Category: 20th Century

  • The Beatles as One of the Most Famous Bands of the 20th Century

    The Beatles as One of the Most Famous Bands of the 20th Century Introduction One of the greatest notorious groups during the 20th century were the Beatles because they revolutionized rock and rock as to how we know it today. Not only were they known to be talented musicians, but they also wrote and composed…

  • Reflection on New Concept of Cities of the 20th Century in Dos Passos’ Novel ‘Manhattan Transfer’

    Reflection on New Concept of Cities of the 20th Century in Dos Passos’ Novel ‘Manhattan Transfer’ In the twentieth century, the Old Continent was marked by the effects that the First and Second Global Wars had brought on it. Poverty, destruction, technological and cultural backwardness were concepts which hit the mind of Europeans who believed…

  • Death Penalty from Ancient Era To Twentieth Century

    Death Penalty from Ancient Era To Twentieth Century Capital punishment, moreover referred to as the dying penalty, is a government-sanctioned exercise whereby a person is placed to death with the resource of the nation as a punishment for a crime. The sentence ordering that someone be punished in such a manner is known as a…

  • Is the Music Industry Corrupt?

    Is the Music Industry Corrupt? Music is seen and heard anywhere and everywhere in the world. It is rooted deep into cultures, families, online, and even at peoples very own fingertips. For some, music has even made its way into their careers. In 2019, there have been more upcoming artists than ever before and the…

  • Civil Rights Movement as the Most Influential Movement in the 20th Century

    Civil Rights Movement as the Most Influential Movement in the 20th Century There were many rapid changes in America in the 20th century, some of which shaped entire generations. One of the major historical events that had a significant impact on how Americans redefined themselves during that century is the Civil Rights Movement. Minorities, specifically…

  • Essay about the United Nations at the End of the 20th Century

    Essay about the United Nations at the End of the 20th Century The United Nations came into existence as a result of the worst war known to man, World War II. Around 85 million people died during the course of World War II. That is nearly 3% of the 1940 world population. The creation of…

  • Essay on African American Women Writers in 20th Century

    Essay on African American Women Writers in 20th Century African American women authors have become dominant forces in creating and contributing to the larger tradition after many decades of being virtually silenced by outright neglect from publishers who considered them irrelevant. As with so much literature by and about women, that silence has been broken,…

  • The Features Of 20th Century Biotechnology

    The Features Of 20th Century Biotechnology INTRODUCTION The 20th century, the first things to cross ones mind when the word is given is certainly not anything concerning advanced technology nor world changing biotechnology. The technology might have been below average at the time but a lot of the worlds most important biotechnological advancements were discovered…

  • World War One: A 20th Century Conflict

    World War One: A 20th Century Conflict War has been a part of the world since the dawn of time and continues to be at war for a number of reasons, however, wars of today are very different from a war fought in the 17th century. The change in strategy over time directly correlates to…

  • Global Warming In The 20th Century

    Global Warming In The 20th Century Throughout the centuries of human exploration in the Arctic, the Arctic encompasses sea ice throughout the entire year up to the last few decades. However, satellite observations indicate that the extent, thickness, and volume of Arctic sea ice has declined since 1979. The average extent of the Arctic sea…