How to Prevent Acid Rain? Essay

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How to Prevent Acid Rain? Essay

Acid rain  words which we often read in books and hear in news, is a phenomena towards which we contribute directly or indirectly. As the name suggests, is precipitation made extremely acidic by atmospheric pollutants which causes harm to the flora, fauna and infrastructure. Acid rain contains elevated levels of hydrogen ions produces as a result of interaction between sulfur dioxide or nitrogen oxides with water.

In order to find remedies to this problem, we must delve deep and identify the causes at the grass-root level. The causes of acid rain include both natural and man-made activities. Volcanic eruptions and rotting vegetation are some of the natural causes of acid precipitation. However, burning of fossil fuels for electricity generation, running of industries and automobiles feature massively in the man-made activities causing acid rain.

Prevention Steps to Prevent Acid Rain can be taken as following levels.

  • Individual
  • National
  • Global levels

Individual Level Prevention Steps to Prevent Acid Rain

As individuals, we can contribute our share by conserving energy, seeking alternative mode of transport and alternative fuels. Its time we take energy conservation advertisements seriously. Switching off electric appliances when not in use, giving natural cooling methods preference over air conditioning systems, adopting a more nature-friendly lifestyle may prove to be helpful. Instead of taking cars, buses, bikes, etc. we can switch over to green ways of transportation. Cycling or walking our way to workplace or places of local need, carpooling and opting for vehicles which produce reduced emission of atmospheric pollutants, can actually be indeed helpful. Apart from this, switching over to solar powered appliances, utilizing hydraulic energy wherever possible and putting to use other forms of energy (wind, nuclear, etc.) to maximum potency rather than relying on fossil fuel will help prevent this predicament.

National Level Prevention Steps to Prevent Acid Rain

On a national basis, the ruling bodies of various nations can pass laws and enforces them. For e.g., the Clean Air Act Amendment of 1990 enforced in the United States puts a cap on the sulfur dioxide emissions Steps to convert all auto-rickshaws and taxis to CNG-operated ones in metro cities has been taken up by the Government of India. The Eastern Canada Acid Rain Program 1985 is also a similar initiative undertaken by the Canadian Government to curb sulfur dioxide emissions and to prevent acid rain. More awareness programs, campaigns, utilization of media to spread this awareness must be done so as to direct peoples attention to this ever-increasing trouble should be done. As trees have been a major healer for almost all environmental issues, planting of trees campaign must be undertaken.

Global Level Prevention Steps to Prevent Acid Rain

On a global basis, the various conferences and summits organized by the UN, must enforce protocols to be binding for all the member nations to curb sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides emission.It is the best steps taken by UN to prevent acid rain.

Conclusion on Steps to Prevent Acid Rain

On a whole, the choice depends upon us whether we want to make our future safe and green or face perilous consequences of acid rain. The two primary sources of acid rain is sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide. Automobiles are the main source of nitrogen oxide emissions, and utility factories are the main source for sulfur dioxide emissions. These gases evaporate into the atmosphere and then oxidized in clouds to form nitric or nitrous acid and sulfuric acid. When these acids fall back to the earth they do not cause damage to just the environment but also to human health. Acid rain kills plant life and destroys life in lakes and ponds. The pollutants in acid rain causes problem in human respiratory systems. The pollutants attack humans indirectly through the foods they consumed. They effected human health directly when humans inhale the pollutants. Governments have passed laws to reduce emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide, but it is no use unless people start to work together in stopping the release of these pollutants. If the acid rain destroys our environment, eventually it will destroy us as well.

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