compared the achievements of each worker with a given set of resources. The worker with an impressive output was considered efficient. Steve McCormick considered TNC International to be more efficient in achieving its mission through the organizations International arm.

Changes Made by Sawhill or McCormick and the Principles of Classical Management and Integration

Sawhill made certain changes to the way TNC was managed. He was wary of the decentralized structure. Conservation by Design (CBD) was a change he initiated to all state programs. Sawhill initiated changes that led to the revision of the organizations missions, strategies, and vision. The areas of these sub-sub systems (with respect to systems theory) were supposed to be akin to the national office in Virginia. Sawhill made the first steps in ensuring there was interdependence in the quest for realization of a common mission. This resulted in the integration of the various sub-systems that make up the TNC organization. McCormick came up with an initiative to change the way TNC operated for the benefit of achieving its mission.

He changed the way new sub-systems, which are the conservation regions and operations units, depended on each other. McCormick made TNC International operate at the same level as the American programs at home. A move like this is an important part of the systems theory. These two changes enabled the integration of TNC to tackle the challenges it faced in achieving its obligations. Francis Taylors theory of scientific management is evident in some of the changes that McCormick made to TNC. An example is the deployment of international staff that is based in America to stations in the countries that run TNA programs. The management strategy employs one of the concepts in the Performance Standards theory. A large percentage of endangered species and habitats are found in these countries, and the staff moved to these programs is more productive there.

Ways that Changes Move TNC in the Direction of Being a More Mechanistic or Organic Organization

The management changes made by the two Chief Executive Officers had an impact on the human resource of the organization. Sawhill carried out changes that were more organic in nature. He involved the people who worked in the company in the formulation of changes that worked for the company. This resulted in limited resistance to changes executed in TNC. The organization had employees who were psychologically comfortable at work. This is different from the way McCormick undertook the change he desired for TNC. McCormick brought people from other organizations to generate ideas on how he could integrate TNC for the purpose of achieving its mission. He used structured questions in seeking the opinion of staff members in the company. This implies their opinions were not part of this integration. The two Executive Officers handled a similar situation differently. The staff at TNC was egoistic, and could not be satisfied easily in an organizational setting. Sawhill realized this need and chose to satisfy it, while McCormick did not consider it in his decision. The result is an organic organization at the time Sawhill was at the helm and a mechanistic one in the era of McCormick.

Organizations encounter many challenges in ensuring that they remain on course towards the achievement of their missions. Any organization has to employ many aspects of classical management theories to ensure that they are effective. Among these theories is the systems approach theory which is an important tool. It integrates an organization that seeks to synergize different sub-systems. The other theory is Francis Taylors theory of scientific management. It is used for measuring the efficiency of an organization. These theories when utilized well assist managers in leading their organizations for the achievement of the missions and objectives. Changes made in the management styles and structures of companies are sensitive and need to be handled carefully. The staff working for the company plays an important part in implementing this change, and their opinion on the planned change should be considered. Management is able to avoid resistance to this change by satisfying the ego of employees. Managing an organization has a human aspect that is mostly ignored, but that has a significant bearing on the success of the organization in achieving its objectives.

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