Category: Aboriginal Rights

  • Rights of Aboriginal People and Vision of Just Society in Canada: Analytical Essay

    Rights of Aboriginal People and Vision of Just Society in Canada: Analytical Essay In Canada, during the 1968 election, Pierre Trudeau campaigned his vision of a ‘just society.’ He was known for defining what his version of a ‘just society was. He envisioned a society where every Canadian had a reasonable standard of living and…

  • The Aspects of Aboriginal Obesity

    The Aspects of Aboriginal Obesity Health in our modern society is highly dependent upon occupation, income and wealth which determine socioeconomic position. Higher incomes support access to a wider variety of goods and services that are beneficial to an individuals health, such as quality food and housing, greater health care options, and activities that promote…

  • Aboriginal Mental Health And Suicide

    Aboriginal Mental Health And Suicide Aboriginal individuals represent 2.5% of the whole population in Australia. An ongoing survey of community uncovers that crosswise over seven reviews, indigenous grown-ups perceived to have more self-announced mental illness as opposed to non-indigenous individuals. Also, information on passing from 2001 to 2010 regarding suicide have demonstrated to be twofold…

  • Aboriginal Rights, Then and Now: Analysis of Boer War

    Aboriginal Rights, Then and Now: Analysis of Boer War Aboriginal rights have drastically changed over the past century from the 20th-21th century. Things have gone from The Stolen Generation, soldiers being denied the right to return home and Women getting abused in the workplace to today where women can work any job, men getting recognized…

  • Why Governments Need to Recognize Indigenous People and Ethnic Minorities

    Why Governments Need to Recognize Indigenous People and Ethnic Minorities In the study of political science which I am very much acquainted with, indigenous groups and ethnic minorities are often discussed in periphery especially when it comes to topics of state-building or power structures. These groups are commonly seen as mere subjects of political changes…