Category: We take time to understand each others needs and concerns in each new situation</td


  1. Average value on INSTITUTE Commitment = 2.3
  2. 57% think we are not committed.
  3. Accuracy compounded to average 0.90 or 90% from total response.

Feeling Trust

# Answer Instituten Value Max Value Average Value Standard Deviation Responses
1 Team members are brave enough to openly admit their weaknesses and mistakes 1.00 4.00 2.15 0.95 104
2 When team members say or do something inappropriate or possibly damaging

everyone leaves confident of remaining committed to one decision 1.00 4.00 2.41 0.93 110 7 We speak up and commit to what we each need to do to implement the decisions 1.00 4.00 2.54 0.95 110 Analysis Average value on INSTITUTE Commitment = 2.3 57% think we are not committed. Accuracy compounded to average 0.90…