Category: Abuse

  • Consequences Of Child Abuse And Effective Prevention Strategies

    Consequences Of Child Abuse And Effective Prevention Strategies Child abuse refers to the maltreatment of a child by the parent or caregiver. It could also include neglect and might be physical, psychological, or sexual. Here, the parent or caregiver might fail to act causing actual and perceived harm to the kid. Abuse can occur at…

  • Child Abuse And Neglect: Violence Prevention

    Child Abuse And Neglect: Violence Prevention The abuse and neglect of children is something that, I have been aware of from an early age. While I may not have been able to discern or articulate it in legal terms; I was aware of what appeared to be right and or wrong at face value. Having…

  • Is Suicide Completely Avoidable

    Is Suicide Completely Avoidable Did you know that roughly 47,100 deaths occurred by suicide in the US in 2017, due to the underlying depression? Many of these deaths were influenced by alcohol or drug abuse. Substance abuse can fill a person’s mind with negative thoughts and the feeling of loneliness, which in return, puts them…

  • Why To Treat Domestic Violence As If Its Happening To You

    Why To Treat Domestic Violence As If Its Happening To You Picture this, youre 16 and in an extremely abusive relationship. It was mentally, physically, verbally, and sexually abusive. You finally manage to get out but it doesnt end. Youre stalked and threatened constantly so you go and do something about it. You show the…

  • Short Essay on Harassment

    Short Essay on Harassment Harassment is a pervasive problem that affects individuals in various settings, including workplaces, schools, and public spaces. It is a form of unwanted behavior that is often repetitive, intimidating, and threatening. This informative essay aims to shed light on the nature of harassment, its impact on individuals and communities, and strategies…

  • Essay on Effects of Social Media Addiction

    Essay on Effects of Social Media Addiction Social media are not entirely good, there are so many threats caused by it. As time goes on, more and more people become dependent on the internet. They use the internet as the main means of their social interactions such as chatting with friends, documenting their lives, playing…

  • Elderly Abuse And Laws Against It In New Zealand

    Elderly Abuse And Laws Against It In New Zealand Vulnerable populations and abuse include the economically challenge, racial and ethnic minorities, individual who has a lacking insurance, low-income individuals, the elderly, the homeless and those with other health conditions, including severe mental illness. It may also include rural residents or barbaric places, who often encounter…

  • Causes And Results Of Domestic Abuse

    Causes And Results Of Domestic Abuse Most people would describe Domestic Abuse as violent and threatening behaviour towards a spouse or partner which could be physical or mental. However, it could also have an effect on other people in the family including children, and it can also be done by a family member or carer.…

  • Child Abuse And Its Effects On Society

    Child Abuse And Its Effects On Society Introduction Being a survivor of child abuse I know its a problem, its affected my in so many ways, I am still suffering from it today. However, I am curious to know how child abuse effect society. One of the reasons I am so interested in this topic…

  • Domestic Abuse: Why An Intersectional Lens Is Needed In The Battered Women Movement

    Domestic Abuse: Why An Intersectional Lens Is Needed In The Battered Women Movement Domestic abuse has been traditionally thought of as a universal issue focusing on the primacy of gender as a factor and as such effects all women equally and that the experiences of battered women are similar no matter despite differences in race,…